Chapter 488 : Getting better, the first sound of the revolution

The process of moving towards the top court is a long and rapid process for middle school students.

It is long because the list of qualifying matches is completely in the hands of the coach. Even if the player thinks that his strength can be matched with the court with a certain number in the front, if the coach does not arrange, then the player can only stay in his original field helplessly for the time being.

But to be precise, the rising speed of the court rankings of these middle school students is already very fast in the eyes of the “old people” of high school students.

Nioh is an exception, so I won’t mention him for now.

Nowadays, in court No. 5, except for the “hell gatekeeper” Oni Jujiro, all the other high school students have been beaten by the middle school students as if they were scoured by the waves!

Yukimura was the first to be promoted to court number 5.

In this regard, the Minister of Rikkai University was also surprised.

He thought that he would be “suspended temporarily”, or there was a small possibility that he would be arranged to skip court No. 5 and court No. 3 and directly play against the players of Court No. 2 or No. 1.


The fact is one-

Seiichi Yukimura is the first junior high school player to be promoted in Court No. 5!

“Zero Eight Seven” When the teenagers from the back mountain came to the U17 training camp for a “midnight tour”, Yukimura during the day was arranged to qualify for the No. 10 court, and the result was naturally a victory.

On the second day, Yukimura was again arranged to play against the high school student on court No. 6, and the result was of course a victory.

Therefore, on the third day, Yukimura went to the list with anticipation due to the encounter in the previous two days, he was very surprised to find that there was still his game on that day!

Therefore, that day’s qualifying match-Seiichi Yukimura, advanced to the fifth court!

“It’s Tachibana and Shiraishi’s turn today, right?”

After almost adapting to the high-intensity training of the U17 training camp and completing the training tasks of the day, the junior high school students went to the qualifying net court to watch the qualifying match of their teammates.

“They took it!

The two 6:0 sweeps cut zeros, making the other high school students who were onlookers on the fifth court exclaimed.

“But if it’s only like this”

“The middle school students are still too proud!”

“Ghosts won’t let them move forward easily!”

Even if the facts are in front of them, the eyes of the high school students looking at the junior high school students are still full of regret.

The qualifying matches were arranged by the coaches, but–

As the “goalkeeper” of the No. 5 court, the ghost has the special power to block players below him in the No. 5 court because of his own tennis prowess!

“We can’t wait and die!”

“My uncle believes that we must take the initiative!”

Atobe Keigo held a chic “pajama meeting” in the 214 dormitory.

He brought together the ministers of the tennis departments of various schools and the actual power in charge, hoping to gather the strength of their junior high school students, so as to have the strength to compete with the U17 training camp high school students.

But Nioh was very unhappy.

“Atobe, this is my dormitory!”

The owner of 214 dormitory, the sovereign of “Nioh Kingdom” said dissatisfiedly.

If you want to have a meeting, can’t you find a separate place?

It’s not easy to be treated in a single dormitory. Nioh heartily watched Seigaku, Hyotei, Shitenhouji, the ministers in Higa, etc. sitting in his dormitory.

-Ichi, of course, Nioh naturally welcomes Seiichi Yukimura, Minister of Rikkai.

“Minister, do you want to drink water?”

“I’ll pour you a glass of water to drink!”

After he protested to Minister Hyotei, he spoke to Yukimura very enthusiastically.

“Then the player of Court No. 1, please leave the gathering of the players of Court No. 5 and Court No. 6~”

After witnessing the “happy and happy” scenes of Rikkai chiefs and ministers, under Atobe’s stare, “good staffs who are willing to share worries for the ministers” Oshitari Yuushi joked to Nioh.

–A “traitor” appeared in the middle school player’s team!

–This is not a joke, it is a fact!

Many anonymous junior high school students are saddened by this incident!

“This is my dormitory!”

Nioh said angrily.

This is his “private territory”!

Before Huadi came back, he was the only owner of the 214 dormitory!

“But didn’t you go to live with that senior Tanegashima, Nioh?”

Shiraishi Kuranosuke looked innocent.

“That’s because the senior is too enthusiastic, I can’t stop his enthusiasm!”

“Moreover, as middle school students, don’t we need to respect the opinions of our seniors?”

Nioh said plausibly.

Atobe drank the boiled water poured by his own member Oshitari Yuushi, and looked at the innocent Minister Shitenhouji with some disgust.


He looked and looked, finally couldn’t help it.

