Chapter 115: Xuan Mi’s Wrath

“You are so courageous, you dare to kill the dragon princess. When the dragon army arrives, you will surely thwart your bones and ashes!” Xuan Mi was very angry at the moment, and almost Little Princess was about to be attacked by these Rogue Cultivators. NS.

Long Ji stabilized his figure with blood spurting out of his mouth, watching Xuan Mi’s tears: “Grandpa Xuan Mi, I want to go back to the Dragon Palace, I won’t come out anymore, ooh!”

“It’s okay, it’s okay!” Xuan Mi whispered as he touched Long Ji’s hair, and then looked at the opposite Rogue Cultivators’ eyes with a sharp look.

“You figured it out that you want to offend my dragon clan to death?” Xuan Min continued to ask. At this moment, he just wanted to send Long Ji Anran back to the Dragon Palace.

The remaining seventy Rogue Cultivators also looked at the four Taiyi Golden Immortals on the field to complete the cultivator.

In the face of everyone’s gaze, the four of them looked at each other in shock. They also knew that if they only injured the dragon princess and robbed the best Xiantian Lingbao; although the dragon was angry, as long as they leave the East China Sea, it is estimated that the dragon will not cross one. Wild hunt and kill.

And the scene just now is obviously going to kill the dragon princess. It is not difficult to imagine that if the dragon swallows this breath, it is not the dragon; although the few killers have been solved by Xuan Mi, they will definitely not be able to get out of the relationship.

You know, the dragon clan has three big Luo Jinxian, dozens of half-step big Luo; the big Luo Jinxian can already calculate, that is to say, the fighting dragon clan just now can be calculated completely, it is nothing more than paying a small backlash.

The two brothers Haitian Haiyue glanced at each other and said to Xuan Mi’s cupped hands: “I don’t know if I am going to retreat at this moment, can the dragons not hold me accountable for the offense?”

The two of them started to confess. They were dazzled by the best Xiantian Lingbao before, and now think about it for a while.

There is only one piece of Xiantian Lingbao, and they have already recognized the Lord. After weighing the pros and cons, they cannot afford the anger of the dragon clan. They dare not accept this Karma.

After all, they had never personally attacked Long Ji, which meant that there was still a little room for relaxation.

And the remaining two Taiyi Golden Immortals were also suddenly awake, if they really killed a dragon princess…, they would also be afraid for a while.

Similarly, he opened his mouth to Xuan Mi cupped hands and said: “The same is true for both of me. I haven’t tried to attack the noble princess. If the dragon is willing to let me wait, I will leave immediately!”

After hearing the words of the four, the other cultivators looked very ugly. They were trying to kill the donkey. They actually attacked Long Ji. Now the four Taiyi Golden Immortals are retreating satisfactorily, making them feel great at this moment. Misfortune is imminent.

Just as a few cultivators are planning to speak to ease the relationship…

Xuan Mi directly waved to interrupt, and turned to the four Taiyi Golden Immortals and said perfectly: “Little Princess almost fell. Do you think this can calm the Dragon King’s anger?”

“Then I don’t know what to do to turn fighting into jade?” Haitian asked.

All the others also looked at Xuan Min, and now the decision-making power is in the hands of Xuan Min.

“It’s very simple. Everyone who shot at Little Princess just now will have to die, and the four of you…” Xuan Mi paused looking at the four of them.

Then he continued: “The four of you abolished your hands and cooperated to punish these cultivators!” Xuan Mi pointed at the person who had just shot the princess.



“Haitian Haiyue fellow daoist, we swarmed up to kill them, and then robbed the spirit treasure and escaped. Can the dragons really cross the Eastern Wasteland to hunt us down no matter how strong they are?”


In the same place, the cultivator who had just shot Long Ji, heard Xuan Min asking them to apologize with death, and screamed one by one, and began to encourage the Haitian four to kill and seize the treasure.

Haitian and the others stared at each other for a few seconds. After a moment of hesitation, their eyes flashed sharply.


The four of them took out Xiantian Lingbao and confronted Xuan Min in front of the cultivator who was clamoring just now.

Haitian Chong Xuanmin asked again: “Is what you just said is the only solution, are you sure?”

“Haitian fellow daoist, don’t ask any more, we killed them and killed them!” The cultivator who had just encouraged him continued.

“Yes, what about the Dragon Clan, can it still cover the sky with one hand?” Another opened the mouth of Long Ji.

“That is, there are a lot of forces stronger than the dragons, and the big deal is that daddy killed the dragon princess and went to other forces!” A late stage cultivator of the Taiyi Golden Fairy looked fierce.


Xuan Min watched them clamor quietly, and said lightly: “Yes, what the old man said just now is the only solution!”

“Then there is nothing to talk about?” Haiyue took the words.

Hearing Haiyue’s words, the more than seventy Rogue Cultivators behind him were overjoyed, and they finally fell apart.

The Haitian four sacrificed their spirit treasures, and the four spirit treasures were aimed at Xuan Mi, and everyone behind them also sacrificed the spirit treasures, preparing to swarm them…

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