Chapter 429 : Second graders, the battle of inheritance!

“Now start the next round of three seven-goal duels!”

“Seiichi YukimuraVS Kirihara Akaya!

“Handy Kunimitsu VS Kaidoh Kaoru!”

“Atobe KeigoVS Hiyoshi Wakashi!

Rikkai, Seigaku, Hyotei.

This is a duel between the heads of the tennis department of three famous tennis schools and their heirs!

“Originally everyone thought this would be a doubles game, but now it has become a singles. I don’t know what the three ministers feel at this time.

“If Cai Qian is here, I guess you will form a group with Shiraishi and singles.

Oshitari Ken also sighed.

“Huh? This is not necessarily true, Qian Ye.”

However, Shiraishi shook his head.

What he answered was Qianye’s first sentence.

The two ministers, Seigaku’s hand and Hyotei’s Atobe, seemed to Shiraishi ignorant of Coach Saito’s plan, but Shiraishi’s own Rikkai roommate must know the inside story!

There are people in the DPRK who are easy to do. This sentence is really correct.

Shiraishi watched Yukimura communicate with Kirihaya in front of the net and was full of envy. At the same time, he also made up his mind to have a good relationship with this roommate!

The role of intelligence is unquestionable, especially in the U17 training camp where they know almost nothing except surface information. Some intelligence may bring them an opportunity or make them face some Be prepared for unfavorable things.

“However, if Cai Qian is here, I won’t release water. 17”

“Qianya, you will die of this heart!”

Shitenhouji’s minister turned his head and smiled brightly at his teammate.

“Hey hey hey, I don’t mean to let you release water! Shiraishi, don’t slander me!”

Oshitari Qian said dissatisfiedly, making an angry look.

“I just don’t know how those three will win these three games?”

But then, the Osaka “Naniwa Star” quickly changed his face, showing an expression of “I’m thinking, ignore me”.

“protracted war.”

The voice familiar to Shiraishi and Ken approached with the sound of footsteps.


Looking back at the same time, Shiraishi was stunned for a moment, apparently he didn’t expect that the person who was elected by Rikkai and also had the establishment of the U17 court would come over.

“Yukimura and Akaya are both on court. Sanada went to warm up and didn’t know where he would not return.

“You don’t despise me, do you?”

While speaking, Nioh Masaharu blinked.

“How can this happen!”

Shiraishi cooperated with him and opened his eyes wide.

Shitenhouji’s minister also had a big heart. He only lost to Nioh before, but now he behaves as if that game didn’t happen.

“Then it’s okay, let’s watch the game together!”

“The hand and Atobe will probably choose a protracted battle. As for Yukimura, it depends on how well Akaya has achieved.”

With that said, Rikkai’s selection is very familiar and mixed into Shitenhouji’s team.

Anyway, it is Yukimura’s roommate and friend, and Yukimura is the minister of their Rikkai University, which is about the same. Shiraishi is also considered to have a good relationship with Rikkai Taisho?

Thinking about it this way, Nioh ran over immediately after Yukimura played on the court. Of course, he would never admit that he was still a little awkward facing Fuji Syusuke until now.

It’s not because of memory problems, this problem has long been a problem in Nioh’s mind.

Nioh feels that he and Fuji are still incompatible.

Same-sex repulsion?

Probably, compared to Shiraishi, Nioh just doesn’t want to stand with Fuji.

At least with Shiraishi and the others, can you hear the free “mancai” while watching the game? This is an advantage that other players can’t compare.

Thus, the match between Yukimura and Kirihaya and the two groups of ministers and heirs began at the same time as the “Shitenhouji and Rikkai Special “Seven Ball Showdown” Mancai Special”.

“Minister, you must play with me seriously!”

Before the start, Kirihaya once said to Yukimura with anticipation.

But now he regrets it.

“Be careful, Akaya

There was a whisper.

What followed was a cold wind blowing, even the players outside the field shuddered under such cold wind.

Seiichi Yukimura, the minister of Rikkai University, has always been famous for his mental skills and has not failed.

In the finals of the national competition, a different dimension prototype was used to defeat Echizen Ryoma in a “seamless” state.

Standing on the high platform, Saitō Itaru looked at Yukimura’s coat that was still draped on his shoulders and fluttered in the breeze. While he was happy for U17, he was also slightly sad.

A self-taught, self-taught “Son of God” does not require the coach’s fingertips.

In Saito’s view, Yukimura’s mental power has gone out of its own way, and it is no longer necessary for his coach to carry out some low-level mental power guidance.

