Chapter 411 : Court No. 1, Nioh Masaharu!

“Try to climb up from hell, Momoshiro Takeshi!”

As Oni Jujiro’s sentence came to an end, the U17 staff unexpectedly appeared again.

Seigaku’s candidates ran to the court to support their teammates.

They frowned when they saw the red-haired high school student on the other side of the net win the game.

Isn’t it enough to win the game?

Or is there something beyond his expectations?

Fuji Syusuke looked at the frowning ghost, lost in thought.

“Do the coaches have any other arrangements?”

Irie Kanata stepped forward and asked.

He had discovered before that these staff did not leave after moving to the bulletin board, but waited for the end of the game between Ghost and Taocheng outside the court.

I thought it was Coach Saito’s job next, but now it seems that this is not the case!

“Hey, is there still a shuffle game?”

Echizen Ryoma looked up at the three high school students who looked unique in appearance, and finally chose to walk in front of Tokugawa Kazuya.

“How about playing against me?”

Seigaku’s first-year student carries a racquet and invites Tokugawa to fight.

Tokugawa Kazuya gave him a cold look.

“Step aside.”

His whole aura suddenly pressed towards Echizen Ryoma.

But what he didn’t expect was that after Echizen Ryoma felt his aura suppressed, the fighting spirit in the amber eyes became more obvious.

If it was still “eager to try” before, then now it is “inevitable”!

“Sorry, this classmate.”

“Private matches are not allowed in the U17 training camp. All matches need to be arranged by the coaches.”

Irie was talking to the staff, but when he found that Tokugawa was blocked by 17 Echizen Ryoma, he immediately turned back to explain the U17 rules.

Sensitively Irie, knowing that he has almost guessed the next content.

It’s nothing more than another “shuffle game”.

I just don’t know if the next person is him or Tokugawa, but no matter what, isn’t it just another game?

What other tricks can the coaches think of?

In terms of tossing people, Irie believes that the three coaches in the U17 headquarters are far inferior to the head coach Mifūne Nyudō who is in the back mountain!

“If you want to play against Tokugawa-kun, you can’t do without the coach’s permission.”

“Of course, you can also take your time. Starting from the court on the 16th, step by step according to the coach’s arrangement for the qualifying match.”

Irie stopped communicating with the staff and walked a few steps to Tokugawa’s side.

“By the way, I forgot to introduce myself just now.”

“I am Irie Kanata, court number three.”

As he said, Irie showed a very kind smile.

He looks like a good predecessor who has no scheming, but some people have a cold back.

Oshitari Yuushi quickly exchanged glances with his Shitenhouji cousin while his minister was not thinking about them.

I’ve confirmed, this senior Irie must have a problem!

The degree of danger is tentatively set to be above those three unspeakable “members of the plant group”!

Definitely stay away from this predecessor.

The two Oshitari who had been cheated once made up their minds.

And Rikkai is here one-

Kirihara Akaya shuddered suddenly.

Why is it so cold suddenly?

He swallowed and realized that the high school student who had just introduced himself as No. 3 court Irie Kanata seemed to have a temperament somewhat similar to that of his own minister.

Even, he faintly felt a similar feeling to Nioh!

The second grader of Rikkai University tensed his body subconsciously.

He suddenly realized that it was too early to relax before, and U17 training camp turned out to be such a dangerous place!

“Then what court number are you?”

Echizen Ryoma ignored Irie at all.

He persistently asked the people standing in front of him.

The first-year students are not tall.

Although he is an athletic teenager, no matter how powerful he is at the age of Guoyi, the muscles of the whole person will not be too much if it is not talented or unexpected.

Tokugawa had always lived abroad and practiced tennis in foreign clubs. Few people he saw at the time were not tall. After he returned to China, the people he met as a first-year high school student in U17 were all kinds of “predecessors”.

He actually hopes to have younger generations.

Tokugawa was originally a soft-hearted person, just cold-hearted and warm-hearted.

It’s just that Tokugawa, who was sent to the back mountain by a game by Byodoin Temple, completely shattered his thoughts about “juniors” after seeing the two people from Rikkai.

Although I am very grateful that Irie and the ghosts value him, Tokugawa feels that he really has no way to join these two predecessors’ “children’s cultivation great cause”.

In fact, he thought about the gross profit than his next term. But the height problem completely stopped him, making him hesitate for a long time at first. When he wanted to communicate, Maori would already have a taller and higher grade next to him.

Tokugawa breathed a sigh of relief at the time, but also wanted to understand. “Cultivating younger generations and caring for younger generations” also depends on the eye.

Although he didn’t understand why Irie valued him at the time because of his height as a ghost, Tokugawa secretly made up his mind at that time. Tough junior.

At this moment, looking at the junior high school student in front of him, Tokugawagawa suddenly felt a heart attack.

“Court No. 1, Tokugawa Kazuya.”

The cold voice made Irie give him a slightly surprised look.

It’s really rare that people who are dedicated to playing tennis will also pay attention to the younger generation?

