Proficiency: Cultivated 10 Million Times

Chapter 191: Experience results

The innate purple energy is as magical as rumors, making Jiang Shenyi, Gu Youying, and Bai Hao step into the real world one after another.

Since their cultivation along the way, they can be regarded as fruitful, and they have officially become the absolute powerhouses in the Terran side camp.

And the effect of this purple energy on Wang Yu is not so great.

Just let his innate cultivation base quickly reach the late stage of the innate realm from the middle stage of the innate realm, which is close to the level of perfection.

In contrast, the cultivation of the Body Refinement Method to the third-level extreme state is the biggest improvement for him, and it may be the biggest improvement since his cultivation.

The dead black apes on the ground are the best witnesses.

Leaving from the fighting state, the golden boiling blood gradually cooled down and turned back to its original bright red.

The overclocked combat state will have a lot of burden on his body, and it cannot be turned on for a long time as a normal state.

However, once he turned on the combat state, he initially judged that he could have a terrifying combat power of a real-life level of perfection.

There is even a chance to compete with the previous real Zizhu!

But now his Xiantian realm cultivation base has not yet reached perfection, it can be seen that his physical strength has surpassed his own cultivation realm by too much.

The increase in strength is undoubtedly a step-by-step.

If the cultivation base also steps into the real world in the future, he will be the first person under that day, and it is difficult to meet an opponent.

"At first, I thought that this body training method could at most help me reach the physical strength of the innate level, but I thought it was simple."

Wang Yu secretly said in his heart that the final body refining effect of the body training method far exceeded his expectations.

After making a preliminary judgment on his own strength, Wang Yu's eyes fell on the black ape's nest.

There are two blooming pale yellow flowers, the petals have a special texture structure, and there seems to be a curled miniature monkey at the stamen.

"It's actually a monkey spirit flower." Wang Yu was stunned, but he didn't expect that after defeating the black ape, there would still be such a harvest.

This strange flower is helpful to the cultivation of the Xiantian cultivator, and it has the same effect as the Tianlu flower obtained before.

It is said that a single plant can be worth the five years of penance of an ordinary Xiantian cultivator.

And there are still two plants growing here, which is exactly what Wang Yu needs.

"Not bad."

The black miasma is a forbidden area, and few people would risk their lives to explore it before.

Because of this, there are many treasures in this place, which have not been explored by explorers yet, and they seem to be growing quite well and of high quality.

If Wang Yu can find more similar treasures of heaven and earth, he may hope to advance the cultivation of the innate realm to the Great Perfection in this poisonous miasma.

With his current physical strength, there are many less worries when exploring this forbidden area.

There are not many alien beast poisons that can threaten him in the forbidden area.


As the wreckage of the dragon was wiped out, the general environment of this forbidden area has gradually changed over the past few months.

It can be clearly noticed that the poisonous miasma that has been covered all the year round has dissipated a lot, and the air is no longer as dull and turbid as before.

Many alien beasts entrenched in this place felt the changes in the environment earlier, and some were scurrying around restlessly.

More real-life alien Bosses walked out of their respective territories and entered a state of wandering.

This is definitely not good news for the practitioners who are in it.

It represents more uncontrollable dangers that will come around at any time.

In the black forest, a woman with a strong body was running fast among the trees.

Behind her, dozens of rot birds chased after her like sharp arrows.

The obstacles of the trees in the forest did not affect these rot birds at all, and they quickly approached the woman in front.

Seeing that Lei Qingqing couldn't escape, he bit his pink lips and jumped down from a tree.

A heavy punch hit the ground.

The next moment, the ground splashed with sand, and large schist blocks rose into the sky, hitting the rotten birds that were chasing after them.

Some of the rotten birds were knocked down, but more rot birds crossed the rocks and still rushed towards the woman.

The woman quickly squeezed her hands, and suddenly behind her, a huge beast shadow appeared.

It was a giant mammoth, with two long teeth hanging like crescent moons, the thick hair almost hanging down on the ground, and the primitive aura of the ancient times rushed toward the face.

This giant mammoth enveloped the woman below, and with a roar from the ancient times, the mammoth buried its head and directly overturned the rotten birds that were charging.

"Ancestral God, grant me strength!" Lei Qingqing murmured.

