Proficiency: Cultivated 10 Million Times

Chapter 211: top of the human race

After the thunder, Wang Yu descended with the breath of heaven and man.

Standing in the sky, the power is extremely strong.

"Teacher, have you broken through the realm of heaven and man?!" Zizhu Tianren half-opened his mouth, full of shock.

Although Wang Yu had previously announced to them the progress of his cultivation, he was hitting the realm of heaven and man.

But being told and seeing with your own eyes are two different things.

It is an incredible achievement to have cultivated into the realm of heaven and man at such a young age.

Looking at history, several of their human races are the highest, which one has not experienced thousands of years of cultivation, just achieved the Dao and stood at the peak.

As for Wang Yu's cultivation time, they didn't even have a fraction of them, but he was able to equalize the progress of their cultivation, which really made people speechless.

"Well, I just completed the breakthrough, I never thought that the situation here is so critical." Wang Yu nodded and replied.

"It's just..." Zizhu Tianren hesitated and asked in a deep voice, "Are you sure?"

All the god-level lion eagles in front of him had already descended on the mine star, and he was worried that even if he added Wang Yu, a new celestial being, he would not be able to turn the tide and reverse the disadvantage.

Instead, Wang Yu was in danger.

Wang Yu's cultivation aptitude is extremely rare in the history of the human race. If it were to fall, it would be a huge loss for the entire human race.

"Don't worry, you have a great grasp." Wang Yu smiled lightly.

"New reinforcements?" On the other side, the god-level lion eagles all focused their attention on Wang Yu. I didn't expect that the human race would have other helpers.

"It can be confirmed, it is also god-level!"

"Don't worry, it can be solved."

"It's enough for the two of us to deal with it!"

"Okay, I'll leave it to you!"

There was a quick communication between the lion statues. The two god-level lion statues who had besieged Zizhu Tianren previously locked their breath on Wang Yu again.

Obviously they wanted to deal with him. As for the seriously injured Zizhu Heavenly Man, it was already at the end of the fight, and they didn't take it seriously anymore.

"Hurry up and finish." Wang Yu whispered to himself.

Now that he is in place, he doesn't want to delay the war for too long.

Qi and blood were surging all over the body, the golden blood in the body was hot, and then it was hot!

The **** aura of the whole body emerged, and it spread to dozens of meters around the body in an instant!

It made Wang Yu look like a demon who came to the world.

Compared to the other lion-carved alien whose physical strength is the longest, his physical strength seems to make people feel more intense heart palpitations at this moment.

It seems like a huge volcano containing infinite energy and heat, and it is about to erupt at the touch of a touch!

The casting of the celestial body is complementary to the immortal body created by Wang Yu's own body refining.

The superposition of the related characteristics of the two has brought his physical body to a new height, far exceeding the ordinary single-day human body.

Putting one hand on the hilt of the starry sword around his waist, he took a deep breath.

The surrounding energy immediately rushed towards his mouth and nose.

The battle state is on!

The golden blood circulation in the body accelerated, and the blood on the body surface was even worse!

Then, a large amount of liquid purple thunder light condensed on his body surface, and the air was dull like a thundering tiger roaring in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, the cyan turbulent wind condensed from the soles of the feet, and spread all over the body in an instant, turning into bursts of violent waves, tearing the air like a dragon's roar.

The Body of Wind and Thunder: Heaven and Human Edition!

When I stepped on my feet, the thunder roared like a heavy drum.

Leiyin Movement: Heaven and Human Edition!

When Wang Yu stepped into the realm of heaven and man, the way of nature inherited from Zizhu's lineage also tended to be complete.

The tactics in it can also show their true full power accordingly.


Wang Yu swept through a gust of wind, and the thunder and fire intertwined repeatedly on his body, breaking through the layers of air barriers, and in an instant he arrived in front of one of the god-level lion sculptures that besieged Zizhu Tianren.

With one sword cut, the six-colored swords suddenly appeared.

This is the result of the completeness of the way of nature and the complete explosion of the six bridges of elements in the body.

The six kinds of natural true meanings are integrated into the blade and displayed.

This has been shown several times in the hands of the master Zizhu before.

But there has never been such power as Wang Yu's outburst.

The immortal body is superimposed on the body of heaven and man, and under the blessing of the absolute power of the flesh, this is Wang Yu's current supreme sword after five years of deep-sea hard work!

The blade body has changed from bright white to six colors, and the incomparable blade Qi directly engulfed the two god-level lion eagles.

Because Wang Yu's sudden explosion was so fast that even a god-level existence stronger than them couldn't react at all.

With just this knife, the space was torn apart, and the energy rolled back and broke through the sky, turning into a rainbow light and erecting above the clouds.

The mountain rock a kilometer away was slashed by this knife, and the entire mountain top of the mine, which had been standing tall for an unknown number of years, was directly chopped down horizontally.

Everyone who saw it was dumbfounded.

In the field, there were two god-level lion eagles who had endured Wang Yu's sword.

The god-level lion eagle who was a little further away rushed out of the range shrouded by the sword light, and his appearance was extremely bleak.

