"Cough cough, cough cough cough cough." Seth winked at the side of the scar, but unfortunately, someone did not receive his signal, but gave him a fierce look and said: "Let you don't You coughed up when you interrupted me, Seth, you are getting bolder. Not only did you interrupt me, but you also pretended to evade responsibility. Did you eat the courage of the bear?

Let me tell you, it’s wrong for you to do this. If you don’t say that it’s rude to interrupt others, it’s already bad for you to evade responsibility. You won’t find a partner like this, and ah!

, Now I can be regarded as a half leader, it is really bad for you to say that, do you know? I may at any time..." Scar was still expressing his opinions endlessly, so Seth glanced at a man who talked endlessly and shook his head.

He felt that the scar was hopeless.


Put a wax on him yourself!

Good luck to him.

If he saw the leader standing behind him, and the leader's face seemed unhappy, if it wasn't for worrying that he could not bear the leader's anger, the ghost would remind him.

Unexpectedly, I kindly reminded that the guy with Scar was treated as a donkey liver and lungs, nothing more, let him bear the leader's anger alone.

So Seth acted as if it had nothing to do with himself, nor was he pretending to cough to remind him. Anyway, he did a lot of things for himself, and he did a lot of scars, and he didn't care if there was one more thing.

On the other hand, Truu made an appearance that I didn't know anything, as if there was no such person standing beside him, still eating the barbecue in front of him leisurely and contentedly, as if he was not surprised.

"Hey? Why didn't you say anything? Did you recognize your mistakes? Let me just say, after my education, there are very few people who don't look back.

In fact, I also said that our leader, but it’s a pity that our leader is stubborn, hey, in fact, I also want the leader to give us more holidays. Now the food in the tribe is enough, we can also take a proper rest for a day or two. , You say yes? "

As Scar said, he looked at the orcs in front of him, but found that all of them lowered their heads and stuffed their mouths with barbecue, as if they were trying to reduce their sense of existence. Finally, we were moving towards death. Master Scar, who was gone on the road and never returned, finally noticed something wrong.

As a result, a cold sweat started behind his back, and a cold breath gradually spread throughout his body. For the first time, Master Scar felt the fear of not wanting to look back.

Mother Mia, I always feel that there is something extraordinary behind me, and, ooh, this special gas can only be emitted by their leader, this is the only one.

It's over, it's over. Could it be that the leader discovered that he was talking bad about him behind his back? Mommy, if the leader hears, he will be finished!

No, the leader followed the leader's wife to the sky bird tribe, and should not be able to return for a while, so it is not necessarily the leader behind him, that is to say, he can still be saved.

Lord Beast God, you have a large number of adults, but you must bless me!

Scar is praying in his heart. Behind him, he mustn't be a **** of murder, 嘤嘤嘤, so he doesn't dare to look back. Is there anything wrong with it?

So, he slowly turned around, so he slowly opened his eyes, so..., he saw his leader, and he was still the leader who was possessed by the killing god, and his face was It's so smelly, and the leader seems to want to get him to the end...

Uh, by the way, Lord Beast God doesn’t seem to hear his prayer...

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