Chapter 313 : Five schools gather, inter-school competition

“Welcome everyone to the site of the Yakiniku Inter-School Championship jointly organized by Rikkai University, Seigaku, Hyotei, Shitenhouji, and Higa! I am the host, Kikumaru Eiji!”

The lively Kikumaru volunteered to take on the task of presiding.

“Each school will have six people to participate in the competition. Now I will introduce you to the Rikkai team!”

Nioh, who was rejected by his teammates as picky eaters and ate too little, gave up his identity as a member of the game, but he fought to understand the position of the speaker.

“Super powers are the ones who have never lost” Son of God, Seiichi Yukimura!”

“The trick is the’Emperor’ Sanada Genichiro of’Fenglin Volcano Yin Thunder Meat’!”

“Although not high, but definitely a big appetite, Rikkai’genius’ Marui Bunta!”

“Brazilian descent has super endurance. Eating barbecue must also be very durable Kuwahara Jackal!”

“Kirihara Akaya, who will rise in fighting spirit in the face of any game, may turn into a Kirihara Akaya at any time!”

“And my partner, Yagyu Hiroshi, who looks’gentleman’ but looks different!”

Yanagi Renji withdrew from the game because of the light taste. Now he is very thankful for his choice. The player introduction of Nioh Masaharu is really provocative, right? See Sanada squeaking his chopsticks

“Then below is the team from Qing 983 -”




Nioh and Kikumaru quickly introduced the contestants from each school.

The rules of the game are actually very simple, just eat barbecue. Within an hour, which school eats more total food, which school wins!

But in order to increase the fun of the game one-

“We specially invited Mr. Liu from Rikkai to present his special drink to everyone!”

Kikumaru introduced enthusiastically.

Rikkai has a black face including Yukimura.

“Of course, there is also Seigaku’s Gan-kun who is a contestant but brought some drinks. Thank you for his contribution!”

Nioh said, and took out a bottle of black-blue mixture.

Seigaku’s people, including the hands, shrank unconsciously. Fuji flattened the corners of his mouth after seeing what looked like green vinegar.

“Then the first cup of dry juice, please choose someone to drink!”

Nioh and Kikumaru looked at each other, and then looked at the candidates with scorching eyes.

“My health is not good.”

Yukimura said lightly (bhci).

Sanada glanced sharply across the others.

“Dye red you guys!

Kirihaya “transformed” in an instant, and its tyrannical aura made people afraid to provoke.


“Wen Tai”

Marui and Kuwabara looked at each other.

“Yiu Sheng, please sacrifice!”

Marui Bunta’s super explosive power made him deliver that cup of unknown liquid into Yagyu’s mouth in one sip, and Kuwabara tacitly caught the fallen teammate.

“Puff, Rikkai is older, than Luc is out!”

Under the eyes of others, Nioh announced cheerfully.

“I’ll have this drink.”

Seigaku’s solution is naturally Fuji Syusuke who is not afraid of dry juice.

He drank it without changing his face, and aftertaste after drinking.

“Hyotei who will go first?!”

The Hyotei elections, who have always united under Atobe, are in a deadlock.

“Count down to ten, or you will lose!”

“Ten! Nine! Eight! Seven! Six–”

“Senior Shiro! I will remember you!”

In the sad cry of Otori Cyotaroh, Shishido Ryoh closed his eyes and drank the glass of unknown liquid for the glory of Hyotei, and then gloriously rushed to the street.

“I will use my talent to predict first!”

Chitose simply opened the “Limits of Rejuvenation” for Shitenhouji’s way of life.


But before he could say another word, a cup of liquid was put into his mouth by a hand wrapped in a white bandage.

“Don’t be so troublesome, let’s start, Xiaojin and Caiqian are also hungry.”

Shiraishi’s smile is still so brilliant, but no one believes that he is a good old man anymore.

“There is no fear in Higa! I can have another drink!”

Not as good as bitter gourd juice

Tian Renzhihui drank it cleanly and unexpectedly, without any adverse reactions.

“It seems that the fighting power in Higa is also very strong, now everyone starts to eat meat!,

For a time, whether it was for the honor of the school or to live up to the sacrifices of the fallen teammates, all the players from all schools started barbecues at their fastest speed.

“not like this!

Seigaku’s “Barbecue Officer” Oishi finally couldn’t help his teammates barbecuing method, he was angry, and then

“Sleep, Oishi.”

Fuji held the second empty cup of punishment drink and smiled beside Oishi’s “corpse”.

“Don’t be afraid, Genichiro, I’ll give you “Missing the Five Senses”!’

“Yukimura! No!”

First Deputy Minister Rikkai fell out in the second cup.

“Senior Shiro, I’m looking for you!”

Hyotei Otori Cyotaroh fell beside Shishido Ryoh.

“Qianya, don’t resist, this is for health.”

Shiraishi held down his own “Naniwa Star” and showed a sunny smile.

“Tian Renzhi, rely on you!

Tian Ren Zhihui in Higa has killed another cup and has not fallen behind.

So, after the second round, Rikkai Dai, Hyotei, Shitenhouji all survived 4 people, Seigaku survived 5 people, and Higa still had 6 people!

“And judging from the number of barbecue dishes, Higa is also the leader!”

Liu Lala was taking notes, but I don’t know what is the use for him to record these.

The next step is to fall off again and again.

Echizen Ryoma was pressed by his predecessors and drank the green vinegar. Kintarou Tooyama also fainted under the threat of Shiraishi’s “poisonous hand”. Oshitari of Hyotei was held by the birch ground and his partner poured the glass into the sun. drinks

And Rikkai big–

“Akaya, don’t be afraid, it’s just ‘kill the five senses’!”

The crowd of Rikkai surrounded Kirihaya, who was about to be red-eyed in a hurry.

Kirihara Akaya shrank to the door, but seeing that he was about to reach the door, he was blocked by Nioh!

“Senior Nioh, don’t you not participate?!’

Kirihaya’s eyes have turned red slightly, I don’t know if he was angry or wronged.

“Then you can’t go out, the game is not over yet!”

Nioh stood at the door, blocking Kirihaya’s way and said.

The third graders of Rikkai University are all committed, and they have to personally pour the cup to the younger generation when they see it, but the sky is unpredictable.

PS: It’s just a transition, do you think I will write a lot? In fact, the next chapter is over~.

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