Chapter 107

When the Devil Blood Beetle and Qilin Clan walked through the 43,200 steps, an empty Great Hall appeared. Five giant pitch-black iron chains blocked their way forward, and a strong Killing intent was attached to them.

“Your Qilin clan has its own auspicious energy. This is one of the three evil spirits, Wuyuansha, may it be cracked?” Purple Demon Blood Beetle asked, and then let the way go.

Mo Qilin took a hesitating look and said, “One of the three evil spirits, isn’t that there are two evil spirits, you didn’t talk about it at the beginning.”

“Indeed, but you can add more conditions. If my clan can do it, I won’t refuse!” The Purple Demon Blood Bee continued to speak.

“I can’t be the master, wait for me to call the patriarch!” Mo Qilin smashed a sound transmission talisman, and the illusory figure of Zu Qilin slowly appeared in front of everyone.

“Second brother, you have advanced to Da Luo. It is my Qilin clan’s great joy!” Zu Qilin was very happy when he saw Mo Qilin.

“Dage, don’t talk about it for the moment. The Demon-Blood Bee Clan previously offered us the condition to solve the Qi of Yi Shao, but now it has become the San Sha. This may consume too much of my family’s luck. I dare not. Privately call the shots, so Transsion Dage asked!” Mo Qilin stood aside after speaking.

Zu Qilin didn’t speak, but stared at the purple blood beetle in a daze, waiting for him to explain.

“You may wish to listen to our conditions again. In addition to the original foundation, our clan can unconditionally help the Qilin clan to do one thing, even if it is to fight with the Feng clan and the dragon clan! It also comes with three hundred low-grade Xiantian spirit treasures, middle-grade Xiantian Twenty pieces of Lingbao, three pieces of high-grade Xiantian Lingbao, and one piece of top-grade Xiantian Lingbao, how about?” The Demon Blood Bee said.

Zu Qilin meditates…

“Let’s do this, plus three hundred holy medicines and two thousand top-grade elixir, how about?” Seeing that the ancestor Qilin did not speak, the purple demon blood beetle continued to speak.

Although the demonic blood beasts have always lived in the Northern Wilderness, they have been opposed to the fierce beasts all the year round, and they are also lucky, so Xiantian also has some spirit treasures.

Ancestor Qilin raised his head to weigh the pros and cons, and replied: “I can help you get rid of the three evils, but other than that, the blood beetle clan will never be an enemy of the Qilin clan, and your prince must help me Qilin once. .”

The purple blood beetle pondered for a moment, and said: “I can agree to the one in front, but I can’t be the lord for the king’s business!”

“It’s okay, when you save the king of your clan, you can just mention it a little bit. I think the king of the clan will not be so stingy.” Zu Qilin continued.

“So and so, then my clan agrees!” The purple blood beetle nodded.

That’s right, their trip is to rescue the Devil Blood Bee King, who has been sealed since the beginning of the world, has been for nine calamities, nearly 60 billion years.

“Second brother, condense the luck of the lucky beast, crack the three evils, and seek wealth and wealth in danger!” Zu Qilin said, and disappeared into nothingness.

“Qilin clan belongs to, array, summon Qiyun Lucky Beast!” Mo Qilin shouted.

Immediately, the Qilin family set their position in the Great Hall, and Mo Qilin spoke of an unknown technique. Slowly, an aura of auspiciousness appeared in the Qilin clan, which condensed on top of their heads and transformed into a Qilin auspicious beast. But it was much smaller than what Qilin had summoned by his predecessor.

Mo Qilin stretched out his hand and pointed at the five giant chains, Rui Beast’s right palm facing Wu Yuan Sha, a burst of auspicious energy shot out from the palm of his hand, entered the five chains, and continued to output.

The auspicious aura of Rui Beast is diminishing, and the Killing intent on the iron chain is gradually decreasing.

It took a full quarter of an hour for Rui Beast’s body to become illusory before the Killing intent on the five iron chains disappeared.

The purple blood beetle was overjoyed, and the two giants were cut into the void, and all the five iron chains were disconnected. In front of them was another low rank ladder.

