Primordial Sequence

Chapter 269 Meeting

A day later, Camus saw evidence of the mayor's corruption in a newspaper in Caldecott City, and the informant was Monty Smith. Because the mayor was dead, the case was quickly closed. Camus looked at the piles of antiques and gold coins in the black ink painting and shook his head gently. From the mayor's performance, he inferred that the mayor was the victim of the greed ritual. If he remembered correctly, the material of this ritual was the stomach.

"There are already four, and there are three more. The storm is coming. Maybe I have to keep Lux away from here."

"I didn't expect the mayor to hide so deeply." Camus was directing the cup on the table to move to a specific place. He was training the accuracy of his ability. He also saw the newspaper and spoke contemptuously.

"Never underestimate a person. Even a homeless person on the street will have a day to kill people, not to mention the people in power. In the previous disturbances in Caldecott City, our mayor should play an important role." Camus put down the newspaper and spoke softly.

"Fiona left, and left anxiously. Do you think it was the Seven Deadly Sins that made her leave?" Camus spoke in a low voice with some heavy thoughts. Fiona's departure cast a shadow on his head.

"It's possible. Three original sin rituals killed two powerful extraordinary people. Who knows what will happen in the next second? You are lucky."

Kaxiu immediately took a sip of coffee. Camus stopped talking after hearing this. He felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

In the Sun Church of Caldecott City, a group of knights wearing silver-white armor walked at the door of the church. The leading knight took off his helmet, revealing a handsome face, and his golden hair shone in the sun.

"Finally, we are here. Why do these citizens look so panicked?"

"Recently, there have been many bloody incidents in Caldecott City. According to our intelligence, it was the Seven Deadly Sins Ritual." The knight behind him stepped forward and spoke softly.

"Oh... Interesting." Hearing that it was the Seven Deadly Sins Ritual, the blond middle-aged man said expressionlessly. He saw four people walking in the distance, his eyes slightly fixed, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Welcome." The middle-aged man of the Tribunal welcomed a group of people in. He held a box sealed with gold in his hand. There was a strong aura of light on the box.


Seeing the logo on their clothes, the blond middle-aged man of the Glory Knights murmured. The Tribunal of the Church of the Sun and the three major knights of the Aurora Society are all internal combat organizations. The only difference is that the Aurora Society only has the path of light, while the Tribunal has three paths.

"What are you holding in your hand?" Because everyone was responsible for similar events, the blond middle-aged man of the Honor Knights immediately became interested in the golden box.

"Second-level sealed object, the dead soul box, since you are here, we will leave."

Hearing that they were leaving, the blond middle-aged looked deeply at the box, but did not block the four of them from leaving.

"Captain, we are from the Aurora Society, why should we help them guard? Aren't they human beings?" Seeing the staff of the Tribunal leave, a somewhat irritated voice came from behind the blond middle-aged man.

"We are only responsible for stabilizing the situation for a week. We will leave after a week. This is what we have agreed with them. Have a good rest." The blond middle-aged man responded vaguely, and then looked outside with deep eyes. However, there was a trace of anxiety in his eyes. For a supernatural being who has lived for more than ten years, he was very impressed by the city of Caldecott. If calculated, the thing will be revived in more than two months.

He didn't understand why the Church of the Sun asked them for help before, but now he understands a little bit. Because of the imbalance in his heart, how many people died in the Church of the Sun to suppress the cultists, and it is okay to ask you, the Aurora Society, to help.

In the evening, the blond young man filtered through all the things that happened in Caldecott recently, and his face became more and more gloomy.

"Devil's offspring, the resurrection of the Eternal Order, the ritual of the seven sins..., I only heard that the three major organizations suffered heavy casualties in Caldecott before, but I didn't expect it to be so bad."

As detailed events appeared one by one, the blond middle-aged man's breath became heavier.

"What a restless place. What are these people from the Inquisition doing?" Because he didn't see what these people from the Inquisition did during the incident, the blond middle-aged man fell into deep thought.

Late at night, Camus put the materials he had reviewed aside, lay on the bed and closed his eyes. With a sense of distortion, he came to the glorious hall. The hall was full of light and shadow, and one figure after another appeared on the high-backed chair. Laura was sitting on the upper chair in a purple court dress. She nodded slightly after seeing Camus.

"Have you found the things?" Seeing the people standing below were surprised, Laura couldn't wait to speak.

"I found it. It's in my house, but there is only the Frost Shield of the White Giant Morgo. As for the extraordinary characteristics, potion formulas and promotion knowledge, I don't know whether they are in it." Camus said in a low voice.

"Very good... I will ask Menghu to get it." Laura smiled when she heard the good news.

"Tell me, is there anything you need help with?"

"I got the formula of the black wizard, but some of the promotion knowledge is incomplete, and I need to make up for it." Kaxiu spoke first, which was his main purpose.

"Aurora will have the dark wizard's promotion knowledge. I will ask Menghu to send it over, but you have to be mentally prepared. Starting from stage four, the sequence one formula will be in short supply. We need to find a way ourselves in the future." Na thought for a while and spoke in a low voice. This answer was also what Kaxiu expected. The potion formula and promotion knowledge in the later stages are not a piece of cake. You can leave as you please.

"I need the advancement knowledge of a virologist, Freemasonry?" Seeing that Card Xiu's problem was solved, Susie immediately spoke.

"No, I'm sorry... We are short of knowledge and formulas for promotion in this way, but I will ask for you. Maybe there are hidden virologists in Billing City." Laura shook her head first, and then spoke in a low voice to reassure her. With Susie.


"I need to know clearly what the Gate of Kadom is, what role the Freemasons play in Cadde City, and what exactly are they going to do?" When Camus saw Susie finish speaking, she immediately put aside the doubts in her heart. After saying this, he immediately looked at Laura.

"The Freemasons in Caddick City? What happened to them? As for the Kadom Gate, I will check it immediately. This is also a question that puzzles me, but this information has been deliberately blocked by my father. I need time. "Launa turned her gaze to Kamius, with a hint of curiosity in her eyes.

"I said before that the Seven Deadly Sins ritual occurred in Cadde City. After our investigation, this matter involved several parts, including the Monty Smith family, the Freemasons, and unknown participants. I want to start with the Freemasonry. We will find clear information here." Camus said softly, "What do the Freemasons and the Monty family do with the Seven Deadly Sins ceremony?"

"I'll try, but there's little hope. I don't know much about the internal information of Freemasonry. If it's really a major incident, I don't think they will disclose it to us."

"Also, I want my sister to go to your place. I feel that there is a fatal danger hidden in Caddick City. The Madica Empire has the best history school. I want her to study there and leave this place." Kamuo After thinking for a while, he continued to speak. He already had a strong premonition that Catic City would be in danger and he had to send his sister out.

"Yes, the History University in Billing City is the best history university." Laura tapped the table and spoke calmly.

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