Chapter 399 : List of dormitories, satisfaction and dissatisfaction

“Room 205, Akaya, you have a dormitory with Hiyoshi from Hyotei and Kaido from Seigaku.”

Nioh took Kirihaya, looked at the form in front of him and said.

U17 training camp is really big business.

Several announcements about the allocation of a new dormitory were posted.

The caring staff also specially posted in different positions so that the newcomers can easily check and avoid crowding.

“Why, Senior Nioh, your dormitory is a two-person room?!”

However, Kirihaya’s focus is never on that line.

He only saw a bunch of quadruple and triple rooms, and a very eye-catching double dormitory appeared.

Dormitory 214, Nioh, Huadi.

“Senior, you won’t be going through the back door-right?”

The second grader of Rikkai University looked at Nioh suspiciously.

Kirihara Akaya is actually a very sensitive teenager.

Although he is a little confused, he can keenly feel the increasingly different atmosphere in his tennis club.

Usually it’s just because there are seniors in front of him, so he doesn’t like to use his brain very much.

Now, when it came time to think, Nioh and others didn’t really guard him, so Kirihaya quickly learned something.

Rikkai’s sophomore year’s bold question made the two Oshitari who followed up and wanted to read the dormitory allocation table in front of this bulletin board, sweating for him.

“It is true, only Nioh, you and Huadi are in a two-person room, and the others are three or four people in a dormitory.”

“Ah, I didn’t see it just now. There is a five-person room! Do the five people in Higa actually live in the same dormitory?”

“Speaking of which, the coach is the dormitory allocated according to what standard?”

“It’s a pity that Cilang was able to share a dormitory with Marui, but now they are in a two-person dormitory, but Cilang must be unhappy.”

Although the table stated that there were only 214 people in the dormitory, Rikkai had four people inexplicably unreported, so in fact there are actually double rooms.

It’s just that the owner of the “double room” shouldn’t want this!

Oshitari Yuushi, who mourned for Akutakawa Jirou for a while, followed Kirihara Akaya’s words and continued.

Fanning the flames, full of malice.

At this time, Oshitari Yuushi is full of “malicious” for anyone at Rikkai.

Oshitari Yuushi was originally going to act with Mukahi Gakuto.

However, today’s Akutakawa Jirou doesn’t even have the mood to sleep because he didn’t see Marui Bunta, Rikkai’s big candidate that he was thinking of. He was as if he had suffered a blow from the sky, his expression was hazy, and his eyes were foggy.

So, as a good partner of Akutagawa, Xiangri was responsible for abandoning his partner, and dragged Akutagawa to see the dormitory together.

And Oshitari Ken was even worse.

As soon as Chitose came, he ran away with Fudomine!

Ishida and Golden are an active and silent complement each other.

The first grader Xiaojin has left happily with Seigaku’s first grader.

However, this is not the most sad thing for Qian, and it is not these teammates who usually act with him.It is Shitenhouji’s Shiraishi who usually acts with him!


Oshitari Ken also looked back resentfully at the bulletin board seven or eight meters behind.

There, there was no one in a radius of five meters.

Their Minister of Shitenhouji is happily chatting with Minister of Rikkai and Seigaku’s genius!

Shiraishi didn’t even care about Kintarou Tooyama, and happily chatted with Yukimura and Fuji!

He even let his beloved first grader run away with other first graders.

Is Yukimura and Fuji so magical?

Qian who was abandoned by the minister also thought with resentment.

Oh, it turns out that the three of them are still a dormitory!

“The coach may be a dormitory allocated according to the gender.”

Osaka’s “Naniwa Star” replied so slowly.

Qian also looked at the list of dormitories on the bulletin board before him.

Shiraishi, Yukimura and Fuji are in the same dormitory. This is the list of dorms arranged by someone with no conscience!

201 dormitory is estimated to become a “forbidden place” for these people, but I don’t know if there are any warriors who have the courage to break through the barriers.

Nioh listened to the words of the genius Hyotei, and then saw the rapid change in the face of “Naniwa no Star” from Osaka. He turned his mind and squinted his eyes.

He was about to speak, but was interrupted by a more resentful voice behind him.

“Renji and I are in the same dormitory, but Renji didn’t come. Why didn’t they come? The probability that Renji will come is obviously 100%. What went wrong, why did Rikkai be like this?”

Broken thoughts.

Inui Sadaharu walked up to Nioh and them alone, and kept talking.

The two Oshitari twitched their mouths together.

At this moment, the two cousins ​​of Oshitari were probably due to blood relationship, and the same thought came to mind-Rikkai is really harmful!


