It seems that she really bluffed them yesterday, and looked outside for a while. After making sure that no one was coming, Mi Xiaoxiao almost laughed out of her mouth. In fact, Mi Xiaoxiao did the same. When she turned around, she almost cried.

A long figure appeared in Mi Xiaoxiao's line of sight. The two slender legs were interlaced with each other, and they moved from time to time, as if they were beating some beat, it looked like a leisurely and chic.

Further up, there is a pure black animal skin skirt. The animal skin skirt is very short. This leg is lifted like this, because the person lying in the direction facing Mi Xiaoxiao, so at this moment, Mi should be able to see it. It is also clear that what should not be seen.

What is indescribable, Mi Xiaoxiao was immediately dumbfounded, especially if this animal skin skirt is worn or not, isn't it the same in nature? Isn't it all at a glance...

"Cough cough." He covered his eyes in time, and said silently in his heart: "Lose is emptiness, emptiness is color, Amitabha, don't look at evil..."

After Mi Xiaoxiao squinted her eyes and muttered in a mess, and then took a few deep breaths, the blush on her face gradually disappeared, carefully opened a gap in her eyes, and then looked up, it was Yi Ma Pingchuan's chest.

Tsk tsk tsk, Mi Xiaoxiao suddenly stopped her gaze, and sighed in her heart. Unexpectedly, this guy has some expectations! Look at this abdominal muscles, one, two, three, four... eight, it's incredible, why haven't you noticed before, this guy has such a good figure?

Hey, isn't it wrong to appreciate it? Well, she is just pure appreciation.

Mi Xiaoxiao didn't know, how wretched her expressions and movements were at this moment.

The eyes that were originally covered with both hands are now wide open. The palms cover the face, but only two eyes are exposed, forming a w gesture.

"Xiaoxiao, is it good-looking?" Ta Mo's very nice voice came. At this time, there was a bit more temptation than usual in this voice. Mi Xiaoxiao nodded subconsciously. When she reacted, it was already late……

"Cough, me, that..." Mi Xiaoxiao's face turned red again, but it was because it was not really true to see it with his hands, but such a hazy view, plus Mi Xiaoxiao's "annoyed into anger" With a small expression, Tamo's throat was a bit dry unconsciously.

"How long does Xiaoxiao want to watch? Or, is Xiaoxiao satisfied with everything you see?" Tamo continued to seduce, but this time Mi Xiaoxiao was clever, and simply closed his eyes and pretended to be a pair. "I don't know anything."

Just stand still, motionless.

"Heh." Looking at Mi Xiaoxiao's silly appearance, Tamo laughed in a very good mood, his arms were propped up, and the whole person sat up instantly, but there was no sound, no sound was heard.


Why is there no sound?

Isn't Tamer asleep?


Open your eyes and take a look?

I'm thinking about getting a good night's sleep tonight! But I didn't expect that when I just thought about stealing pleasure, this guy suddenly appeared on his bed, looking at his hook...human posture, I'm afraid I've been waiting for a long time.

So just now she didn't seem to be stupid, she stupidly cheated, and stupidly entered the wolf den, oh, no, it was the fox den.

If there has been no movement for so long, this guy really fell asleep? When Mi Xiaoxiao was curious, she couldn't help but open her eyes to take a look, but she almost got a heart attack. What's the matter with a swollen face suddenly appearing in front of her?

Will this guy teleport? Or is it that he is a ghost, and he is floating when he walks? Otherwise, how could there be no sound at all!

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