Suddenly, the giant mammoth shrank quickly and entered the woman's body.


The next moment, the ground was smashed by her, and there seemed to be a huge force hitting the surrounding space as the arms swayed.

The legs exerted force, and the woman immediately rushed towards the rotten bird in the air.

With just one punch, one of the late-level rotten birds was smashed into pieces.

The rest of the rot birds tried to attack, but they were all blocked by the thick fur phantom on the surface of the woman's body.

She was dressed in animal skins, like a Valkyrie, with enormous power between her fists and feet.

It's just that the danger of chasing her is far more than that. A real-life rotten bird in the distance received the call of the same clan and flew to the vicinity of the woman.

Lei Qingqing's heart tightened, and his expression was a little nervous.

Even if she tried her best, she basically had no chance of winning in the face of real-life alien beasts.

At this moment, another figure floated up.

It's that Gu Youying.

This made Lei Qingqing happy, knowing that he was saved.

Gu Youying is a descendant of the gods and witches. Needless to say, his status in the northern barbarians is even higher than that of the clan chief.

With the cultivation of the Xiantian realm, it is possible to fight against real-level opponents without falling behind. This kind of strength is astounding.

She is the leader of the younger generation of the northern barbarians.

Gu Youying's eyes swept over Lei Qingqing, and after confirming his identity, his eyes turned to the real-life rotten bird.

He didn't say anything more, and there was a wave of infuriating energy all over his body, causing Lei Qingqing below to look at it for a moment.

"True anger? It turned out to be true anger!"

She quickly realized that this descendant of the **** and witch has stepped into the real world!

"This..." My heart trembled.

If this news spreads, it will be a big event for the entire northern barbarians.

After all, if there is no accident, the next **** and witch to lead the entire northern barbarian tribe is Gu Youying.

Her cultivation progress is very important.

On the other side, Gu Youying raised her palm and made a blue palm print.

At the beginning, the power of this palm print was not weak when it was cultivated at the Xiantian realm.

Now this palm print is used again and it is completely different. It is said that the power is multiplied.

It's just that what motivated the tactics at the beginning was innate energy, but now it's true energy!

There is a qualitative gap.


The rotten bird was shot directly into the ground, and the huge palm print was also printed on the ground.

The rotten bird was dripping with blood and made a shrill cry that spread throughout the black forest.

Gu Youying's eyes flickered, and she sensed many sounds coming from a distance.

In this poisonous miasma black field, there are a large number of such rot birds, and there are not more than one real-life rot birds, and there are strong and weak ones.

If they are all gathered, even though Gu Youying has stepped into the real world, it is not invincible in the world.


Gu Youying said to Lei Qingqing below.

"You, be careful!" Lei Qingqing also realized that the situation was getting worse and worse, knowing that staying behind would only drag Gu Youying down, so she fled away.

Just ran out for a while, and when I looked back, I saw a large piece of blue light shining into the sky in the black forest behind me.

Then it seemed like a light curtain covered that area, with blue butterflies flying in it, psychedelic and beautiful.

Just when Lei Qingqing was worried about Gu Youying, a giant insect suddenly emerged from the ground without warning and almost swallowed her.

Fortunately, she never slackened, she was alert, and the brakes were dangerous to avoid disaster.

His face was a little pale.

This giant bug is also real life!

It used to be fine before, but after the real-life alien beasts in the forbidden area began to move around randomly, the way of survival and adventure summarized before became no longer applicable.

For an experienced practitioner like her, the safety is increasingly insecure.

The four supreme leaders at the top also noticed this change in the black miasma.

"Do you want to end the training early, or there may be a lot of casualties." Shen Wu opened his eyes and looked at the chaotic forbidden area, and said involuntarily.

"No, this is just right. When the insects come, it will only be more dangerous than this. Instead of being caught in a dangerous situation at that time, it is better to let them adapt in advance."

Jiang Tianya shook his head, not agreeing to interrupt this experience.

The Pope looked at the old Sect Master, "What do you think?"

The old sect master said slowly: "Let the part of the cultivation base leave first, the current has exceeded their tolerance, and it is not advisable to send them to death."

He chose a compromise, and the Pope nodded with a smile: "I agree with what the Sect Master said."