“Friends of the Qilin clan, follow me.” The purple demon blood beetle began to lead the way with the demon blood beetle clan.

Mo Qilin took back the Qi Luck Lucky Beast, his face was uncertain, and secretly said: “It’s no wonder that the devil blood beetle clan readily agreed to the patriarch’s request. This requires too much auspicious air!”

However, what has been promised is not easy to repent. He can predict that if he repents at this moment, not only will the previous Heavenly Dao vow be fulfilled, but the Demon Blood Bee Clan will immediately turn against the Qilin Clan.

Mo Qilin shook his head, leaving the Qilin clan to go deeper without thinking about it.

After another 43,200 steps, the second Shajue Zhansha appeared. This time it was an extremely large white giant blade, which consumed more auspicious energy than before.

The patriarch of the Qilin clan, who was far away in the middle famine, looked at the passing of luck, and was shocked.

“Damn, such a strong three evil spirits, the loss is big, unless the last condition I mentioned is promised, otherwise my clan really loses it.” Zu Qilin was upset.

Similarly, after breaking Jue Zhan Sha, the Demon Blood Stalker cut the two Ao, the giant blade split, and then shattered into fragments.

Mo Qilin couldn’t help looking at the purple demon blood beetle, and secretly said: This giant ao is too sharp, it’s comparable to the high-grade Xiantian Lingbao in the offensive category.

Unsurprisingly, it was another forty-three thousand two hundred steps, and they came to the last evil spirit.

As soon as I entered, except for the purple demon blood beetle, the rest of the ordinary demon blood beetle fell to the ground. Because it was too cold here, it reached eight hundred degrees below the freezing point, and the Qilin clan also shivered one by one.

“Clan… Patriarch, this…this…this is too cold…cold…cold!” A Qilin clan at the peak of the Golden Immortal said intermittently.

“Your Excellency, I can’t protect myself from this situation, how can I summon Rui Beast?” Mo Qilin looked at the purple demon blood beetle and asked.

“It’s okay, I was prepared!” I saw a bead in the hand of the Demon Blood Bee, and then threw it to the top of the Great Hall.

Suddenly, red light shone on this space, the extreme cold dissipated like a low tide in the ocean, and the fallen blood beetles also woke up one by one.

And they finally saw the front clearly.

I saw the twelve arrows, and the surrounding force trapped a huge monster blood beetle in the middle. This monster blood beetle turned out to be red, and its head reached a radius of ten meters. You know, the purple blood beetle is only eight feet, the difference between the two is more than ten times.

However, it was obvious that the red blood beetle was sealed and did not wake up.

“Friends of the Qilin clan, success or failure depends on this. This is my king!” The purple blood beetle said with excitement.

“The king is about to be rescued soon, who can compete with my king in the Great Wilderness? Haha!” The purple blood beetle was overjoyed.

Mo Qilin looked at the red bead above, and did not look away for a long time.

“This is the best Xiantian Lingbao Emperor Fire Sky Sun Pearl that I promised you earlier, how about it?” The purple blood beetle saw Mo Qilin’s fiery heat, and said at the right time.

“Really?” Mo Qilin was excited.

“It’s true, save my king, and this thing will be yours!” Demon Blood Bee replied.

“Haha, good!” Mo Qilin was overjoyed.

He thought it was an ordinary Xiantian Lingbao, but he didn’t expect it to be one of the top ten Xiantian Lingbao.

The top ten top Xiantian Lingbaos are all 48 Restrictions, with four defenses, five assists and one defense. The defenses are divided into:

Taixu God Armor

Ten second rank black lotus

Ten second rank merit golden lotus

Ten second rank industry fire red lotus

Ten second rank pure white lotus

The attack is divided into:

Emperor Fire Heavenly Sun Pearl

Kunlun mirror

Kunwu Sword

Flying Daggers

Supplemented by:

good fortune tripod

Emperor Fire Heavenly Sun Pearl: It contains a ray of real fire origin from the sun, and the full release of its power can be called burning the sky and boiling the sea.

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