“It’s quite normal for middle school students in other middle schools.

Coach Saito whispered comfortedly.

Yukimura’s mental power emerged too much.

Because it is a seven-ball matchup, Yukimura has no need to save the use of mental power at all, so

Excessive mental power just made Kirihaya, a second-year junior who was accustomed to struggling with Nioh’s mental power, frowned, but it caused some suffering to the other two second-year students.

“Rikkai is big.”

Hiyoshi Wakashi only felt a pause in his thoughts, and the original smooth movements were lost.


“1:0, Atobe Keigo leads!”

“Seiichi Yukimura! Give back your mental power to this uncle!”

Atobe’s face went dark, and he didn’t expect his plan to be ruined by Yukimura before the gorgeous beginning.

“Hi, Kirihara Akaya

The competition venues of the three groups of players are too close, they are next to each other.

Therefore, Kaitang’s attention was directly drawn to another venue at the moment Yukimura’s mental power surged. Seigaku’s second-year student shifted his focus from tennis to the second-year student of Rikkai University.

“1:0, Kunimitsu is leading!”

So Seigaku’s second-year student immediately lost a goal.

“Minister, I…”

The sound of judgment called Kaidoh Kaoru’s attention back, and his pupils shrank.

“Haitang, don’t be careless on the ground!

The hand was still expressionless, but his words conveyed his own passion for tennis and the game to his heirs.

“Yes, Minister!

Some low-pitched voice responded decisively.

Don’t care about other people’s games, playing his own game well is his goal!

“It seems that my mental strength has added a burden to others.”

As the clouds and water flowed smoothly, Yukimura came to the ball drop point as he spoke and swiped lightly.

“This kind of ball return doesn’t do me that much, Akaya.”

“Don’t warm up or test, go directly to the topic!”

Seiichi Yukimura’s tennis doesn’t have the term “sloppy”!

If you can win, then just win!




This is the voice of mental power and the echo of dizziness.

When Yukimura reclaimed his own space that spread too much and affected the mental power of many people, the reduction in area was exchanged for an increase in density!

Kirihaya felt that he had lost the light in an instant. After swinging once with the sense of the ball, he realized that there was something wrong after he started swinging-


It’s not simply “destroying the five senses”, the closer “dream” is to induce players’ intuition and ball sense.


In the end, the tennis ball was directly embedded in the barbed wire. Although it was not penetrated, it also left a dent.

“1:0, Seiichi Yukimura leads!”

After a few rounds, Yukimura directly used Kirihaya’s mental skills to score a goal.

“Akaya, let me, minister, see the tennis prowess of Rikkai’s big ace!”

“By the way, let your senior Nioh take a look, whether the junior he has put in a lot of effort to teach him can bear the weight of the king Rikkai!”

The blue-violet-haired boy has a soft and gentle voice, but the firmness and deterrence in it are quite a bit.

Yukimura’s expectation of Kirihaya is more than just caring for a younger generation. More, it is the consideration of the successor!

The former’s feelings leave more room, while the latter’s feelings are more restrained and harsh!

“Lian Zhan is fate, and I will defeat you sooner or later!’

Answer Yukimura’s words with no less firmness.

“Selfless State’ and’angelization’?!’

Shiraishi in the stands was surprised.

Although it has long been known that Kirihaya is not what it used to be, but the superposition of these two states

“I missed a bit!”

“Akaya’s current state still has–”

Nioh’s tone has pride in his voice.

“The limit of tempering!”

The invisible vigor wrapped around Kirihaya’s right arm with the sound of the wind.

The white-haired teenager, the skin that now looks reddened because of the fair complexion, and the light that Selfless State brings, there are some invisible but most effective things.

“Minister, don’t you think that my mental power is still as weak as last year.”

Kirihaya Lake’s green eyes are full of confidence and perseverance.

“There is no precise prelude, just the accumulation of mental power, but it can’t deal with me now!”

“I am Rikkai’s big trump card!”

call out!

The space is like a huge earthquake.

For Nioh, who has a subtle perception of mental power, and Yukimura on court, almost at the same time, invisible but very imposing waves appeared from Kirihaya’s side.

It is like a pebble being thrown into the calm water surface, causing ripples on the water surface.

Yukimura originally thought the unbreakable spiritual power domain bound to Kirihaya, which was directly broken by his descendants who had high hopes.

PS: Good night, good night. Thank you very much to the seniors of the Network Management Association!.

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