Chapter 167

East China Sea, Yinglong Palace, Sky Prison No. 2…

A cultivator with a disheveled face was hanging in the air with blood on his face, his hands and feet were all pierced by chain hooks; a closer look showed that the black iron chain had been soaked in red with his blood, and the blood had dried up to black. And in front of him stood a huge insect shadow.

Accompanied by the dim light of black and purple, the giant insect shadow slowly transformed into a man in black armor. Suddenly, he opened his monster eyes and looked at the small and embarrassed cultivator in front of him.

Unexpectedly, a sharp tail thorn suddenly plunged into the thin body.


Accompanied by a screaming scream, that thin body began to shrink extremely.

“Hey, don’t blame me, the Dragon Sovereign sent an instruction not long ago, Princess Longji has returned safely, and you can already be free!” The man in the armor said coldly.

“You, you gave me a happy one. It’s a thousand yuan meeting. Your behavior is worse than Devil!” The cultivator whose blood was drawn cried out in pain.

“Ming Scorpion Daoist, it’s not that I don’t give you pleasure; the Dragon Emperor has ordered that you can’t make you die, so you should continue to bear it!” You calmly said.

“The dragon clan is in vain as the overlord force, I curse the dragon clan to be annihilated, and the clan is annihilated~” Daoist vented his last unwilling voice.

“If the curse was useful, the Dragon Race would be over long ago; well, I’ll send you on the road, lest you suffer any more sins!”

As soon as the voice fell, You retracted the pointed tail that pierced Daoist’s body, and then two giant scorpions appeared in front of him, cutting the Daoist’s part in two, and directly swallowed it with his soul.

He glanced at the source of the weak real spirit of Daoist Daoist, groaned slightly, but let him go and gave him the right to reincarnate once.

It’s hard to imagine that the cruel and innocent Yu will also move the heart of compassion; you know, with more than one thousand Yuanhui, You will almost every time the life scorpion Daoist’s blood and bone marrow is drawn.

And the vitality of half-step Ronaldo’s cultivator is extremely tenacious. As long as it doesn’t die instantly, the blood marrow will grow back soon. After such a cycle, Daoist, the scorpion of this kind of pain, endured a full 1,000 yuan.

After refining Daoist’s blood, You stood up and headed towards Yinglong Palace. All the guards encountered along the way saw You and couldn’t help but shudder.

Yinglong Palace…

“Farewell to your Majesty Dragon Emperor!” You bowed directly.

“Well, get up, are everything done?” Ying Longhuang said calmly.

“My Majesty, Daoist has been completely wiped out!” You respectfully replied.

Ying Long’s eyes revealed an abnormal light, and then he said again: “In that case, go down!”

“Yes, Your Majesty!” You slowly withdrew.

Ying Long, who was sitting in the dragon chair, showed a sneer at this time, and muttered to himself: The emperor wants to see what tricks you can play.

You who left Yinglong Great Hall quickly returned to the second sky cell, but only an image came back. The real You left the Dragon Palace a long time ago.

The demon blood beasts have the ability to transform into anything around them. When the fierce beasts battled, they had already fully demonstrated this ability in front of the Qilin clan.

It was with this ability that You successfully avoided all the palace guards and came to the surface of the sea.

Ignoring the people of the Dragon Race who were building a pulpit in full swing, the quiet figure traveled through the void at high speed, and in a blink of an eye they had already left the East China Sea.

Qinghua, who was sitting in the Lotus Position on the steps, narrowed her eyes slightly, glanced at the direction where You was leaving, and then ignored it.

“Senior Sister, what’s the matter?” Bai Xue sensed Qinghua’s strangeness beside her and asked.

“It’s okay!” Qinghua didn’t say much.


At the border of the Middle East, an unknown mountain range, a secluded figure came into a cave, glanced around, and then found a sound-transmitting jade symbol in a rock wall.

Take out the jade talisman, and then put the jade talisman you prepared back in, and a Spirit Power issued, instantly closing the rock wall.

Leaving the cave, You Shennian scanned the surroundings, and after making sure that there was no one, they escaped together and headed for the East China Sea.

The sound transmission jade amulet has a distance limit, of course, it can also be said to be a Cultivation Base limit. With You’s ability, it is not yet possible to transmit information across a wasteland, and can only transmit information to the Qilin Clan in this way.

You, who was rushing to the East China Sea, suddenly took a bite, because a similar figure appeared in front of him.

“Jiuyou, Wang You gave instructions!” Xuesha said to Jiuyou.

Then the blood killer threw the two jade charms to Jiuyou, and continued: “The instructions are on the sound transmission jade charm, the other is the guardian jade charm; the king predicts that you will have a catastrophe, and this jade charm has the king’s With a full blow, Hong Huang, except for the Azure Profound Supreme, can’t stop!”

“Thank you my king for me!” Jiu You said solemnly.

“Well, it’s up here, I’ll go back to the Northern Wilderness first, see you at the Alchemy Grand Ceremony!” After the blood kill, Liuyi left here with one fan.

In the same place, Jiuyou stood quietly for a while, then relieved, and murmured to himself: Wang’s Cultivation Base has reached Hunyuan Jinxian, her calculations can’t be wrong, but there are jade charms bestowed by the king, so I should protect myself. Without fear.

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