Chapter 133 Qingxuan’s Return to the Taiyin Star

Just as the sun was falling, the Taiyin Youying far away on the lunar star felt it, and she knew that the time to determine her destiny was approaching.

Now she can only pin her hopes on Wang Shu, who is meditating on the side and recovering. As for escape, it is basically impossible; unless she can leave the wilderness, but obviously, she does not have this ability.

Because it was a matter of life and death, Taiyin Youying didn’t even have the desire to cultivate, because her heart couldn’t calm down at all.

After waiting for a long time, Wang Shu finally opened his eyes, and then looked at Taiyin Youying on the side and said, “He is here!”

Hearing this, Taiyin Youying’s heartbeat speeds up instantly; if he can live, who is willing to fall?

Ignoring Taiyin Youying’s trembling heart, Wang Shu tidied up his appearance and walked out of Guanghan Palace, Taiyin Youying naturally followed.

The two stood on the lunar star and waited quietly. After a short while, a blue light appeared in their eyes, and it zoomed in extremely fast.

When the blue light landed on the Lunar Star, in a flash, it came to the second woman.

“Long time no see, Wangshu fellow daoist is still beautiful!” Qingxuan’s voice has arrived before he arrives.

“Compared to this, Qingxuan fellow daoist’s strength and Cultivation Base are shocking. I don’t know who is fighting fellow daoist above the stars?” Wang Shu stared at Qingxuan closely.

“Uh… this, it’s a long story!” Qing Xuan asked this without expecting Wang Shu to come up.

“I have a lot of time, let’s just talk about it!” Wang Shu continued to ask.

“This…, it’s inconvenient to say!” actually is not Qingxuan deliberately didn’t say it, but Daluo Jinxian talked about Hunyuan Jinxian and it is very likely that he would be known by him instantly. Qingxuan was afraid to cause trouble to Wangshu, after all, he really fights now. But she.

Don’t think that Leng Yunxin’s temper is very good. You must know that during the Battle of the Stars, she didn’t keep a trace of her hand, it was all killer moves; if it weren’t for Qingxuan’s strong strength, she would have fallen.

“Do you want to say it or is it inconvenient to say it?” Wang Shu was reluctant.

“It’s really inconvenient to say, that… her temper is not very good!” Qing Xuan’s head was as big as a fight.

“You mean I have a good temper!” Wang Shu’s voice suddenly increased a bit.

Seeing Wang Shu who was getting more and more emotional, Qing Xuan tentatively said: “Are you… jealous?”

“Jealous? What is it?” Wang Shu looked at Qing Xuan suspiciously.

Qingxuan secretly said: Yes, this world is not jealous yet; then he explained: “Jealous means…”

But Wang Shu interrupted him before he finished speaking.

“Don’t divert the topic, you first explain who she is?” Wang Shu looked like asking the bottom line.

In desperation, Qing Xuan had to reply: “Leng Yunxin!”

“Leng Yunxin? What does it have to do with you? Why the whole Honghuang doesn’t know her name, you know?” Wang Shu continued to ask, not knowing that her current problem has exceeded the boundaries between friends.

“What’s the relationship? As you can see, it’s almost a life-and-death relationship; as for the name, she just got out of trouble, I don’t know how to call it, and then I will give it up!” Qing Xuan directly told her.

“You did it? You…” Wang Shu was extremely angry, leaving Qing Xuan with a back, and went back to Guanghan Palace on his own.

Qingxuan was speechless, secretly said: Is this jealousy so strong? You have to find the right partner if you are jealous. I almost never got killed by her.

Qing Xuan is not the only one who is speechless, Taiyin Youying is even more speechless at the moment; you have to finish talking about me first if you are emotional, and leave me with him, is this deliberate revenge for my hurting you?

In fact, Wang Shu really forgot.

