Chapter 436 : Rikkai Big Six vs Losers

“The following is the part of Rikkai’s major junior high school tennis club being selected to compete with you guys who have just arrived in the junior middle school loser group!”

A high school student in a state of schadenfreude volunteered to stand up and become a “host”.

As soon as his remarks came out, it angered all the middle school students who had just worked so hard to climb the mountain.

“What is the’loser group”! Aren’t they also the same as us?!”

It’s all “loser group”, who is afraid of whom!

Some people are aggrieved by this.

However, more people say–

“Just kidding, there are six of them, right?”

“Yes! Even if the opponent is Rikkai, will we lose to six of them if we are eleven?!”

The tone of the high school students was as if the six people from Rikkai had already won.

“Not far!”

Recognizing this, Echizen Ryoma’s eyes brightened when he looked at the Rikkai six who stood in a row on the opposite side.

Those are the amber pupils full of fighting spirit.

“Don’t you dare not?”

The sunlight approaching dusk fell through the treetops and fell on Kirihara Akaya.

The teenager who is about to enter the third grade of junior high school has a more subtle but never low arrogance. His green forehead eyes are becoming more and more vigorous against the background of the sun. The eyes of the “loser group” teenagers who were acquaintances opposite, showed unabashed provocation and publicity.

“His–who dare not, Kirihara Akaya!”

“Compared! The winner is Hyotei!”

Before the others could say anything, Kaido and Hiyoshi, both second-year students, couldn’t help it.

“Well, Shitenhouji won’t lose.

17 Obviously Hikaru Zaizen, who was with his Hitouji Yuuji, came to visit other seniors, but unexpectedly joined the “Losers” team in the middle. However, this does not affect him to join this “pre-match etiquette” of “speaking ruthlessly”.

“Huh, I can’t hold back your breath!”

It is rare for Shinji Itake not to groan a lot, and he was in a gloomy state after losing to Akira Kamio.

But I have to say that the conversations between these second-year students dilute the awkward atmosphere between the Rikkai six and the newly arrived “loser group” teenagers.

Liu Han smiled and watched their Rikkai elders provoke each other. The proud mind of “my descendants grew up at the beginning” is like a spring of honey, constantly filling his heart, making him completely ignore The resentful look on the other side.

(Dry: machi–)

“Professor Renji

The resentment that was almost materialized, Inui Sadaharu didn’t look at the other five people of Rikkai at all, but kept looking at Liu.

“Shut up all to me!”

The three boat coach shouted impatiently.

“Hurry up and play for me! Six people from Rikkai and you guys who just came, and didn’t receive a tennis ball or were hit by a tennis player who violated the rules, all of them are eliminated!’

It is “eliminated” again.

The middle school students in the “lower group” immediately calmed down, and even Inui Sadaharu’s eyes looking at Yanagi Renji didn’t feel so resentful for a while.

Because of coach Kurobe’s previous series of “If XXX, exit U17” and coach Saito’s mental training knockout, middle school students have actually produced a little conditioned mental shadow of the word “eliminated”.

“Does the loser go straight down the mountain and go home?”

Someone raised a question.

“Hmph, you guys want to be beautiful!”

The three boat coach snorted coldly. Before he has tempered these young people, how can he let people go easily?

“The loser should stand outside the court! You two teams, the team with someone staying on the court at the end wins! In the losing team, everyone will go to the homeless cave!”

“Didn’t you say it again before, don’t you understand human words? Don’t hurry in for me!

Pointing to the court, the coach Mifune roared loudly.

After the roar, he sat cross-legged on a wooden stake, holding the wine gourd to watch the game.

“Hou Shan Rikkai big group VS middle school student rookie loser group, one set-ah, no! There is no time limit in this game until all the team members are eliminated.”

The high school students volunteered to take the opening remarks of the game.

“Take a bet on accommodation conditions, the game, start now!”

Bang bang bang bang!

As soon as his voice fell, there was a series of swings and hits on the court.

Because of this rule, the 27 people on the court can theoretically serve. So, at the moment the game started, dozens of tennis balls flew to both sides of the court.

Dozens of tennis balls

and many more!

Why the number of tennis balls on the half court from the opposite Rikkai group is about the same as the number of tennis balls they played?

No, it’s not right, there are more tennis balls than 21 of them!

Obviously they have an advantage in numbers!

Twenty-one vs. six, the number of people is more than three times worse. At this time, there is almost no advantage in serve, how is it possible!?

However, it is indeed possible.

“Ah, isn’t this the uncle’s multiple swings?”

Kintarou Tooyama’s eyes lit up. He had seen Oni Jujiro and another high school student playing several tennis balls before he and Echizen Ryoma stepped forward to invite him to the game.

“Multiple balls in a row?”

At the same time, excitement appeared on Echizen’s face.

“Serve several at the same time?”

The dry lens flickered.