Shenwu shrugged, Jiang Tianya closed his eyes again, and did not speak.

The minority obeys the majority, which is a tacit approval of what the old Sect Master said.

in the forest.

The giant worm bounced up high and continuously bit Lei Qingqing.

But they were flexibly avoided by her.

The giant insect opened his mouth impatiently and spat out a piece of silk screen, which caught Lei Qingqing's leg by surprise.

There was a sticky corrosive liquid on the screen, and the adsorption force was extremely reliable, making Lei Qingqing unable to move for a while.

She has mammoth legs, and even her strength can't break free, which shows how tangled the silk net is.

"Damn it!" Lei Qingqing was shocked, and the shadow had already enveloped her.

The giant insect above her head devoured her again.

"It's over, it's over, it's going to die..."

Lei Qingqing wailed in his heart and glanced at his long legs.

A strong man broke his wrist, a gecko broke his tail...

A series of thoughts flashed through her mind, and just as she was about to make a move, a person fell from the sky.

A sword aura of more than ten feet slashed down in the air, and when it crossed the sky, everything froze, and the frost fell into pieces.

The giant worm was hit by the sword energy and fell to one side, causing Lei Qingqing below to escape.

Wang Yu watched as the giant insect was slashed in half by the sword energy, and the frost froze the half body at the wound. He shook his head slightly, dissatisfied with the killing of the sword energy.

Now his Xiantian cultivation base can't keep up with the strength of his physical body at all, so even if he uses the innate warfare to cut off the greatly increased sword qi, his lethality is still not as powerful as the one he relied on the physical strength to rampage.

Of course, the physical strength also has a bonus to the power of the innate warfare, otherwise he would not be able to hit this giant insect with a single knife, and Lei Qingqing, who was looking down, was stunned for a while.

"Yes, I am saved."

The giant insect on the other side was terrified, and immediately wanted to drill directly into the ground to escape.

Wang Yu simply withdrew the knife and charged straight towards the giant insect.

The real-life level of the giant insect is not as good as the black ape he has encountered before. He doesn't even need to turn on the overclocking combat state, and can only rely on the normal physical strength to deal with it.

Falling vertically, the speed climbed steadily, and Wang Yu hit the giant insect's head with a precise punch.


With a loud noise, the giant worm's head was connected to the body, twisted under the unparalleled punch, and the fat cells in the skin collapsed one after another.

The liquid poured out wildly, spraying in the air.

Wang Yu dodged and struck several punches around the giant worm, not only shattering the giant worm's brain, but also almost smashing its huge body, and slammed to the ground without moving.

Standing on the corpse of the giant worm, Wang Yu looked at Lei Qingqing who was trapped.

He still has some impressions of this girl. He had a relationship in the sect before the exchange meeting.

A delicate animal skin coat also showed the identity of the other party's northern barbarians.

Remembering that her father was still the patriarch of a tribe, it can be seen that the other party also has a great background.

Glancing at the tough wire mesh wrapped around her legs, Wang Yu immediately stepped forward and tore off the wire mesh very easily.

With his current unarmed strength, it's really hard to have anything he can't tear apart.

"Thank you, thank you." Lei Qingqing whispered a little embarrassed, and her impression of Wang Yu was much deeper.

Not only was her old father suddenly selling his daughter to Wang Yu for no reason that day, but also because of Wang Yu's amazing performance at the exchange meeting.

I believe that those who were present at the time would be hard-pressed not to remember Wang Yu.

He didn't expect that he would be saved by Wang Yu today, saving his life from a broken leg.

"It's alright, it's just a little effort." Wang Yu nodded. He happened to be passing by, and the gods and humans sensed the movement here, so he came to watch.

The riots of a large number of rotten birds made the area of ​​Black Forest more and more chaotic.

Many real-life alien beasts were all blown up, and the number was more than anyone expected.

Looking up, Gu Youying appeared at this time, flew past, looked at the two and said, "Go!"

Under Wang Yu's perception of heaven and man, he could see a large number of rotten birds coming from behind Gu Youying.

Among them, there are several real people.

In his heart, Wang Yu was really not afraid of these rotten birds, but he never liked this kind of battle that was useless, purposeless, and simply wasting energy.

