Chapter 307 : Speaking of the wind, coming in hand in hand

“It’s so fast. Did you enter the most intense state right from the start of the game?”

“Fortunately we caught up!”


Suddenly, a familiar voice came from behind the Rikkai Taisho candidates who were watching the game.


As soon as Sanada turned around, he saw Seigaku’s minister Kunimitsu and his team members.

“Seigaku ended the game so soon?!”

“Senior Nioh, hurry up too!”

Kirihaya’s first reaction when seeing Seigaku’s group was to urge Nioh to end the game as soon as possible.

Nioh, who was running, took a look at the direction of his teammates and saw Seigaku’s blue and white formal uniform.

In this draw, it is clear that at least Seigaku drew a lottery in the first game, although their later opponents were more difficult.


Holding Racquet’s left hand, his wrist flipped a few degrees in an instant, exerting a topspin force on the tennis ball.

The “Nine-Eighty Zero” tennis ball seemed invisible at that moment, without any traces.

“It’s similar to Fuji’s Disappearing Serve, except that this is Nioh’s return.

Kikumaru ran to the front with a few familiar steps so that he could see the game more clearly.

“Eiji, you come back quickly, don’t run into the Rikkai team at will, that doesn’t seem to be good.”

Oishi awkwardly stretched out his hand forward in vain.

“I gonna go see!”

Before Seigaku’s deputy minister called back his doubles partner, he watched his little pillar run to the front row.

“Echizen! Wait, no, Haitang! Taocheng!”

Oishi watched each of his teammates wearing blue and white formal uniforms, mixed with Rikkai’s big khaki formal selection team. While embarrassed in his heart, he also thought about going to the front.

Although they can see the game in other places, it is undoubtedly the best field of view in the player’s position.

“It’s really interesting to return the ball. Using the topspin force added by racquet, coupled with the excessive speed of the ball, it instantly caused the visual effect of the missing tennis ball.”

“Hands, speed up and come here after the game just now is really a wise choice.”

Fuji said with a smile.

It’s just that his current mood is not as clear as the surface. The skills that I used to score points for my fame can no longer keep up with the progress of others, and the triple return is really too much behind!

Although I found Tachibana Yoshihiro before, Fuji himself has also vaguely figured out the way to the evolution of his skills.Even before the start of the national competition, he used several serve machines in the school to create a new quadruple counterattack, but it is far from enough. !

If you want to defeat the current king Rikkai, Fuji believes that he needs more and more powerful skills…

The speed of the tennis ball makes many people’s eyes unable to keep up, but in the eyes of people with good eyesight and dynamic vision, you can still see the ball at the moment when the tennis ball disappears and “shows” again.

The area of ​​the court is actually not large, but it is basically impossible to run from one side to the other in an instant.

These are the opinions of many people before seeing Kite move.

“Shipping method of moving left and right!”

“How is it possible?! Didn’t it mean that you can only move back and forth?”

Before Rikkai had time to exchange his opinions, Seigaku became a commotion.

“Have you met someone in Rokkaku?”

Kirihaya was taken aback and asked.

“Saeki in Rokkaku and I are young children, Kirihaya-kun.”

The way Fuji was smiling at this moment made Kirihaya feel a bit of chill inexplicably.

Of course, he was not afraid of Seigaku’s genius on court, but now, he suddenly realized how similar the smile of Fuji Syusuke at this time and the smile of his own minister sometimes are!

“Before, the other people in Higa also used the Shuchi method to some extent, but they all moved back and forth.

Yanagi Renji and Inui Sadaharu exchanged information.

Here, the conversation between Rikkai Yama and Seigaku attracted the attention of the Higa candidates.

Except for Kai Yujiroh, who is standing next to Saotome and watching their coaches in Higa with a racquet “duty and due”, the other ones who are currently selected are counted as one, even the previous heatstroke Koichi Aragaki is lying on the railing and shouting to them .

“The function of Shukuchi is not just to move back and forth!”

“Our minister is not like us ordinary people!”

“Tell you, all the Shuji in Higa are taught by the minister!”

“The Minister’s balance ability is not what you can imagine!

Although these words boosted morale, they also exposed a lot of information.

“Is that so?”

“Kite Eishirou, because of his super balance ability, his Shuji method is comprehensive!”

Liu Hegan came to this conclusion together.

Kite on the court completed the left and right movement in the blink of an eye under people’s eyes.

He seemed to have received that topspin’s very powerful tennis ball effortlessly.


There was an explosive sound.

“This is the big bang of that fat man!”

Kirihaya’s eyes widened. He naturally recognized that this was the skill of Tian Renzhihui who had previously played three singles matches with him.

“Boy, all our football skills in Higa come from our minister.

Tian Renzhi over there ridiculed Kirihaya at the right time.

“Hey, is that right?”

But to his expectation, Kirihara Akaya was not angry, but gave him a mocking smile.

[You don’t know what Nioh-san is best at is to take the opponent’s good ball skills into his own. 】

For Kirihaya, who is confident of his senior, said that he does not care about his opponent’s provocations.

This game will prove everything!

The amber cat eyes staring at the court seemed to glance at Kirihaya casually, and Echizen Ryoma watched the game intently again.

Nioh seemed to have expected that this ball could not be scored directly, and when he played tennis, he still maintained a vigilant state of bowing and lowering his center of gravity.

He waited for a “big bang” at Kite.

Kite, who still looks very cold on the surface, is definitely raging in his heart now.

The strength and rotation of this ball is definitely much stronger than Tian Renzhi’s “Big Bang”.

Nioh hates this kind of power ball the most, because his power has always been the weakest in the five-dimensional, and has even been ridiculed by Yukimura and Liu. If his muscle state and body 2.8 become like Sanada, his strength may be Will increase by more than 30%.

But what can you do if your physical condition is like that?

Nioh is convinced that he has found a way to deal with this power ball.

The strength is not enough, the technology will come together!


Racquet against the tennis ball, the tennis ball rubbed in the center of the racquet, trying to break through the racquet’s net line.

The wrist is shaking to absorb the shock, and the slight rotation improves the force and focus of the left hand.

Nioh Masaharu is very familiar with racquet, and a tennis ball that beats his heart can actually use various methods to reduce his actual strength.

Although it was indeed a heavy ball at the beginning, but afterwards


This process sounds very long, but it takes less than three seconds to actually operate, and a stronger and more rotating return ball flies towards Kite!.

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