Proficiency: Cultivated 10 Million Times

Chapter 207: time dragon keel

In the deep sea, a group of turtles wandered in groups. They were covered with thorns and their heads were like floods and beasts.

Among the group of turtles, there was a deep-sea fish mixed in, which was swimming in one direction with the turtles.

Wang Yu was still standing on the head of the fish, and beside him was the old tortoise Xuanyin leading the way.

"Are these your same clan?" Wang Yu looked at the other turtles that were following around.

It can be seen that these turtle groups are all looking forward to the mysterious old turtle.

Xuanyin old turtle raised his head slightly and explained: "They are all alien beasts living on the turtle mountain, although they are not of the same race, but I have the ancient Xuanyin blood on my body, and I have the inheritance left by the old sect master. You must obey my orders."

The so-called Guishan is also the place where the ancestors fell, which is said by the old turtle Xuanyin, on the bottom of the sea somewhere in the sea.

It is also the place that Wang Yu is going to explore on this trip, and he hopes to gain something.

I want to come to the ancestor of the turtle tribe who lived for thousands of years, and the reason why he chose that place as the place of his death is probably for some reason...

In this way, Wang Yu followed the old turtle through the layers of seabed sandstone, traveled in the dark sea for a full month, and came to an unfamiliar sea that he had not yet explored.

This is what the old turtle said to be the closest spatial anomaly, and it took a lot of effort to get there.

I don't know how the old tortoise was so far apart and could still recognize the way back on this pitch-black sea bottom without any reference.

Wang Yu didn't care about this, he was more concerned about whether there was the time dragon keel he was looking for.

Soon, Wang Yu saw a huge rock mass in the depths of the sea from a distance, standing on the sea floor in the distance.

At first glance, there is nothing special, and there are many similar rock masses on the seabed.

But after getting close, Wang Yu soon noticed the abnormality of spatial fluctuations.

This wave of fluctuations even alarmed the flag spirit in the body.

"Oh! Did you find something new?" The flag fluttered out, looking quite excited.

Although this year, similar spatial anomalies were discovered several times, but no keel existed.

But this does not prevent it from continuing to wait for the next time, after all, Beilaihai has not been explored yet.

Qiling has existed for such a long time, and this patience is still there.

"It's like this time! It's like it!" Qi Ling shouted.

Wang Yu rolled his eyes, not being fooled.

Every time a place with an abnormal space is discovered, Qi Ling will be like this.

It seemed that the keel was really found, and after the last exploration, I was disappointed.

Approaching the uplifted rock mass, the spatial fluctuations are more violent and buzzing.

"This energy?" Wang Yu immediately noticed that there was a strong energy emanating from it, showing a blowout, spreading out towards the surrounding seas.

This energy is not found in other subterranean seas.

"This is the essence of the core of the earth. It is very likely that the ancestors chose this place as the Guishan Mountain in his later years because of the existence of the essence of the core of the earth." The old turtle did not hide anything from Wang Yu, and explained truthfully without reservation.

After all, without Wang Yu, it has no chance to come to Blue Star, and it is naturally impossible to accept the inheritance of the ancestors of the Turtle Clan.

"Earth core essence, you mean soul essence?" Wang Yu asked suspiciously.

But in his perception, there is not only a single element that is rich in energy, whether it is water element or earth element, or other elements are also present.

This has completely set aside the influence of the environment.

After all, this is the bottom of the deep sea, water elements, earth elements exist, and even fire elements and wood elements are very active, which is very bizarre.

"No, I suspect that there is a star vein at the bottom of the turtle mountain, I'm afraid the quality is not low!" Out of trust in Wang Yu, the old turtle confessed.

Wang Yu raised his eyebrows.

There is no need to say much about the value of Xingmai, the old turtle can confess to him that he really trusts him enough.

After all, as the old turtle said, there really are star veins under the turtle mountain, so this is the biggest foundation of the turtle mountain.

Once taken away, most of the meaning of Kameyama's existence will be lost.

Of course, Wang Yu really couldn't do such a thing.

When I came under the rock mass, I saw a giant tortoise shell, part of which was embedded in the mud and sand, but only the exposed part was huge, much bigger than the rock mass!

Many sea turtles can be seen coming in and out, and the giant tortoise shell is used as a turtle nest.

"This is the body of the old ancestor." The old turtle said.

