Chapter 102 Qingxuan Closed Door Training Again

The wind blew across the city lightly, and everyone’s clothes were slightly rippling. Compared with the silence of the predecessor army in the void, the ancestors of Da Luo Jinxian in the same place were extremely uneasy in their hearts, and of course there was Qing Xuan.

He is the peak of Daluo Jinxian tending to be consummated. If he hadn’t been awakened by the gods, he would have been a perfect Cultivation Base at the moment, and Qinghua was only the peak of the Taiyi Jinxian, and could actually knock him back. The Cultivation Base between the two can be said to be as far apart as a predecessor.

Qingxuan who came back to his senses laughed and said: “Okay, very good! Qingyu, you shocked me as a teacher, even if my talent is worse than yours!”

“It all depends on the master’s teaching!” Qinghua said respectfully.

“This is your own contribution, don’t have to be humble!” Qingxuan was very happy at the moment, nothing is so happy as receiving a talented apprentice.

“Do the three of you have any brilliant achievements that you would like to say to your teacher?” Qing Xuan turned his head to look at the three of Jin Rui.

“Ah, here, I killed more than a dozen Taiyi Golden Immortals in the middle stage, is that half the same rank invincible?” Bai Xue looked at Qing Xuan with a vacant look.

“You killed it alone?” Qing Xuan was a little surprised. Bai Xue was not at the peak of Taiyi Golden Fairy’s early stage at the moment. If he could kill a dozen Taiyi Golden Fairy middle stage alone, he would definitely be regarded as invincible of the same rank.

“Can talent still be contagious?” Qing Xuan said secretly.

“Uh, this, maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe it is! If you don’t believe in Master, ask Senior Brother Jin Rui!” Bai Xue dragged the two words of Senior Brother very long, seeming to imply something.

“Ah, this…yes, Junior Sister is indeed pretty good!” Jin Rui had a headache. He lied in front of the Master and took him into the water with him. In fact, what killed the middle stage of Taiyi Jinxian was all his crippling, and the black hand that junior sister played behind.

Qing Xuan looked at the two with some playfulness, but didn’t reveal it. He smiled and said: “Haha! I didn’t expect Xiao Xueer to be alone!”

“That’s right, I am determined to catch up with the senior sister!” Seeing Qingxuan did not ask, Bai Xue started to float again.

Jin Rui: “…”

Zi Chen: “…”

Luo Ningshuang next to him: “…”

They yelled in their hearts, you might not be able to kill even the same rank easily, you’re too big! !


“Congratulations to Qingxuan fellow daoist for accepting high apprentices. I wonder if fellow daoist wants to go to Beast Emperor Mountain together?” Hongjun walked over and asked.

“Naturally, God Ni? Ha ha! There is also a black hand behind the scenes!” Qing Xuan’s hand screamed loudly, and he had to go to Beast Emperor Mountain to find out who it was.

Hongjun was puzzled, but didn’t ask much. Then everyone discussed and began to attack Beast Emperor Mountain. Only Zulong, Zufeng, and Zu Qilin led their tribes back. Mo Qilin led a part of his tribe to follow to the Beast Emperor Mountain.

On Beast Emperor Mountain, the god stood up; his mind body was destroyed, he also suffered a little injury, and he barely recovered a little after just meditating.

“Are they all fallen?” Shen Ni looked through the Great Hall towards the distant sky, as if he had seen a scene…

Let us see His Majesty the Beast King-the Four Great Beast Kings

See Lord Beast King-Ten New Beast Kings

“I may not be worthy to be the Beast King. If I can give up my resentment towards Pangu, don’t wantonly kill creatures, and don’t destroy the fortune of the great land, maybe they can all live well!” Shenni sighed inexplicably.

Shenni raised his head to look at the throne, walked up slowly, turned around and sat down.

At this moment, his expression was dazed and bitter.

“The whole family of fierce beasts died in battle. What is the point of leaving me alone? Perhaps in another world, they are waiting for me and waiting to fight with me. In that case, what fear do I have? Haha!” Suddenly his eyes regained their brilliance.

Outside the hall, Hong Jun and others had already entered, leaving the army in the valley outside the hall.

“God rebellious, you go against the evil, destroy the predecessors, kill the creatures, you are the same as the former Chaos Demon God, you can kill yourself!” Luo Hui said first.

Shenni raised his head to look at Luohu, with a mocking expression on his face: “Do you still know that you and I are both the Chaos Demon God? I thought you forgot it. You please Heavenly Dao in this way, but there is still a little bit of the dignity of the Chaos Demon God?”

“Hehe, if you want to please, you are the first to swear to Heavenly Dao to establish a dynasty of fierce beasts! Besides, history is written by victors, and losers can only be destroyed and be spurned by all living beings!” Luo Hu was unwilling to show weakness. road.

“Shenni, who taught you to plunder great luck, tell the deity!” Qing Xuan said.

“Oh, why do you think I didn’t know it by myself?” Shenni was also puzzled.

“You, haha, the fierce beasts must not be favored by Heavenly Dao, and must not be admitted by the predecessors. Except for the gunslinger that you forcibly seized in the first place, Xiantian Lingbao has never appeared in the fierce beasts. Don’t you understand?” Qingxuan sneered .

“Even if you continue to occupy the Northern Wilderness, the Northern Wilderness luck will be dissipated in the fierce beast clan, and you can’t even get the basic luck. How do you know how to plunder?” Qingxuan continued.