A pair of broken wings, only a few skeletons remain, one arm and one leg, and almost half of the body has disappeared.

The blood was surging, the breath was weak, and he was seriously injured.

The sword light disappeared, and the body of another god-level lion sculpture was divided into two parts from the chest, and it fell into two pieces and fell from the air.



Han Yang and the other Wufeng Peak Masters looked terrified.

They were shocked by the terrifying power of the sword that just bloomed, and then they became surprised when they saw the fall of the god-level lion eagle.

The sudden appearance of reinforcements is really strong!

"How did this kid come out of his cultivation..." Among the northern barbarians, some of the elders of the older generation just felt that it was an eye-opener. They didn't have much interaction with Wang Yu, and I wondered how Wang Yu could grow to this point. .

Wang Yu only stabbed the two previously powerful god-level lion eagles, one died and the other was seriously injured!

The Zizhu Tianren in the back was simply beyond gratified.

He believes that Wang Yu has brought the power of the way of nature to a new level.

It's a level that his old master can't reach at present!

There is no way, Wang Yu has almost completed his proficiency in the way of nature, and his level is infinitely close to perfection.

Not to mention that Zizhu Heaven and Human are incomparable, even the person who created this set of inheritance exercises may not have been as meticulous and thorough as Wang Yu mastered it back then!

"Cough, good boy! Strong!" Shen Wu reluctantly stood up, his eyes glowing.

The appearance of Wang Yu gave him hope again.

The human race has been saved...

The human race is exciting, but looking at the alien lion sculpture, it is as uncomfortable as eating shit.

"What's the situation?!"

This alien race must be too strong!

It's like a close game match, suddenly rushing in, someone who is open and kills in one shot.

How does this make them play?

The rest of the god-level lion sculptures became impatient in their hearts.

However, Wang Yu didn't care what others thought, the figure swept out again and turned into an afterimage.

Suddenly it fell to the ground.

Lightning flashed all over the body, and the endless gust of wind followed wherever it went.

Behind him are Gu Youying and the seriously injured witch.

Gu Youying stared blankly at Wang Yu and uttered two words softly.


"What?" Wang Yu wondered, the little girl couldn't say three words when she spoke.


"Oh, this is the result of my hard work every day." Wang Yu roughly understood what the girl meant and replied casually.

Gu Youying pursed her lips and didn't ask any more questions.

Wang Yu immediately set off and rushed towards the god-level lion sculpture in front of him.

The lion statue seemed to be frightened by Wang Yu, and fluttered its wings quickly before trying to escape.

However, Wang Yu was faster than him, and his left hand grabbed the lion's eagle's paw just in the air.

The arm exerted force and slammed the opponent back to the ground.

"Do not……"

Wang Yu had an expressionless face, and raised the Fanxing Saber, like an executioner in the same execution.

After slashing several knives in a row, the opponent only parried for a few seconds before being directly beheaded by Wang Yu, and finally beheaded to death.


Seeing Wang Yu beheading his companions so quickly, the remaining god-level lion eagles couldn't even rescue them, so he couldn't help but panic a little and wanted to escape back to the insect gate again.

However, Wang Yu saw the other party's mind. Even though they had lost their will to fight, he didn't want to let go of these savage alien races.

He wants to completely solve the hidden dangers of this human race!

Before a god-level lion eagle could get into the worm gate, he was slashed by Wang Yu who was chasing after him.

The rest of the god-level lion carvings swept away their minds. Seeing Wang Yu's posture near the insect gate, it was not clear that the other party wanted to kill them all.

This battle is a death battle!

A divine light suddenly appeared in Wang Yu's eyes, and Hengdao immediately stood in front of the insect gate, killing intent boiling.

For a moment, no one dared to approach him again.

The situation in the field was also reversed on two levels because of Wang Yu's appearance.

Seeing that no one was approaching, Wang Yu didn't waste any time and took the initiative to attack again.

The six-color saber qi traversed the sky and became the most dazzling color on this battlefield.

In terms of physical strength, the god-level lion eagle has no advantage in front of Wang Yu, let alone the gap in the secret of warfare.

They couldn't resist the knife in Wang Yu's hand at all.

This is the terrifying combat power that Wang Yu possesses after being promoted to the Heaven and Human Realm.

In the same realm slaughter, he has always been able to...

This battle was so dark that the mine star where it was located seemed to have been washed away by nuclear bombs. It was devastated and looked even more desolate.


The lion eagle tried his best to let out his final roar.

Wang Yu's sword light swept past, and another god-level lion carving corpse was separated.

"It's so noisy." Wang Yu said lightly with the knife closed.

Today is destined to be the end of the lion-carved alien race!

Until all the eight god-level lion eagles fell, there was no suspense in this war.

On the other hand, on the human side, apart from the Shenwu, the Pope, Zizhu, and three others who were seriously injured, no gods and human beings fell because of this.

With absolute strength, Wang Yu completed the crushing!

Save the human race from fire and water.

With such a high-profile and powerful gesture, he announced to everyone that he became the sixth supreme being of the human race!