“Did you forget to bring your pajamas or did you wash them out?”

“Do you want my uncle to give you one?”

What about the talked about “pajama meeting”?

Even Nioh has come to the meeting from 101 in his ordinary pajamas, but Shiraishi is still naked!

Since Atobe saw him at first glance, he wanted to ask a question. He looked at Shiraishi and didn’t wear any clothes to cover it up, and finally couldn’t help asking.

“Huh? Pajamas?”

“No need! This is a healthy lifestyle, I don’t need pajamas!”

The Minister of Shitenhouji said that he is used to being naked like this.

However, his words seemed to arouse public anger–

“This bastard!”

Yamabuki, representative of Akutsu Jin, is irritable.

“Hold him and put it on him!”

“Clothes, where are the clothes?!”

The minister in Higa rolled up his sleeves, his glasses flashed, and he stepped forward to stop Shiraishi.


Minister Seigaku turned his head to look at Minister Rikkai who was outside.


The handist Kunimitsu looked at the jacket that Yukimura was wearing.

Can’t find clothes to put on Shiraishi, and don’t want to see his roommate Shiraishi continues to hold the meeting naked, and the hand decisively aims at his other roommate Seiichi Yukimura.

Fuji Syusuke looked at Shoujia and Yukimura with a smile, and the curvature of his eyebrows was very soft.

He knew that his Rikkai roommate was obsessed with “wearing a coat”. Since appearing in the game, Yukimura has appeared in a coat.

And Minister Rikkai’s “coat” skills are also very high, not losing to his tennis skills.

No matter what difficult moves Yukimura does, the coat he puts on his shoulders is like sticking to his shoulders, and it won’t fall off.

Fuji privately thinks that his roommate must have practiced many times in private that are difficult to put on the coat.

Therefore, he is very interested in whether his hand can successfully remove the pajama jacket from Yukimura’s shoulder.

Seigaku’s genius looked at Yukimura and Tejia, and watched the play with a smile.

However, Yukimura is not alone here. He also has a good member who is very “satisfied”.

Nioh, a good member of Rikkai University, saw Yukimura’s expression and knew that his minister was unwilling to “contribute” his pajamas for his other roommate.

Therefore, Nioh, who felt guilty about Yukimura after knowing why Sanada was “abandoned” by other Rikkai teammates, decided to “share the worries” for his minister!

“Don’t be so troublesome!”

“The extra quilt here is borrowed from you!”

Nioh said, pulling down the soft quilt from the upper bunk next to it.

Sengoku Kiyosumi, who was sitting next to Nioh, pulled the quilt and slammed it at Shiraishi.

The Kite that held Shiraishi finally has its place!

“Shiraishi Kuranosuke, be honest with me!”

Kite directly pressed Shiraishi under his hand, like a courier of a parcel express, acting cleanly and quickly, and very sharply.

“Well–I’m going to be suffocated, Kite! Let go!”

Kite’s fierce moves made Shiraishi suffer.

“Let me breathe!”

The minister of Shitenhouji said that he was going to be suffocated in it!


“You people, just look at me being suffocated inside?!”

Finally struggling to come out, but still wrapped up like a silkworm, Shiraishi gasped twice before glaring at everyone.

However, let alone his original majesty here is not very high, just rely on his 2.9 “silkworm baby” image at this time

Everyone: Hahahahahaha!

“Ahem, let’s get back to the topic!”

As the host of the dormitory, Nioh, who is regarded as a “chat room owner,” looked at Shiraishi and coughed slightly, reminding the group of off-topic ministers and the actual people in charge of each school.

PS, it’s raining, it’s awesome!

I couldn’t help but review the previous situation, but my Maori predecessor was obviously a cold and proud person in the early stage, but since the doubles, I always feel that he is pickup truck! Eyes~ Maori predecessor, your pair Big eyes are flashing!

Humph, the trailer is indeed a lie, and the little prince still doesn’t know what to do~ (Compared to polo, can I say that I want to watch the two of the French team walk the show with Shiraishi Kimishima? I want to roll my eyes, XF teacher draws a catwalk! Jun! Master Island is so handsome!)

The last “Sumi”, and the Mifune coach with rich professional experience, “The girl who once loved the girl who was willing to pay his life” is Ryūzaki Sumire! Why did I think of this in the first time! Compared to Ryoma’s CP, for the gossip of the three boats coach-I really want to eat that melon!.

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