Primitive Animal World: Beast Husband, Really Stunning

Chapter 783: The females also need to exercise

If you want crystals to be the same as modern banknotes, it takes a lot of effort and time to circulate in this world of beasts. After all, this thing is a rather troublesome project, so you can't rush it, you have to do it step by step.

"Xiaoxiao..." Jin Xuan looked at Mi Xiaoxiao with a look of admiration, alas, his Xiaoxiao is cute, smart, and the most boring!

"Huh? What's the matter?" Mi Xiaoxiao looked at Jin Xuan and wondered: "What do you think? My plan is just a preliminary plan. Do you think there is any room for improvement?"

Many people are powerful, and everyone's opinions are useful.

"Very good! Xiaoxiao, you are my lucky star!" Li Shuo smiled, and he is indeed his partner. This level of intelligence is exactly the same as that of him. Hey, how could he have such a good vision in the first place?

"Is there really nothing to change?" Although she had been thinking about this plan for a long time, it was just a preliminary draft. Originally, she was thinking about it, but she didn't expect such a thing to happen. Now the tribe must become stronger, at least You need to have enough ability to protect yourself.

If the blue ocean tribe can come to kill once, it is possible to come a second time. This time several females have died, which is also a big blow to the tribe. One person can protect those unarmed females.

Therefore, they must become stronger before the Blue Ocean tribe takes up trouble again, and cannot be on the passive side.

"Females are always a problem. They don't have good skills. Although they can deal with some small prey, they will not be opponents if they really fight with experienced male orcs.

If the Blue Ocean tribe comes again, we are okay if there are many people. If there are defects and let them rush in, then those females and cubs will only have a dead end, not afraid of 10,000, just in case. "

Tamo showed his pure black fox tail, his hands, combed his feathers every once in a while, the tone of speech, and the laziness of points, forming a unique charm.

"Well, so I think we can make females exercise, exercise their bodies, temper their physique, and then learn a few tricks that are basically self-defense moves. This makes it impossible to fight, and there is no problem in running."

Mi Xiaoxiao nodded in agreement. For Ta Mo's words, she raised her hands in agreement. If the tribe is to be completely strong, it must be an overall improvement in strength.

A female doesn't need to be so powerful, as long as she learns to protect herself, she can protect herself at critical moments, and not to hinder her partner. This may also include herself.

Poison refining alone may not be enough. Poison can't be inexhaustible forever. If you don't take it with you one day, it will be over if you encounter danger.

"I agree with Xiaoxiao's idea." Li Shuo nodded and agreed. What Xiaoxiao thinks is what he thinks. Indeed, the current Canglang tribe is still too weak. If you want to become stronger, you must work hard.

"True, don't go to the shop anymore during this time. First, you will count the list of tribes with Scar. Then, when you are grouping, your strength should be relatively even, and the difference should not be too great."

Li Shuo returned to a nonchalant attitude. Mi Xiaoxiao gave him three sixes every minute. It’s really good to have subordinates. This grouping is the most patient and troublesome. Yes, it's better to be Li Shuo, just throw it at Scar and Tru.

Scar: "Well, boss, you see that this statistics is more troublesome, or are you sending someone to help?"

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