Primordial Sequence

Chapter 407 Choice

Above the clouds, thrones of different colors slowly emerged. Except for the extremely special four gods and a few unknown gods, other gods appeared on the throne one by one. Among them, the tower of the god of death carrying the lamp of life soul and the scythe of death. Natos looked at the gods with different expressions and spoke in a low voice.

"During the dark turmoil of the Second Era, the God of Sleep, Hypulos, has fallen. We are willing to use his throne to help the first generation of fallen saints ascend to the throne of God and let him replace the God of Sleep."

Hearing these words, Athena, the God of War and Wisdom in the Holy Domain, had cold eyes. She was wearing a golden holy garment and a crown of light from the sky. The stars in her eyes were spinning, and a thrilling pressure was pressing against the God of Death. passed.

"Hyplos deserves his punishment. Not announcing his death is enough to give you shame. If he falls, he will fall. This kind of evil god who used the flesh, blood and souls of millions of people to reach the top should have died long ago, and his divinity But corruption and killing are incompatible with the god of sleep."

Seeing that Athena was the first to refute, the God of Death looked at the taboo goddess. He saw a lady wearing a noble black gauze dress sitting up straight, a hazy mist covering her face. Makes it difficult to see clearly.

"Since you brought it up, and you don't give him a chance, let your sanctuary clean up the mess. But don't forget the contract signed in the Second Era. The gods on the list are absolutely not allowed to set foot on the Roland Continent and the Loland Continent. , so how many high-order lives do you plan to use to fill the sanctuary?"

After hearing this, Athena closed her eyes gently. Indeed...according to the contract, except for those gods who have not signed the contract, other gods cannot appear in Roland Continent, but according to the strength of the first generation of fallen saints, , at least half of the Golden Saints in their sanctuary will die.

"Ms. Athena, do you still object?" Seeing that Athena was silent and could not see her face clearly, Pandora spoke meaningfully.

"I object." At this moment, a cold female voice sounded, and the gods saw the Queen of Spades wearing a black dress, a spades crown, and heavy makeup, speaking with a gloomy face.

"No one is allowed to become a god before the two kings ascend to the throne of God. This is a rule and an order. When the God of Sleep falls, he falls. Have you ever seen the god sitting here become a god by using someone else's divinity?"

"I, the Sun God and the Holy Spirit Titan Soldiers are against it." As soon as Ladis finished her voice, she saw a giant red dragon appearing in the clouds and mist. Their bodies were extremely huge, and all they could see was a dark red belly. .

Upon hearing this, the taboo goddess immediately sat on the chair behind her. Five gods had already objected, so he looked to the side and saw a green giant sitting on the throne with calm eyes. It was the original figure after the transformation. Long Saha.

"I agree, there is no reason." Seeing the gaze of the forbidden goddess, the primitive dragon spoke in a low voice.

Upon hearing this, the taboo goddess looked in another direction and saw the ice and snow goddess Tifuka, who was exuding cold air, had silver-white hair and pale eyes, and raised her hand gently.

"I agree."

"I agree."

The goddess of vengeance, who exuded an unknown ominousness, also spoke quietly.

"5 versus 5, he is destined not to ascend to the throne of God." Seeing this scene, the Queen of Spades smiled and said. At this moment, four divine orders with exactly the same content came from the sky. All the gods present hurriedly stepped down from the throne and stood alone. Put your hands on your chest to show respect.

"Let his flesh and blood feed the creatures of the earth. Contact Dark Crow to let him take action. He has not signed the contract." After hearing this,

"Dear Creator God of Light, Pluto, God of Origin, Lord of Heaven, we follow your instructions."

After the lingering sound dissipated, Queen of Spades Ladis spoke calmly with a smile on her face.

"You have also heard that the four gods who hold the truth in the world have expressed their attitude and issued an oracle." After saying that, the Queen of Spades disappeared from the throne first. The other gods also disappeared as soon as they saw it. Above the clouds, in the blink of an eye, they There was no one around. Seeing this scene, the fog on the face of the forbidden goddess slowly dissipated, revealing a pale face. She looked helplessly at the God of Death.

"The Clown Emperor Silla is already a demigod. My clone was killed by him. He suppressed the Cemetery of Eternal Sin again. We are in urgent need of strong companions to maintain the order and dignity of hell."

"Pluto has spoken. Our plan has failed. He is destined to be a loser. Go back and issue the oracle." Thanatos, the god of death, said in a low voice. Although the dark turmoil of the second era allowed them to achieve their goal, as a dark turmoil On the side of the initiators, they paid an extremely heavy price. Not even one high-order position was left alive. The God of Sleep was attacked and killed by a sneak attack. The lucky surviving high-level supernatural beings and evil spirits were sealed in the Cemetery of Eternal Sin. The entire underworld was already facing a crisis. The situation indirectly led to their voice in Roland Continent getting smaller and smaller, which is why they must strive to change. Originally, everything was fine, and they found a suitable target, but a stupid green clown came from nowhere. The emperor blocked the entrance to the Eternal Sin Cemetery and even beheaded all the remaining high-order ones. Now the plan to let the new god ascend to the top has failed, and the underworld is completely over.

"Underworld, we have to withdraw from this stage." After thinking about it, Thanatos, the God of Death, said a word and disappeared into the clouds.

The forbidden goddess gritted her teeth, but she still did not dare to disobey the orders of the four Lords of the Era.

"Out of sight, out of mind. I've done what I have to do. What can I do if the whole world doesn't help you?" After saying this, the taboo goddess also disappeared into the clouds.

In the fifth city, Camus and the others who fled the city looked behind them in fear. They saw the entire sky was crimson, a huge black hole appeared in the sky, dense red threads rushed towards the door crazily, and a gray-white The arm gradually stretched out from the door.