Nioh looked back at the grieving Inui Sadaharu, and immediately left him behind.

Liu didn’t come to shut him up for anything, and he didn’t stop them Rikkai’s military division from coming here.

“Actually, 203 and 204 are now two-person rooms.”

Nioh looked at the dormitory list, pointed to the two dormitories next to each other and said.

“Yagyu, Kuwabara, and Marui did not come, so in fact these two dormitories are also double rooms.”

With that said, Nioh started counting one by one with his fingers.

“Renji didn’t come either.”

Behind him came the sad voice of someone from Seigaku, but it was deliberately ignored by Nioh and Kirihaya.

“Let’s go, senior will take you to see the dormitory. After reading it, we will visit the U17 training camp again!”

Not caring about the others at all, Nioh took his well-behaved second-year junior and left the bulletin board that was no longer useful to him.

“Um, Yuushi, let’s go too.

After a quick glance at Dry, Qian also said quickly.

Oshitari of Hyotei nodded cautiously, and the two people with the dormitory quickly evacuated the place.

Therefore, this bulletin board is considered to be in a half-waste state like the other bulletin board.

The grievances of doing it are too strong, making other people reluctant to come here to see the distribution of the dormitory.

As for another bulletin board–

Yukimura and Shiraishi and Fuji were chatting and laughing there.

In that place, even Shoujia and Atobe were reluctant to approach, Sanada also acted by himself, and who would dare to interfere with these three people’s chat!

………For flowers………

Therefore, the coaches of the U17 training camp really have insights. They have set up so many bulletin boards and posted so many dormitory allocation tables, so that the remaining middle school students will not be too tormented.

As for the arrangement of the coaches’ dormitory, middle school students are basically satisfied.

Seiichi Yukimura said that he is extremely satisfied with such a list, and Fuji and Shiraishi have the same idea.

Only a few people are dissatisfied–

“Why does the uncle want to share a dormitory with these few people who are not gorgeous?”

Atobe gritted his teeth.

How come Rikkai’s Nioh and Huadi are divided into two people?!

“Too big, Atobe!”

Minister Seigaku, who was next to Minister Hyotei, found his name and began to release his air-conditioning.

His strong aura successfully made people around who wanted to see the dormitory list to retreat.

Kunimitsu, the hand house assigned to the 201 dormitory, is indeed the roommate of the three Yukimura, and successfully half-abolished the bulletin board in front of him with one person.

“Oh my God, we live together in Higa!”


Ping Guchang exclaimed.

Kai Yujiroh’s eyes were erratic.

Chinen’s broad face is expressionless, while Tian Renzhihui’s face is depressed.

“Do you have any comments?”

Kite’s glasses began to flash.

“No! How can there be opinions!”

“Other people will be able to live in the same dormitory in Higa!”

Kai Yujiroh said hurriedly, desperately.

His heart was bleeding.

Before, why did he do everything possible to finish school after school and come home late? Isn’t it because he is Kite’s young tame dye, is Eishirou’s neighbor?!

Do you still want to live together now when it comes to U17?

Kai felt desperate.

“That’s great.”

Kite was very satisfied with his deputy minister’s answer.

“Then take advantage of the afternoon, everyone will act for me!

“I brought a bitter gourd seed, let’s plant bitter gourd outside the window! Or dig some soil to plant it in the house.”

“By the way, I also specially brought bitter gourd seedlings. Maybe you will be able to eat the bitter gourd from your hometown soon!”

The minister in Higa announced the schedule of his staff for today.

Ping Guchang Rin, who hates bitter gourd so much, immediately rolled his eyes.

There is no way to stop Kite Eishirou’s “dictatorship”, there is no way to save himself!

The positive candidates in Higa only hope that the U17 temperature can be stronger, and the bitter gourd seedlings will be frozen to death! Be sure not to let the bitter gourd grow!

PS: There will be a power outage tomorrow for a whole day. Try to see how much I can write today.

As for the progress of the plot, everyone has watched so much, haven’t you noticed that my rhythm is very slow? But that’s it, I still dislike myself for not spreading out the characters. There will be a lot of writing about the U17 part (now I just entered the stadium, high school students have not shown up), tennis is only part of it, early warning, discomfort. Remind again: daily add games.

The author himself likes the short paragraphs that the teenagers get along with, so I can’t help but focus on this part (to be honest, if I only write about the game without daily adjustments, I would have abandoned the article a long time ago)

Finally, I hope you will remember your hard work, recall the initial update speed of this article, and cherish the last few days of the holiday countdown! Soil.

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