“Impossible, the emperor doesn’t believe it. If so, then why has the Northern Wilderness luck never wavered before, and all belonged to my clan.” Shenni didn’t want to believe it.

“It’s very simple, you are this great calamity, Heavenly Dao gave the Karma robbery to the great living beings. Heavenly Dao must cleanse all the creatures who build the avenue, and let the great living beings rebuild the Heavenly Dao. After this disaster, no one in the great avenue can build the avenue! “Qing Xuan said to Shenni.

Qing Xuan didn’t dare to say this, otherwise he would definitely be chopped to death by the current Heavenly Dao, and there would be no scum left.

Shenni widened his eyes and looked at Qingxuan, and then he was desolate: “Haha, that’s how it is, that’s how it is!”

Shenni always thought that he had calculated Heavenly Dao, but he didn’t expect that Heavenly Dao had calculated him. No wonder Heavenly Dao is so powerful, it was too late to destroy the altar. It turned out that Heavenly Dao only wanted an excuse to exterminate the beasts and an opportunity to cleanse the primordial beings.

“Tell the deity, who told you the method of plundering luck?” Qing Xuan asked again.

Shenni thought about three breaths, and then transmitted the sound to Qingxuan.

Qing Xuan was a little shocked after hearing this. He had memories of later generations. He thought that these two didn’t exist, but he didn’t expect that they would have been hiding, not showing the mountains or dew.

This deity said goodbye, saying that Qingxuan had left the Great Hall, came outside with the four disciples and Luo Ningshuang Dunguang and left.

All the ancestors in the Duliu Temple with big eyes and small eyes, they all looked at a loss, what are you talking about…

After leaving the Beast Emperor Mountain, Qing Xuan asked, “Are you guys continuing to travel abroad or return to the island?”

“Master, I plan to return to the island Closed Door Training, I feel the opportunity of breakthrough!” Qinghua said.

“Master, Zi Chen and I are going to continue to roam outside!” Jin Rui replied after thinking for a while.

“Master, let me follow the two seniors for the time being!” Senior sister Qinghua asked for Closed Door Training, and Bai Xue was a person who couldn’t stay idle again, and suddenly remembered Zi Chen’s “Dajiajieshe” with her eyeballs and she wanted to follow the two. Senior brother.

Just as Luo Ningshuang wanted to speak, she wanted to travel a bit, but the educated youth rushed in front of her and bowed to Qingxuan and said, “The disciple asks Master to let Little Sister enter the Pagoda trial?”

Qing Xuan looked at Qing Yu a little unexpectedly, thinking, and Luo Ningshuang was also uneasy at the moment. She wanted to enter the Shenhuan Pagoda, but she was worried that Qing Xuan would not allow it, and instead blamed Qing Yu.

The space fell silent for a while, and this was what Qing Xu said, if someone else Qing Xuan would definitely refuse it directly.

Seeing Master hesitate, Zi Chen took the hands of La Jinrui and Bai Xue, and the three of them bowed to Qingxuan and asked, “Jin Rui, Zi Chen, and Bai Xue asked Master to let Ningshuang enter the Pagoda of God!”

Looking at the four apprentices suspiciously, Qing Xuan couldn’t let them all down. After thinking about it, he nodded and said: “It’s rare for you four to intercede together, then okay, I agreed for the teacher!”

“Thank you, Master!” the four of them said happily.

“Thank you senior!” Luo Ningshuang was also overjoyed.

“Well, the three of you can start here. This is the junction of the Northern Wilderness and the Central Wilderness.” After Qing Xuan said, he left with Qing Hua and Luo Ningshuang.

Three people were left with big eyes and small eyes.

“Master is leaving now?” Bai Xue’s eyes rolled randomly.

“Let’s go down first!” Jin Rui said.

The three of them fell down and headed towards the wild land.

On Illusion Island, Qing Xuan returned to the Sanguang God Pool with Qinghua and Luo Ningshuang. As soon as Qinghua confessed his crime, he went to Qinghua Palace Closed Door Training.

Qingxuan’s index finger and middle finger were close to Luo Ningshuang’s eyebrows, and the twelve divine power appeared in Luo Ningshuang’s mind.

“The Cultivation Technique has been passed to you. You can enter the tower yourself. As for how to pass a few levels, it depends on your own good fortune.” Qing Xuan passed the Cultivation Technique of the first six floors to Luo Ningshuang.

“Thank you senior, senior for your great kindness, Ningshuang will never forget!” Luo Ningshuang knelt in front of Qing Xuan and said.

“No need to be like that, get up!” Qing Xuan lifted her up slightly.

Immediately, Qingxuan took back the good fortune Qinglian in the Shenquan, and went to the Closed Door Training of the Dao Palace, and Luo Ningshuang began to enter the Shenhuan Pagoda.

Qingxuan intends to take the Closed Door Training a little longer this time. First, all the fifth and sixth layers of the “Qinglian Good Fortune Sutra” are derived, and the seventh and eighth layers of the Twelve Shenhuan Gong are all perfected before breaking through Cultivation. Base.

He must break through the Daluo Jinxian Consummation before he can be sure to kill those two people. Shenni said that the two have also advanced to the level of Daluo Jinxian Consummation, and when he reaches the Daluo Jinxian Consummation, he is half a step Hunyuan, because He has the Realm of the golden fairy.

According to the memory of later generations, he knew that the goddess should die, and he would put a lot of backing, he didn’t have the mind to siege the gods, what he had to do was to kill the culprit…

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