Chapter 135

While speaking, the two women had already arrived in front of the boundary monument.

And Mr. Bai did not get up, because at this moment, the aura on his body was actually rising crazily.

“This is… Advanced Da Luo?” Luo Ningshuang asked in surprise.

“Yeah! It seems that the old Bai swallowed Huang Zhongli. It should be the master who knew that he was hopeless, and he had to work hard for so many years, making an exception and rewarding him!” Qinghua said.

Qinghua and Qinghua have been waiting for ten days. In these ten days, Bai Ran’s breath has been rising and falling; finally, a level of aura and coercion confessed to Bai Ran’s body, some closer to the fantasy sky island The creatures felt it one after another.

“This breath is Bai Lao?” A cultivator of the Golden Immortal Peak cannot be channelled; because Bai Ran’s strength was similar to his before, why suddenly soared so much.

“It’s indeed Lao Bai. This breath is even stronger than that of the Supreme Disciples. Could it be that Lao Bai has advanced to Da Luo Jinxian?”

“Let’s go, look in front of the boundary monument?”

“Well, I’ll wait too, just to ask why Mr. Bai has so many Ascension!”

Suddenly, nearly 40% of the cultivators on the island began to rush to the boundary monument, hoping to get the secret of Bai Ran’s soaring strength.

At this moment, Mr. Bai has taken back Da Luo’s momentum.

“Congratulations to Mr. Bai Zhengdao Da Luo!” Qinghua stepped forward and said.

“Congratulations to senior Jinxian, Advanced Da Luo Jinxian!” Luo Ningshuang reacted with some envy.

“It’s you two, I just used external forces to get lucky, there is nothing to congratulate. Are you going to leave the island?” Bai Ran said flatly.

“Yes, the Closed Door Training on the island is over 100 yuan, it’s time to go out!” Qinghua said slightly.

Bai Ran took out Yukongjian and opened an exit.

Qinghua and Qinghua walked out immediately, but when Bai Ran was about to close the formation, Qinghua looked back at Bai Ran, her lips slightly opened as if she was saying something, but there was no sound.

But Bai Ran’s face changed drastically, and he was about to move, but Qinghua had disappeared from his sight with Luo Ningshuang.

After regaining his senses, Bai Ran’s expression changed, and he was about to leave here, only to find that a group of cultivators had arrived in the distance.

They were all attracted by the aura radiated by Bai Ran’s advanced Da Luo.

“Lao Bai, are you Advanced Da Luo?” Before everyone arrived, voices came from afar.

“The aura that Mr. Bai exuded just now surprised me. I don’t know how Mr. Bai stepped into the realm of Da Luo?”


Looking at the crowded scene in front of him, Mr. Bai shook his head and said, “I stepped into Daluo and relied on the cultivation of the supreme. It was pure trickery!”

“Even if it’s a coincidence, it’s also Daluo Jinxian. It must have the feeling of Daluo Jinxian. Can you tell me to wait?” a cultivator from the peak of Jinxian asked hesitantly.

The remaining cultivator also looked at Bai Ran longingly.

Bai Ran pondered for a moment, and then said: “I have just stepped into this Realm, and my perception is quite shallow; after I sort out some experience, how about discussing it with Er et al in ten days?”

When everyone heard this, they were overjoyed and said, “Thank you, Senior White!”

Immediately, Bai Ran started Lotus Position and closed his eyes to experience Da Luo Jinxian’s enlightenment, while the others also waited patiently and quietly.


Honghuangbei, an underground palace.

“Congratulations on the return of my king!”

Leng Yunxin sat on the Great Hall and looked at the six figures below, and Tankou lightly opened her mouth: “You don’t need to be polite, why are there only six of you, Jiuyou and the Phantom?”

“Return to my king, Jiuyou is in the Dragon Clan, and the Phantom is in the Feng Clan at the moment!” said the blood killer.

“Oh? Why did they go to the two races?” Leng Yun asked in doubt.

“Return to my king, my clan once promised Qilin clan as a condition to help the king get out of trouble; the two of them are just to fulfill the agreement!” Shenshang said.

“Huh? How is this possible, with their Cultivation Base, how can they change their appearance? If the main body goes, won’t the Dragon and Phoenix clan notice it?” Leng Yun was puzzled.

“Return to the king, because of it!” The lower Tianyin’s hands changed, and then a mirror appeared, and a dazzling golden light suddenly illuminated the entire underground palace.

Leng Yunxin stretched out his hand to take a photo, and the bronze mirror appeared in the suspension of her palm, and a ray of light flashed through her eyes, and she said: “The sun god mirror? Where did you get it, and the previous Emperor Fire Heavenly Sun Pearl?”

Tianyin stood up and said, “Wang, these two superb Xiantian spirit treasures were obtained by subordinates accidentally in the Chishang Mountains. At that time, I waited for eight people to crack the formation for ten days!”

“Blazing Mountain Range? Where is it?” Leng Yunxin was obviously interested.

“It’s in the Northern Wilderness. It’s the only place in the Northern Wilderness where hot wind blows all the year round. Many cultivators from the Northern Wilderness cultivated there with the help of heat. Was slain and chased away, but because of this, I will be able to obtain these two spiritual treasures without knowing it!” Tianyin replied respectfully.

The corner of Leng Yunxin’s mouth was slightly raised, and he said: “Interesting, now you take this king!”

“Yes, my king!” Tianyin nodded.

Leng Yunxin tossed the Sunlight Divine Mirror and returned it to Tianyin, and said: “You can use this mirror to try the transformation, and this king can also observe the difference with the normalization?”

Tianyin took the lead, pointed the mirror at his head, and a Spirit Power shot out of his mouth, then lifted one of his forefoot and shook it in front of the mirror.

I saw the sun’s magic mirror suddenly burst out with a more eye-catching golden light, and at this time, a young girl appeared on the mirror surface; then the image separated from the mirror surface, overlapped with the sky sound, and began to change with the shape of the Houtian sound, slowly transforming into a human form , Her appearance is impressively the girl who appeared in the mirror before.

“Yes, it’s beyond my expectation, it’s almost a perfect transformation!” Leng Yunxin nodded in surprise.

“Wang, in this way, my strength will be suppressed by 30%. This is the only flaw!” Tianyin said at the right time.

“Well, this king knows!” Leng Yunxin immediately asked again: “How long will Jiuyou and Phantom agree to stay in the Dragon and Phoenix Clan?”

“Ten thousand Yuanhui, the two people of these ten thousand Yuanhui will complete the investigation of the high-level information of the dragon and the phoenix clan, and reveal their Cultivation Technique and true strength level; of course, the most important thing is that the two clans have Any action, Qilin clan will know in advance!” Shenshang replied.

“Hey, the Qilin clan is really welcome, I dare to instruct the blood generals of my clan!” Leng Yun’s eyes suddenly sharpened, and the aura that exuded made the six generals present secretly startled.

“Never mind, Tianyin, let’s go to the Blazing Mountain Range!” Leng Yunxin immediately retracted his momentum and stood up.

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