Now that his body refining method has been completed, he no longer needs the flesh and blood energy of such alien beasts to cultivate.

Gu Youying once again played a huge faint blue screen, blocking the rotten bird behind him.

Then, the three of them quickly retreated without stopping.

We walked all the way until we exited the Black Forest, and then stopped.

"Okay, it's dangerous." Lei Qingqing, the weakest of the three, wiped the sweat from his face, looking fortunate and feeling like he had escaped death.

After all, it was a group of innate-level and several real-level alien beast troops. For her, this formation was so terrifying that it even had a chance to destroy a weaker tribe!

Gu Youying and Wang Yu didn't feel anything.

After stopping, Gu Youying blinked her big eyes and stared at Wang Yu non-stop.

After she stepped into the real world, this person in front of her actually made her feel threatened, even stronger than when she was fighting the tree demon before!

what's going on?

Wang Yu's body was still fluctuating with innate energy, and there was no trace of innate energy.

This also shows that Wang Yu did not step into the real world after obtaining the innate purple energy.

But it's just the cultivation of the innate realm, how does it make her feel stressed?

Gu Youying couldn't figure it out, but she believed in her intuition about potential threats, and her confusion also made her more curious about Wang Yu.

If it weren't for the dangers of the poisonous miasma and the black earth, and the rampant real-life beasts, she really wanted to find a chance to have a PK with Wang Yu.

After a brief meeting, Wang Yu took the initiative to leave, separated from the two ancient barbarians, and left alone.

In the days that followed, many practitioners left the field one after another.

Those who can stay are players who can at least protect themselves under the pursuit of real-life alien beasts.

Naturally, Wang Yu left it to the end. After all, he can tear apart human-level alien beasts with his hands.

Others may not know it, but the Supremes sitting cross-legged on top can see it clearly.

Naturally, it was inevitable to be amazed, and the witch even wanted to take Wang Yu away on the spot, thinking that he should follow his own cultivation path.

But this was quickly rejected by the old Sect Master with a smile. Wang Yu was already a direct disciple of Wu Zong, so how could he send it out at will.

At the same time, he was extremely satisfied with his decision to take out the blood of the dragon and hand it over to Wang Yu.

This has contributed to the now powerful Wang Yu.

Soon, the experience of the poisonous miasma black field has passed for a year, and the agreed time has come.

The four supreme leaders immediately removed the perception barrier that they had set up, and the rest of the arrogant tribes walked out of it.

Compared with a year ago, the respective changes are not small.

I have to say that the dangerous forbidden area is indeed enough to hone people.

No matter it is the substantial improvement in the cultivation base's strength, the key handling in the face of a crisis, the tempering of the state of mind, etc., there has been considerable progress.

Many people can even be considered to have experienced a transformation during this trip.

This included Jiang Shenyi, Gu Youying, and Bai Hao who had stepped into the real world.

Of course, only the four supreme leaders know that although Wang Yu has not stepped into the real world, he is the one who has gained the most.

However, few people know this.

In addition, the movement of the fourth seat in the sky is the leader of the younger generation of the sect.

In this forbidden area experience, his performance was not too outstanding, he could only be regarded as quite satisfactory.

Failing to obtain the opportunity of the innate purple energy, the top arrogance of the human race was opened by the three people in front.

Until the end of the forbidden area, he was not able to step into the real This made the Pope sigh a lot. His proud disciple has indeed lost a bit of luck.

"I'm disappointed." A tall, tall and handsome man with short blond hair came to the Pope's side and bowed his head.

He had already learned about the promotion of Jiang Shenyi and the three of them to the real world, and he naturally had mixed feelings in his heart.

"It doesn't matter, winning first is not a win, the future is still long, and the chance that belongs to you is just yet to come, you don't need to be confused." The Pope comforted him in turn.

His voice is very powerful and inexplicably warm, making the movement a shock.

"I see." Le Zhang nodded and clenched his fists tightly, looking at the three Jiang Shenyi who were floating in the distance, with a detached breath.

All the arrogances were eclipsed beside these three people, including him.

He knew that for the time being, he could no longer be as famous as these three, and he had to accept this fact.

On the other side, Wang Yu walked out of the forbidden area silently and looked at the indifferent expressions of the four supreme human beings.

The next disaster should be...

He is ready!

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