Xu Mingzhi said he would die if he died, and Dongfang Ye didn't expect this guy in his early twenties, who was younger than him, to be so decisive.

You must know that behind Xu Mingzhi is a whole family of military and martial arts.

To move him is to provoke the behemoth behind him.

In the main star, and even in the imperial capital, no one dared to do this.

"How dare you!" Dongfang Ye was furious, and the golden flames rose from his body, even more prosperous.

The strands of hair were broken, and a long hair was scattered, with a supreme momentum.

His body is the blood of the Eastern Emperor Family, only victory is allowed, but defeat is not allowed!


Wang Yu became slightly cautious.

The guy in front of him doesn't know whether he is awakened or exploded, and his combat power seems to be higher.

This is somewhat like the effect of the blood-burning method that Chen Wenlin cultivated.

Wang Yu stretched out his left hand, and the avatar immediately turned into qi and blood and poured back into the body along his palm.

The next moment, he did not hesitate to push the basic sword technique to the eighth floor.

With a swipe of the sword, the light blue sword qi slashed out at an extremely high speed, causing Dongfang Ye's pupils, which gradually turned golden, to shrink suddenly.

Knife gas? !

His mind went blank, this light blue sword qi had already slashed into his chest, and came out through his body, flying 30 meters away, severing more than ten sturdy trees in a row.

The golden flames on Dongfang Ye's body dissipated, and his face still maintained the sluggishness and daze before.

He seems to have seen the star vein, but it is not important now.

The breath dissipated, and he not only lost, but also lost his life and fell on this unknown wilderness mountain.

"Emperor's family in the East, I wrote it down." Wang Yu secretly said in his heart.

He mainly wrote down the cultivation method of this imperial family. This time the fight was too fierce, and there was no way to survive.

In the future, if there is a chance, he will definitely come up with their cultivation method, and the integration value is definitely higher than most of the cultivation methods in the outside world.

I am afraid that he can improve the quality of his current inextinguishable law to a big level.

Although this Dongfang Ye is not his opponent, his performance is also very dazzling, enough to make Wang Yu look at him.

It's a pity that he killed himself, and fell here for a star vein.

Otherwise, when he grows up, he will definitely become the top powerhouse of the Nancy Empire in the future.

Raising his hand, he suddenly felt a serious loss of strength and a severe depletion of qi and blood.

Although Wang Yu was not injured, the consumption of the sword energy to him was still huge.

Just like when he first used the Mind Sword, they all used advanced combat methods that could not be mastered by the current cultivation realm.

In the end, the knife gas was used because Wang Yu didn't want to drag it any further to prevent accidents.

Withdrawing the knife, he touched the bodies of the two.

There are quite a few things.

The best healing medicine, Blood Treasure Pill, a special research and development medicine of the military department, is expensive. It takes tens of thousands of merit points to exchange for one, and there is not much stock. Only the rank of lieutenant or above can be exchanged for enjoyment.

This thing has an amazing healing effect, and at the same time, it can greatly supplement the deficiency of qi and blood. It is an extremely useful thing on the battlefield, and it can greatly improve the survival and endurance of officers.

Usually, the lieutenant exchanges this medicine, and it is done with a buckle, at most one or two at a time to keep.

Wang Yu also changed one, just to replenish qi and blood, and the effect is really excellent.

It's just that there are too many merit points, so he can't change more.

In front of the two people, one has a large can.

There are at least dozens of them in a can, stacked like jelly beans.

Watching Wang Yu grit his teeth, he has to say that these young masters from aristocratic families really have no shortage of resources.

God knows how much these two large pots of blood treasure pills would be worth if they were placed outside.

At the moment, Wang Yu took one first and ate it.

Soon, the medicinal power in the body emerges, the body heats up, the depleted qi and blood are quickly replenished, and the body's sense of powerlessness gradually disappears.

The effect can be said to be quite good, even better than the Blood Treasure Pills exchanged by the military department before.

Undoubtedly, this is still a special contribution, and I am afraid that the quality of the precious medicine is also excellent.

In addition to Xuebao Pills, there were also some specially-made interrogation medicines, which happened to be handy for Wang Yu to prepare.

In addition, there are two purses.

Inside is a large denomination star ticket.

This may be the pocket money given by the two when they were away from home, which made Wang Yu quite emotional.

Valley Bend

The family is really rich.

It is also a money bag, how can these two people hold so much money...

For a star ticket, the minimum denomination is 10,000 and the maximum is 100,000.

Xu Mingzhi's money bag contained a total of more than two million yuan, and Dongfang Ye's money bag contained more than five million yuan.

The money in these two pockets is enough for Wang Yu to exchange thousands of pounds of high-quality precious meat meat for cultivation!


This is the richest corpse Wang Yu has ever touched.

In addition to these, if the swords on the two of them are taken away and sold to the night sleep rally, I am afraid they can also sell for a high price.

But Wang Yu didn't want to take this risk.

After all, things like swords flowed out of his hands, which would undoubtedly leave hidden clues.

Although the night sleep rally claims to absolutely protect the privacy of all customers, who knows if this is still an iron law for the Eastern Imperial Family.

If you are followed, it will not be worth the loss.

Therefore, he will not take away the other equipment and items on the two of them.

Plan to destroy the corpse completely.

Even so, Wang Yu was still a little worried.

His eyes fell on the golden heart bamboo on Dongfang Ye's body.

With the death of Dongfang Ye, this special heart bamboo also broke on its own.

This made Wang Yu couldn't help but think.

Does the imperial family have any means to track down Dongfang Ye's situation, or even trace him by means beyond common sense that Wang Yu does not know?

Wang Yu's eyes flickered, and he was a little unsure.

In the end, he sighed. After all, he was still not strong enough, so he had to look forward and backward.

Taking out the purple heart bamboo from his arms, it can be seen that it was also specially made by unusual means.

Write two lines on it.

Just when Wang Yu was about to put it away, a few words from the other party suddenly appeared on the heart bamboo in his hand.

【Wait a moment. 】

Wang Yu was taken aback, what does this mean?

Hold on? Let him wait in place?

Just as he was thinking about it, there was a faint sound of breaking air from the low altitude, from far to near, the speed was as fast as a fighter plane.

Wang Yu's heart tightened and he was about to retreat.

A figure had appeared in front of him.

It was the white crane he had seen before.

When we meet again, it is still the simple dress of the old fisherman, wearing a straw hat and rolled trousers.

It's just that there is no bamboo basket and fishing rod in hand today.

Seeing Wang Yu, Bai He smiled warmly.

"Little friend, we meet again."

Wang Yu asked with some doubts: "Have you been on this island all the time?"

The main opponent came too quickly, which he did not expect.

Thinking about it, it is only possible to come so quickly when it happens to be near the capital city.

"It's just been here for a while, and there is something that needs to be dealt with here." Bai He squinted his eyes and smiled.

Wang Yu heard him say this~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and suddenly thought of the group of wanted criminals who smuggled over.

Could it be that they came to meet these wanted criminals?

In the rebel army, a large number of wanted criminals were already housed, which formed a force that should not be underestimated, and could fight against Nancy's army.

Now it is entirely possible to recruit this wave of wanted criminals from afar to strengthen the rebel army.

Even Wang Yu couldn't help but wonder, whether this chaos of public grievances, or even this smuggling of wanted criminals across the planet, was the plan of the man in front of him...

Where the **** is this guy?

Wang Yu didn't think much about these things, let alone take the initiative to understand them.

Bai He was about to ask Wang Yu if he had made up his mind when he turned his eyes and suddenly fell into the grass not far away.

Two corpses are lying there.

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