The ancient war drums sounded, and Kamius suddenly found that his body was getting hotter and hotter. The thought of killing everyone appeared in his mind. He gasped and pulled off his clothes, only to see that his body was covered with black Silk threads, they are so scary swimming around on my body.


At this moment, a scream came from the car behind Kamiao, followed immediately by the sound of intensive fighting.

"Leave quickly, I can't control it anymore." The red-faced Casca hugged his head tightly, his expression was extremely ferocious, the blood vessels on his face bulged, and a lot of sticky saliva flowed from his mouth.

"Go to hell." At this moment, Akali suddenly spat out a blood arrow, her eyes instantly turned red, and she aimed a sword at Susie.

"Come on." Susie's eyes turned red at the sight. A white thought energy appeared on her fist, and she smashed it towards the blue sword energy.


With a huge explosion, the carriage where Camus and others were sitting was immediately blown to pieces by the aftermath, and Camus and others were immediately thrown out.

"Ah..." Seeing that the attack was useless, Akali's blue hair spread out immediately. She was bathed in blue brilliance like a god of war. Along with a roar, a sword energy that was probably hundreds of meters high. Hit Susie hard.


As soon as Susie saw her body, she turned pink in the blink of an eye, and a stream of hot air erupted from her body. He looked at Akali opposite him cruelly, and with a loud bang, someone appeared under his feet. A burst of bright red flames, the red ankle kicked towards the sword energy hundreds of meters high.


There was an earth-shattering sound of thunder in the sky, and the fierce light in the center of the battle made the Camus people burst into tears. The ensuing storm even blew the Camus group away again, and Camus shouted in the cold voice among the flying sand and rocks.

"Control Casca, they won't be able to finish the fight in a while."


The ground suddenly trembled. As the explosions from the battle grew louder and louder, the bumps on the ground became more violent. A boulder half the size of a house was thrown out, creating a deep pit not far from him. Kamiao looked at it and his eyes shrank.

"Damn it, get out of the fighting range of these two perverts." After saying that, Camus picked up the glass on the ground and hit it on his thigh. A stinging pain brought him back to his senses, and he ran out with difficulty.

"Come and help me." After walking for more than ten meters, Camus suddenly saw the anxious-looking Yardli holding down Casca who was struggling crazily. When she saw that Camus' eyes were normal, she eagerly Open your mouth.

"Kamiu ran over and held down Casca's hands and feet as he tried to break away. Seeing that this was not going to work anymore, Camus picked up the big stone next to him and hit Casca's head hard."


"Ah..." But Casca was not knocked unconscious. His head was immediately bruised and bloody, and his red eyes wanted to eat Camus alive.

Kamiao picked up the nearby piece of soil and stuffed it into his mouth, then turned to look at Yardley who looked shocked.

"What were you going to say just now? What are you waiting for?"

The corner of Yardley's mouth twitched, and she spoke in a low voice.

"I've already drugged you, and it's useless. I just told you to stop."

Upon hearing this, Kamiu turned around and looked at Casca who chewed up the clods of soil and swallowed them.

"Maybe it will take a few more hits before you faint."

As he spoke, Camus picked up the stone next to him. At this moment, he suddenly felt a pain in the back of his head. The dizziness that followed made him feel dazed. She looked back with a grin on her face and saw Yade. Li looked at herself in bewilderment, the blood-stained stone in her hand attracting great attention. When she saw Camus, it seemed that she had dropped the stone in her hand, with a slightly apologetic expression.

"I thought you were crazy too, and you wanted to beat Casca to death."

Kamiao almost died of anger when he heard this. At this time, a stream of red blood flowed from his forehead. He felt the warmth on his face and the corners of his eyes, and he immediately took a breath.

"Hiss... How come I haven't seen you so sinister before? Do you think I'm abnormal? If I'm not normal, I can hold Casca down with you."

"ah……". At this moment, Casca had swallowed the clod of soil in his mouth, and roared with a bared teeth. Camus' backhand was like a stone. As long as his head was not broken, Yardley had many ways to treat him.

"Dong...dong." Following two dull collision sounds, Camus looked back in shock and saw Adri standing uneasily behind him. The blood-stained stone in his hand was extremely glaring. Miao Yi looked at it and spoke tremblingly.

"Tell me, why did you hit me?"

Yardley pursed her lips after hearing this, "I told you that I couldn't knock you out, but you still hit me? And your eyes are red, and you look crazy."

Kamiao was about to cry when he heard this. If he couldn't pull his hand away, he would have pointed at his own eyes and yelled at Yardley.

"You are blind. Is this blood? Do you understand?"

"Then why did you hit him?" Yardley pointed at the grinning Casca and spoke in a low voice.

"Is it bothering you that I hit him? He's crazy, can't I make him sober up? Are you stupid?" Camus felt more warmth on her face, and her face was as dark as the bottom of a pot.

"I told you it's useless, why are you still beating him?" Yardley pointed at the stone and said seriously.

"I...I was wrong. Come and hold him down." Kamius almost couldn't hold his breath when he heard this. He took a deep breath and admitted his mistake sincerely. When did Yardley become a second-rate person? She is still like this. A heartless bastard? Could it be that she and others were mentally out of control and that she was mentally deficient?

"Woo..." Seeing that Casca was restrained and unable to move, Camus looked at the khaki tornado in the distance and twitched his mouth. He saw that the tornado was getting bigger and bigger, and the sword energy and thought energy that occasionally flew out were directly in the air. A big hole exploded in the ground.

"Where are Gandalf and the others?" At this moment, Camus suddenly discovered that Gandalf and Laura were missing, and immediately asked Aderley, who heard the words and looked to the other side.

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