Wang Yu secretly said that sure enough, it was not surprising.

Such a huge tortoise shell volume shows how huge this ancestor of the tortoise clan was in his lifetime.

This is the turtle mountain that the old turtle said, and it is the current owner here, sheltering the deep-sea turtle family instead of the ancestors.

"Kid Wang, go there, there!" Qi Ling suddenly said again, it didn't care about the huge tortoise shell spectacle the whole way, but kept staring at the rock mass called Guishan.

Wang Yu glanced at it, then turned to face the old turtle.

After all, this is someone else's territory. After getting the answer from the old turtle, Wang Yu didn't say anything. He patted Xiao Hui's head and walked towards the rock mass.

"Kid Wang, don't you think this rock mass looks like the back of a dragon..." Qi Ling suddenly muttered, as if talking to himself, revealing an unspeakable heartbeat.

"It just looks like it, what does it mean?" Wang Yu replied.

"You don't understand, this fluctuation is really similar..." Qi Ling said immediately.

Wang Yu didn't say anything, he had never seen a time dragon, and he knew very little about the vast and mysterious universe.

Since Qiling said that it is like, let's take it as an image for the time being.

Approaching the rock mass, Wang Yu grabbed the battle flag and landed first, standing at a position on the top of the rock mass.

The rock mass is harder than steel, and there are holes in it like a hornet's nest, all over the place.

These holes are big or small, and there is a lot of strong energy spewing out of them.

This made Wang Yu have to sigh that cultivating here is not an excellent treasure.

The pure energy that spews out is even better than that of Wuzong's inner sect.

This made him believe that there might be star veins under the rock mass.

As Wang Yu thought about it, the flag in his hand suddenly came with power, as if to drag him along.

"What?" Wang Yu asked.

"There, there!" Qi Ling greeted.

Wang Yu simply listened to it and walked along the rock mass.

The deep-sea fish on the side obediently followed along.

After walking through the thousands of feet, Qi Ling suddenly stopped.

In front of him is an upward-facing hole, from which energy is constantly gushing out.

The opening of the hole is quite round, like a well-polished circle.

Looking inward, it is very dark inside.

The abnormal fluctuation of the space even isolated Wang Yu's perception of heaven and man, so that he could not detect the situation in the cave.

"Kid Wang, go in and have a look." Qi Ling urged.

Wang Yu nodded and said to the deep-sea fish beside him, "You are waiting for me outside."

Xiao Hui turned around twice, and it was considered a response.

Wang Yu did not hesitate immediately, stepped into the hole with increased vigilance, and slowly floated down.

Soon, his figure was engulfed by the darkness inside and disappeared.

Going down all the way, I can detect the rich energy, passing through him in waves and rushing upwards.

The further down Wang Yu was, the more manic the energy surged up.

The energies collide with each other, making the space constantly chaotic.

This disorder really resembles the scene when the Star Vessel was discovered.

"Isn't there really a star vein, and it's in this rock mass?" Wang Yu secretly thought, a little surprised.

The flag spirit in his hand became more and more impatient, dragging Wang Yu down continuously, and finally chanted.

The seawater in the cave is sometimes agitated, and sometimes turns against the current, making it quite uncomfortable to be in it.

After a while, Wang Yu reached the end of the cave and was blocked by a rock mass.

There is only a small crack on the rock mass, and it is from this crack that energy surges wildly.

"Kid Wang, pierce it!" Qi Ling shouted.

"Are you sure there will be no danger?" Wang Yu frowned and asked, instinctively cautious.

"No, no." Qi Ling urged.

Wang Yu didn't say anything else, and directly activated the overclocked combat state, and all the changes around him became smoother.

The force slammed out and slammed into the rock mass in front of him.


The whole cave was shaken.


Wang Yu was surprised, but the rock mass in front of him was not shattered as expected.

It's just one more fist mark and the crack has grown bigger.

"Hey, can you do it!" Qi Ling said unhappily.

Wang Yu pursed his lips, the golden blood all over his body boiled, his fists were like a pile driver, blasting continuously, and the fist shadows continued.

The rock mass was extremely strong, but it couldn't withstand Wang Yu's full-strength smashing, and it finally cracked.

The surging energy immediately spewed out from the inside and hit him.

The seawater in the entire cave went upstream one after another, turning Wang Yu's place into a dry place for a while, isolating the sea above.