In the loser group of 21 people, Kintarou Tooyama, Echizen Ryoma, Inui Sadaharu, these three people realized the amazing place of Rikkai six people serve for the first time.

And now that they have seen such a serve, what they have to do is naturally

Pop, pop, pop!


“Hey, this is?”

Echizen and Toyama coincidentally relied on their level of tennis above the level of their group to return to a tennis ball, they felt that the tennis was wrong, and they were taken aback.


Gan shouted in disbelief.

His racquet fell to the ground.


He pointed at the indifferent Liu, tremblingly speechless.

“You are out, Sadaji.

“I serve six, of which, according to my data, there are five tennis balls you can’t receive.”

Liu opened his eyes and said seriously.

The teenagers on the opposite court heard a chill.

What a target this is!

Of the six tennis balls, five of them were played against Inui Sadaharu. From the arms to the legs, Liu fully calculated the dry reaction.

Perfectly hit five places on the dry body, so Inui Sadaharu, eliminated!

“I’m sorry, Sadaji.”

“According to my data, your threat is the greatest.”

Liu said this, but he didn’t mean any guilt.

And listening to Liu’s words like this, there was no relief at all! Since he saw Liu, he has been determined to compete with him and compete again. But I didn’t expect that at the beginning, it turned out to be

It really deserves to be Rikkai’s every major military division, Yanagi Renji!

Glancing at Liu resentfully, Inui Sadaharu walked out of the field.

Even if he didn’t know before, he now understands Liu’s plan-on this irregular ground, if you can’t have enough time to adapt, if you are not a data player, it is difficult to grasp the direction of the tennis bounce!

It’s the same-

“Damn it, how come?”

Richard Bantian was eliminated by a tennis ball that bounced off an unexpected course.

The reason why Gan noticed that he was among the nine eliminations in the first round of serve was because Liu’s sixth tennis player was the head of the San Icarus College who was known for his speed!

“Irregular ground has higher requirements for your ball control!”

-Sanada, who killed the third of the nine, said with a stern face.

As the deputy minister of Rikkai University, he is usually full of deterrence in the eyes of middle school students. At this time in the back mountain loser group, in the absence of the head of the tennis department of each school, no one can overwhelm the power of Sanada.

Oishi is Seigaku’s deputy minister, but…

“Echizen, hold on!”

He has been killed by the deputy minister of Rikkai University, and unfortunately became one-third of the shots taken by Sanada. Even, as Minister Seigaku, he attracted most of Sanada’s “firepower”, or maybe more people will be eliminated for the first time!

Therefore, at this time, Oishi can only go out and cheer for the juniors.

“Oh, Hiyoshi, hide fast enough!”

Like Liu, he played six tennis balls and killed his first-round goal. Kaidoh Kaoru’s Kirihaya raised his chin and glanced at the slightly embarrassed figure that hit Hiyoshi Wakashi who was serving.

Ancient martial arts are still very useful.

At the very least, it allowed 050 Riyoshi to avoid the fate of being KO by someone of Rikkai’s six in the first round!

“Hi! Kirihara Akaya!

Kaidoh Kaoru, who was not so lucky, was even more irritable at this time.As the first person to be eliminated from the 205 dorm, he gritted his teeth and wanted to give Kirihaya a snake ball on the spot!

That guy Kirihara Akaya, the first time he served, he was all targeted at him!

Why not kill Hiyoshi first?!

Seigaku’s second-year student feels deeply upset.

“Senior Yanagi is too gentleman, as well as Marui-seniors and Kuwabara-seniors, don’t be merciful!”

Although the second-year student of Rikkai only eliminated one opponent, he was still very dissatisfied with the behavior of his three seniors who only eliminated one opponent in the first round of serve.

He didn’t want to save face to the acquaintances in the middle school tennis circle. The six tennis balls hitting Haitang were like a net, completely leaving Haitang with no dead ends to avoid.

As for Yagyu, the tennis balls played back by Toyama and Hiyoshi are two of the tennis balls he played!

And Marui and Kuwabara, like Yanagyu, except that the first tennis player seriously wanted to eliminate the target opponent, the next serve was intentionally slowed down a lot in terms of strength and speed.

“Silly boy!”

Marui glared, and said with a hatred of iron but not steel.

“Learn from me and Jack, and learn from your senior Liu Sheng!”

“I have said that this is” to get off the horse, of course, you have to play slowly to show your strength!”

“Finally, I had this opportunity. Don’t tease them too much. You will regret it later.”

Marui said in a tone full of experience unique to seniors.

Kuwabara did not refute his doubles partner’s remarks, and fully accepted.

After playing three tennis balls, the two Yanagyus who were beaten back pushed their glasses unchangingly under Liu’s complacent smiling eyes, as always calm and full of gentleman’s demeanor.

“Please keep playing, everyone.”

Liu Sheng said.

PS: The estimated time is late, sorry!

:(In the dormitory full of nostalgia, my roommate is still on the phone, which makes my codeword more difficult to double!

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