Irie looked at Echizen Ryoma and smiled crookedly.

“I will challenge you!”

Seigaku’s first grader is seriously declaring war.

In fact, he originally invited Tokugawa to fight because after Oni Jujiro had a match, Irie was the only one who could accept the fight.

After weighing it, Echizen Ryoma judged people by their appearance, and felt that Tokugawa Kazuya seemed to be a little better. So he made a decisive decision and walked forward with his racquet.

Originally, I was thinking of “fight as long as you can”

But Tokugawa’s imposing expression at that moment completely changed his mind!

[Be sure to fight! Defeat him!]

The defeat to Minister Rikkai in the national competition seemed like a thorn in Echizen Ryoma’s heart. Tokugawa and Yukimura had similar auras at that moment, and Echizen Ryoma’s eyes looked at Tokugawa Kazuya changed.

“What are you looking at? Seigaku’s Echizen-kun.”

Glancing at the ghost entangled by Shitenhouji’s first grader, Irie suddenly said to Echizen Ryoma.

“Are you looking at another person through Tokugawa-kun?”

“Mind telling us who that person is?”

Irie asked with interest.

He noticed something wrong with Echizen Ryoma’s eyes looking at Tokugawa.

It wasn’t the look you should have at a senior high school student who had never seen it before and didn’t know the level of tennis, but it looked at the unique and persistent look of someone who had beaten him!

Irie had seen the emotion in this look in Tokugawa’s eyes.

That is facing Byōdōin Hōō.

And Seigaku’s first grade

“Is Rikkai big?”

Irie whispered, her voice inaudible.

However, Echizen Ryoma, who was not far away, could still hear it, and his amber eyes suddenly widened.

Subconsciously looking in the direction of Rikkai, the head of Rikkai, who was still wearing a khaki tennis jacket, was looking at them and smiling.

“Not far from it!

Seigaku’s small pillar clenched the racquet all at once.

Sooner or later, he must defeat that person!

“Yukimura deserves to be the school flower of our Rikkai University. It really attracts bees and butterflies.”

Nioh, who was still weighing half of his body weight on his poor younger generation, said not afraid to die when he was tired.

Nioh, who is already too sleepy, has no patience to organize words and conceal his heart.

He uttered his first thoughts simply and neatly.

Although he is handsome in appearance, he is definitely not in touch with girls. Instead, he is full of heroic spirit. Many girls admire him. Rikkai, who is on the top of the list of popular boys and those who most want to be boyfriends in “Hainan Hundred Rivers”, has raised the corners of his mouth.

And, with the dimmed gaze from Shitenhouji roommate Shiraishi Kuranosuke, smiling Yukimura slowly squeezed her fists.

Sanada couldn’t hold back the change in his facial expression for a while because of Nioh’s words, and uncontrollably tick the corner of his mouth.

However, immediately afterwards, Rikkai, the first deputy minister with strong self-control, immediately flattened the corners of his mouth at the speed of “hurt like wind”, and then looked at his young tame with solemn eyes.

After Yukimura felt the eyes from her deputy minister, she only felt that her forehead blue veins were violent a lot.

Does Sanada treat him as a memorial sculpture of a historical figure?

Look at him with that look

Oh no.

Yukimura remembered the first time he saw Sanada being misidentified when he was very young. Although at that time, he was indeed indistinguishable from male and female, but Sanada, it was too lax to say that when you first met!

#Alert, the Minister of Rikkai has fallen into a blackened state#

#Please take care of the members of Rikkai University, please keep other middle school students away from the battlefield to avoid accidental injury#

Coming to Japan for a long time, Yukimura thinks that he can still be the head of the tennis department of Rikkai High School for three years.

Perhaps the gods in the sky really felt the mood (wish) of Yukimura as the “son of the god” (the Great Demon King), and the U17 staff gave Yukimura a good message.

The U17 training camp staff slowly peeled off the blank paper that said “Court No. 5, Oni Jujiro VS Momoshiro Takeshi” from one side of the bulletin board with no expression on their faces.

Under the uncovered white paper, there is another “qualifying list” handwritten by the coach Kurobe with the “deep concern” of the coaches for the middle school students this morning–

Court No. 1, Nioh MasaharuVS Shiraishi Kuranosuke!

There was an exclamation mark.

How excited the coach should be!

Irie sighed in her heart, and then looked in the direction of Rikkai and Nioh with everyone.

PS: Timing setting. (Do you remember? Nioh was already the No. 1 court back then! [Maori ran to the back mountain because of his own death, and then in order to lose his anger, step by step, relied on the privilege of the black coat to pick all the courts and go up.] Nioh’s Although the organization is not known to everyone in the current training camp, even Irie has ignored this matter, but in the coach

We didn’t cancel his position in the No. 1 court in our hearts!) So go and be a “villain”-go! Masaharu! Inspire middle school students to move forward!

Ah, your previous feelings are accurate. I really like Shitenhouji and Shiraishi. So fight it. (When one person offends three people in the plant group at the same time, how interesting the scene will be!).

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