Wang Yu narrowed his eyes and silently endured the impact of this enormous energy.

I thought in my heart that if I practice at this time, under such a huge energy baptism, I am afraid that the cultivation proficiency will skyrocket.

But now is not the time to think about it. There is a light source coming out of the cave, and the sight seen by the naked eye inside makes him shocked.

The interior shrouded by the rock mass was actually completely hollowed out, with a huge white skeletal body lying across it.

Because the skeleton was so huge that Wang Yu was standing there, unable to see the entire outline of the skeleton with the naked eye for a while.

At the same time, the space inside the entire rock mass is violently oscillated.

Various energies are intertwined and raging in it, making everything seen by the naked eye distorted.

"Isn't this supposed to be?!" At the moment of surprise, a light gradually appeared in Wang Yu's eyes.

At this time, Qi Ling was already shouting excitedly.

"Yes, that's right, the keel of the Time Dragon is really still here!"

Qiling was overjoyed, which meant that it also had a chance to survive, and would not be wiped out with this dying galaxy.

Once upon a time, it had long felt hopeless to survive. It was not until Wang Yu appeared with the method of birth and death of all things left over from the ancient times that it rekindled some hope of life.

Recognize that Wang Yu is the main one. In the future, when Wang Yu becomes stronger and stronger, with Wang Yu's powerful spirit, he will have the opportunity to repair the damaged part of the flag and restore its glory.

And the first step to achieve all this is to find the keel and leave with Wang Yu!

Only by leaving this cosmos frontier and living in a better cultivation environment can Wang Yu become stronger quickly.

"This is the keel of the Time Dragon..." Wang Yu murmured.

Since it has been certified by Qiling, it can't be wrong.

I didn't expect the keel to be found so suddenly, it's really in this habitat of the turtle family.

Against the energy turbulence and spatial vibration, Wang Yu took a few steps forward and carefully looked at the keel in front of him.

It is hard to imagine how huge the full version of the Time Dragon, this legendary creature that can travel through the universe at will.

Separate the mind and power to contact the keel itself, and try to infiltrate it for preliminary observation and research.

But soon he was surprised to find that the moment his mind power touched the keel, it was absorbed by the keel itself and cut off the connection with his body.

"Even though he has been dead for so many years, is the keel on this body still unexplorable and unpredictable..."

Wang Yu secretly deduced that, looking at Qi Ling who was still in a happy mood, he took out the heart bamboo to send the message.

Far away on the other side of the sea, the old Sect Master is conducting a carpet-like search every year.

At this moment, he seemed to feel something, and took out the heart bamboo.

"News from Xiaoyu?" The old Sect Master had not received a briefing from Wang Yu for a long time.

He glanced at the words that appeared above.


In an instant, the old Sect Master's flying posture stopped immediately, stiff in place.

His face froze for a moment, and then he smiled away.

"Xiaoyu found the keel so quickly!"

On the other side, the Dragon Emperor was killing a group of deep-sea fish that could not open their eyes, and suddenly learned the keel information from Wang Yu.

Although his face still maintains the indifference of facial paralysis, his heart is full of ups and downs.

The keel really exists, and it is in the Beilai Sea.

Wang Yu was the first to find it this time. For the entire human race, this young man has made a huge contribution.

"It took just over a year to find it, which is much faster than expected!"

The Pope has also heard the text message from Wang Yu, and he also knows that Wang Yu has made great contributions again.

"I didn't expect to be found by this kid." Shen Wu touched his chin covered with stubble, a little unexpected.

He even thought that Wang Yu was so unmotivated at first, and most of the time he came to fill up the search team, but he did not expect that he would actually do such a big thing.

When Zizhu Tianren saw it, he showed a faint smile. As a master, his disciple has done a great job, which made him quite gratified.

As soon as they moved, the few people stopped exploring other sea areas according to the original direction and plan, and immediately set off towards Wang Yu's location.

After a long time Qi Ling was happy and finally calmed down.

"It's not too early to be happy now, otherwise it's easy to be overjoyed and sad." Qi Ling said.

In its long years, there have been too many scenes of joy and sorrow.

So wherever you go, try to keep your mind as calm as possible.

"Since the keel has been found, is there any problem?" Wang Yu asked immediately after hearing Qi Ling's meaning.

Qi Ling replied.

"Energy, to activate the keel of the time dragon, we still need a huge amount of energy!"


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