Chapter 481 : Back pot object, manual @101

The alarm sounded through the U17 training camp.


Fortunately, the coaches were well-measured and did not turn the alarm to the highest level.

But even so, even if the walls of the U17 training camp are soundproof walls without cutting corners, for the players in the dormitory building, the alarm sound, even if they can only hear it a little bit, is noisy!

But fortunately, under the training menu and qualifying list arranged by the coaches during the day, the players’ energy was exhausted.

Many people have entered a state of deep sleep.

They are extremely tired, maybe they won’t be awakened by thunder.

At least Yukimura, who was walking in the corridor, did not hear the mumbling sound from some dormitories, and the sound of clothes being shuttled – of course, this may also be due to the sound insulation of the walls.

Seiichi Yukimura returned to the dormitory under such circumstances.

He pushed open the door of 201’s dormitory, and the first thing he saw was Shiraishi Kuranosuke with no pajamas and a blank face.

Shitenhouji’s minister may have a heart for his own “Naniwa Star” and the first-year juniors. He is sitting on his bed at this time, looking at Yukimura who opens the door with a subtle expression.

Yukimura smiled on the face and “hehe” inside.

The minister of Rikkai University obviously didn’t think that his roommate would wake up before he returned to the dormitory!

However, considering the doubles game that Shiraishi saw before, it is understandable that he can’t go into deep sleep in the middle of the night.


Sitting up, Shiraishi tilted his head, and he didn’t seem to be fully awake yet.

But this state does not prevent him from recognizing the Rikkai Minister Seiichi Yukimura who impressed him very much.

Yukimura felt a little embarrassed to see Shiraishi like this.

Roommates in a semi-awake state are arguably the most difficult to control their behavior. It is difficult for a person with confusion to predict his next action. What’s more, Seiichi Yukimura faced Shitenhouji’s minister with unusual behavior!

But Yukimura did not give up “coaxing” his roommate, who is still half-dreaming and half-awake.

“Zanglin, are you asleep?”

Yukimura said softly.

Shiraishi nodded blankly, then shook his head.

“Yes, you are asleep.”

Facing the roommate who didn’t speak and behaved so confused, Yukimura’s expression remained unchanged and her mood index increased.

“Then let’s play a “sleepwalking” game together, okay?”

The Minister of Rikkai gradually approached, his brows and eyes were slightly bent, giving people an irresistible sense of intimacy.

If Seiichi Yukimura wants to get close to someone, no one can really resist his closeness.

Shiraishi Kuranosuke is no exception.

So Yukimura directly took the U17 outfit of his roommate who was still in a daze without pajamas.

Shiraishi kept thinking about the doubles game before going to bed. He was thinking about it before going to bed last night, and during the training during the day, so he is now suffering from low energy and half awake.

At a loss, Shiraishi heard a gentle voice, and he unconsciously put on his clothes under the comfort and suggestion of a certain Rikkai director.

Yukimura is satisfied.

He decided to analyze his joyful mood at this time and turn his joy into double or even multiple joys.

So he said softly and softly–

“Now the game starts, Zang Lin is going to complete the “sleepwalking” task-how about going downstairs to see?”

I don’t know if Tanegashima-senpai locked the door tonight, as Yukimura thought when she induced Shiraishi.

If the predecessor’s 101 dormitory does not lock the door, Shiraishi’s current state of mind, it is a good choice to enter the 101 dormitory and sleep in the wrong dormitory!

Only in this way, it is estimated that during the day the U17 training camp will circulate the gossip that “the Minister of Shitenhouji has the habit of sleepwalking in the middle of the night”~

# Yukimura resolutely does not admit that he just wants to pull his back#

#含友是什么的, isn’t the roommate that “shares suffering”?#

Minister Rikkai’s mental power was difficult to contend even when tennis players were awake. At this time, Shiraishi, who was half-dreaming and half-awake and defenseless against his roommate Yukimura, was accepted without any resistance.

Turning the corners of his mouth, Yukimura watched Shiraishi walk (bhcj) out of the 201 dormitory. After closing the door carefully and thoughtfully, he was about to fall asleep.

The next thing is the high school student on the first floor plus the “responsibility” of a Rikkai high school student who “lives alone too lonely and the doubles player still needs a roommate”.

Seiichi Yukimura is only responsible for “persuading Shiraishi” to go downstairs, and he is completely irresponsible for what weird things will happen next.

There was a faint lingering siren downstairs, but it was not obvious.

U17 training camp is not a tofu project. Although it is sometimes taken down by some high school tennis players, its quality is really good.

For example, walls are not only strong and durable (but a ball is destroyed immediately), but also soundproof.

Shiraishi dimly knocked on the door on the first floor.

He knocked it a few times, but no one responded.

Therefore, the minister of Shitenhouji came to the next dormitory with good grace.

–I don’t know how he understands this “sleepwalking” game, Shiraishi seems to not give up without knocking on a dormitory.

Buckle buckle buckle!

He is not very useful, but the people inside heard it very sensitively.

The orange-brown high school student in the 201 dormitory smiled gently and opened the door.

Maybe it was because of the roommate and junior Tokugawa who was still training herself, Irie didn’t fall asleep.

Irie Kanata, who opened the dormitory door, heard the alarm sound that they couldn’t hear in the dormitory before I could say something to the dazed junior in front of him.

problem occurs!

This was Irie’s first reaction.

Oni Jujiro, another high school student in the 102 dormitory, was also awakened by the faint siren because he opened the door of the dormitory.

However, before either of the two high school students could say a word to Shiraishi, the Shitenhouji’s junior high school student wanted to go to the next dormitory and knock on the door with a dazed expression.

Irie quickly grabbed the confused middle school student with his eyesight and hands.


His smile is subtle.

However, Shiraishi did not respond to this at all.

Shitenhouji’s minister continued to look confused.

So tennis player Irie Kanata took this very well-behaved and obedient Shiraishi junior high school player to the door of the 101 dormitory and started his smashing operation!

Boom boom boom!

@ Tanegashima@ Nioh

Although Irie is not clear about the specifics of the matter, he is also a U17 training camp senior player who has experienced the big incident of Byodoin’s three U17 coaches refurbishing the U17 security and monitoring system.

At a glance, he could guess that the sirens were made by the teenagers in Houshan.

Looking at Shiraishi’s situation, Irie immediately remembered a certain Rikkai Minister of the Central Ministry who was good at mental power in 201.

The two of them happened to be roommates. Is it a coincidence that Shiraishi-kun’s current “lost-sleepwalking” state?

Irie didn’t think things would really be so right.

Therefore, he intends to wake up Rikkai’s former Minister of the Middle School and the current Tennis Club to discuss this issue together!

PS, this is timing. .

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