Qing Xuan, who had been slowing down, remembered the purpose of his trip, looked at Taiyin Youying coldly, and said, “Taiyin Youying, right? Do you still need the deity to do it yourself? You are only the beneficiary, I can let you Keep the true spirit reincarnation!”

Then Qing Xuan talked to Taiyin Youying about the future of the dragon and Taiyin Youying again, only then did she know that she was on the thief ship illuminated by the sun.

Compared with the sun candles, her participation was only because she couldn’t stand the temptation of Cultivation Base Ascension; of course, she also knew at the time that their approach required plundering the fortune, but she did not refuse it.

Taiyin Youying glanced at Guanghan Palace, and found that she had even closed the palace gate, and couldn’t help cursing inwardly: I really underestimated you, and even retaliated against me in this way; in her opinion, Wang Shu was deliberate.

“Fellow daoist speaks for words, can I keep my true spirit reincarnated?” Taiyin Youying completely admitted her fate.

Although the true spirit is reincarnated as a person, without the memory and Cultivation Base, everything has to start again, but it is better than falling completely; the most important thing is that as long as she can reach Da Luo Jinxian in the Cultivation Base in the future, she can remember it. Everything in this world.

“The deity speaks for it!” Qing Xuan couldn’t see any expression on his face.

Wang Shu, who returned to Guanghan Palace, became more and more angry and took out the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, wishing to throw it back to him immediately.

Then suddenly he woke up suddenly: What happened to him? Why am I born so magnificent? What is he doing to report to me? Could it be that I…

Thinking of this, Wang Shu’s cheeks flushed slightly, and then shouted: “No, forget about business!”

Then suddenly rushed out of Guanghan Palace…

At this time, Taiyin Youying was already burning the Cultivation Base. Only when the Cultivation Base, physical body, and soul were all destroyed, the true spirit would leave and reincarnate.

“Wait a minute!” Wang Shu looked at Taiyin Youying, who was burning with icy blue flames, said quickly, and quickly came to the two of them.

“Sorry, forgot!” Wang Shu said in embarrassment.

Taiyin Youying just wanted to say: “I really believe in your evil. If you don’t come out again, I will be finished!”

“Qingxuan fellow daoist, can you let her go? I don’t know where she has offended you?” Wang Shu hurriedly asked.

“Are you pleading for her?” Qing Xuan wondered.

“Yeah!” Wang Shu nodded, not daring to look up at Qing Xuan, after all, she was a bit…

“Why?” Qing Xuan continued to ask.

“I feel that her heart is not bad, so you can just say it right?” Wang Shushi didn’t want to stay in this embarrassing environment anymore.

Qing Xuan glanced at Taiyin Youying, pondered for a moment, and said, “Stop!”

Taiyin Youying was overjoyed, and immediately stopped burning Cultivation Base, and her Cultivation Base at the moment had regressed to the early stage of Daluo Jinxian; although she had dropped a few levels, she was still very satisfied, after all, the sun’s candle light had completely fallen.

In fact, Qingxuan had other considerations for letting go of Taiyin Youying. First of all, she was only passively participating. Even if she did not participate, the situation would not change much, because the culprits were Shen Ni and Sun Candle.

Second, there is the kindness here. Taiyin Youying owes Wangshu’s favor, and if Wangshu is in trouble, she also has to help; of course he doesn’t know Taiyin Youying’s interest exchange with Wangshu.

Of course, the most important point is that the essence of the Tai Yin and the Zhi Yin Zhi complement each other. If the two of them cultivate together, the cultivation speed will increase a lot; this is also a reminder from Heavenly Dao, because Heavenly Dao instilled the Zhi Yang Zhi on that day Two giant eggs on the hibiscus tree.

After returning to his senses, Qing Xuan looked at Wang Shu while still bowing his head and smiled lightly: “I give you such a big Face, don’t you ask me to go in and sit?”

Giving Qingxuan a roll of eyes, Wang Shu once again went to Guanghan Palace alone, leaving the two standing there looking inexplicable, but this time she did not close the palace gate…

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