The grouping is going on very quickly, and finally reviewed by Li Shuo, Mi Xiaoxiao has the final say. There are now a total of 648 people in the Canglang tribe, of course, including the people from the Zili tribe and the Wall tribe.

Although the people from the two tribes have not moved here yet, because Li Shuo wants to rectify the tribe, the orcs of the two tribes have already begun to pack their luggage, and they can move over in half a month.

Excluding Mi Xiaoxiao and other six people, the Canglang tribe has a total of 641 people.

Among them, there are 50 females in the Canglang tribe, 20 in the Wall tribe, and 30 in the Zili tribe. Therefore, the total number of these females is 100. The females are not included in the group list, so there are only 504 Eleven people.

Counting the children, there are forty-one in the Zili tribe, forty in the Vol tribe, and the Canglang tribe, including Ze Kesi, there are sixty, so there are a total of one hundred and forty.

Of course, children cannot be included in the team list, so these numbers have to be subtracted, and only 407 orcs are left, but among them, 37 old and disabled people from the Cangwolf tribe, the Wall tribe, have to be counted. Relatively few, ten, and twenty in the Zizi tribe.

These people cannot hunt, either they are old or have disabilities, so these people have to be subtracted. In the end, only three hundred and forty people are left to be included in the list.

These people can be included in the grouping list, so that if there are 17 people in each group, then just 20 groups can be divided into groups.

Each team selects a small team leader, and there are twenty small team leaders. Those small teams will be managed by them. Naturally, Mi Xiaoxiao can't eat leisurely.

Mi Xiaoxiao manages the old, weak, sick and disabled, that is to say, females, the elderly, the disabled, and the children are all entrusted to her to manage. Mi Xiaoxiao just has some plans to make good use of their labor, and everyone can do it. The tribe contributes.

Li Shuo is the leader of the tribe, so he can be removed, after all, in the end, all important things still have to be handed over to him.

So after subtracting Mi Xiaoxiao and Li Shuo, there are still five people, Tamo, Shi Nuo, Jin Xuan, Pal, and Li Suo. The twenty team leaders will be handed over to them to manage, and each person will manage four small teams. team leader.

Then, if there is something that cannot be handled, discuss the matter with the new one, and have a clear division of labor. Everyone will perform their own duties, and the task will naturally be much easier.

The grouping list came out soon. Mi Xiaoxiao's plan was initially implemented. It is more than one step away from success, but she will stick to it. Dreams and other things can be realized anywhere, as long as you work hard enough.

Even if the world changes, you still have a chance. The prerequisite is that you have to see hope, and you can't fly moths to the fire, or waste your time.

Mi Xiaoxiao had a dream of starting a business in modern times before, thinking that when he became rich, he would travel around the world, walk around, and see the beautiful scenery of the world.

Since she has nothing to do with modern times, then, in this animal world, she can also be alive and well. After all, she has some knowledge from modern times, plus her own golden fingers, she can eat and eat to ensure the safety of people around her. , There should be no problem.

One day, Dao and Tru, Seth and Nathan spent four people in statistics and grouping. After the list was really confirmed, it was five days later. During this period, Mi Xiaoxiao had a comparison. Moisturizing is simply a paradise for lazy people, with clothes to reach out, food to open mouth, emperor-level treatment.

But when the aunt finally bid farewell slowly, Mi Xiaoxiao was depressed that night.

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