The remaining lion eagle alien army also suffered heavy casualties. The corpses piled up like mountains on the mine star, and there were countless lion eagles who escaped from the insect gate.

After the war, everyone was relieved.

The catastrophe of the lion and eagle alien race was finally resolved by them.

After this battle, the decline of the lion eagle alien race is inevitable, and it no longer poses a threat to today's human race.

At the time when this big koala galaxy is about to die, the human race can be regarded as the last ruler of this big galaxy.

A month later, Beichen Empire, Tianxing City, above the tower.

The six figures gathered again.

"Everyone, how is your injury recovery?" Human Emperor Jiang Tianya said.

"It's not bad, thanks to Zizhu's Wanchun Pill, both inside and outside have recovered." The Pope smiled and nodded at Zizhu Heavenly Man.

"The Pope is very polite." Zizhu also said with a smile.

"My injury needs to be focused on. The main reason is that the sequelae of the secret technique that day were too difficult to treat. It will take at least a year to heal." The witch rubbed her aching head and smiled bitterly.

"The old man is eight points better. It's okay, but the treasures are a little damaged. It will take decades to repair them." The old sect master smiled lightly.

Wang Yu was at a loss for words for a while.

Although there are several heavenly beings gathered in front of them, it looks more like a gathering of patients, exchanging information about their respective illnesses.

And the various losses after the last war with the lion-eagle aliens.

After a round of calculations, only Wang Yu had no losses, not even the remaining injuries.

"The influences from all aspects after the war have subsided, and that being the case, we should continue to act." The Emperor coughed and said.

Several people nodded.

They all know that the action of the emperor's mouth is to continue to extract the star veins to activate the keel.

"I don't think there's any need to wait anymore, let's go directly to the first galaxy." The Emperor suggested first.

Several people were shocked.

After capturing some lion-eagle aliens, they have all confirmed that the first small galaxy of Koala is ruled by lion-eagle aliens, and that is their base camp.

As for the sixth galaxy, it is just a new development base after the lion eagle alien invaded and destroyed the insect harrier.

And the other small galaxies of the koala were learned from the exploration of several heavenly beings and the intelligence in the mouth of the lion eagle.

Those places, without exception, have been severely eroded by the death air of the universe, and all traces of life have been lost a long time ago.

The only thing that remains may be the very few star veins that have not been scavenged by the alien lion eagles.

In the past few years, the star veins in the hands of several gods were found from those desolate and dead places.

However, some places where the death air is extremely eroded, even they dare not set foot in exploration easily.

Once they are invaded by too much cosmic death energy, even if they have an extremely tough celestial body, they cannot escape death.

"In the past few years, other galaxies have also searched for the same, and it is indeed time to go to the first galaxy to take a look.

Perhaps from them, we can gather all the star veins we need. ' the Pope agreed.

"Well, lest there be too many dreams at night." The old sect master also agreed.

"In addition, we must spare no effort in the research of the insect gate. If we can create the insect gate in the future, it will be a huge breakthrough for the human race!"

The old Sect Master added that several other heavenly beings quite agreed.

The insect door can be regarded as an upgraded version of the magnetic door, which can transmit between galaxies. Its huge role and value are naturally self-evident.

"Maybe in the first galaxy, there will be some important information that is helpful for us to study the insect gate." Shenwu said, and then grinned.

"In addition, I'm also quite interested in their evolutionary cultivation system. Let me first say that these valuable information must be shared publicly, and no one can take it alone."

"Then it depends on whether Wu Zong is willing or not. After all, they are very powerful now." The Pope said with a smile.

The three people including the Emperor looked at the old Sect Master Wang Yu and others in unison.

The reason why Wu Zong is powerful is because Wu Zong now nominally has three heavenly beings in charge!

Not to mention that there is Wang Yu, who is the only one among heaven and man, with super strong combat power.

When faced with foreign enemies, they agreed not to think too much about the outside world.

But now that they are talking behind closed doors, whether it is the emperor or the pope, the gods and witches, their attitude towards Wuzong will change.

"Of course, the sharing of valuable information is beneficial to the development of the entire human race, isn't it." The old Sect Master smiled and nodded.

Wang Yu shrugged and had no opinion on this.

The same is true for Zizhu Heavenly Man, they are all people who want to cultivate.

Regarding the entanglement of power, the master and the apprentice did not care or were interested.

And the old sect master was concerned with the entire human race, and he did not intend to use the power of Wang Yu and Zizhu to suppress the three emperors, so that he would ascend to the throne.

This made the three gods and witches secretly relieved.

If it weren't for the fact that the old Sect Master was indifferent to fame and fortune, the three of them would have been a little bit difficult to handle.

I wonder now, which force can fight against Wuzong with three heavenly beings.

Especially after stepping into the realm of heaven and man, Wang Yu asked himself, whether it was the emperor of Beichen, the sorcerer of Beiman, or the pope of the sect, the three of them had no idea about this rising star.

Wuzong has always had a detached position in the human race, but now, he has the meaning of being the dominant family.

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