However, looking at the condition of her cheap brother, it seems that his condition has improved. In this case, it is not in vain that she took such a trip, worked so hard, and suffered a lot of sin in vain.

Mi Xiaoxiao sighed. In fact, she didn't mean to blame the Skybird tribe. Mo Ziyi was Moziyi, and Skybird tribe was Skybird tribe. All the things that hurt her were done by Mo Ziyi alone. The tribe doesn’t really matter.

Besides, Chief Ji Xun is now her elder brother. If she blames their tribe, wouldn’t it be justified?

She wanted to say it originally, but when she heard her cheap brother's words, she instantly cut off the idea of ​​wanting to say it, peat, not pit white or pit, brother, is that **** horse? Mi Xiaoxiao said that they are all used to pit!

"Well, for your sincerity, I won't care too much with the Skybird tribe. After all, you are my brother? I can't make you embarrassed." Mi Xiaoxiao looked like a large number of adults. Li Shuo loved it very much.

She deserves to be his woman, she is as tired of doing things as him!

"Hey, my sister is so cute." Ji Xun touched his head and said with a smile, just like a nice guy.

As everyone knows, this is called being sold and helping to count the money.

Jin Xuan everyone: "..."

The first time I saw such a stupid one, wouldn't he see that Xiaoxiao was cheating him? They still stupidly said that they are cute. They really doubted how this person became a leader. In this way, it's good not to be cheated by others. How can they cheat others?


However, Xiaoxiao is happy, other gods, what's up with them!

"Hey, brother, can you show me the luminous stone you just said?" Mi Xiaoxiao geared up, eager to try, um, very good, this trip is not bad!

She now has four stones in her hand, lavender, light yellow, light green, and one red, but she doesn't know what color this one is? Really have some expectations.

"Okay, brother, I'll get it for you." After saying that, Ji Xun rummaged through a pile of things to find a dark black stone. The stone will still be in a dark place. Luminous, also three-dimensional, triangular, but larger than those she had found before, almost twice as big.

In this way, she already has five stones in her hand, and she is also curious, what is the use of these stones?

"Thank you brother, since your illness is cured, then we should return to the wolf tribe. After all, a tribe cannot lack the existence of a leader." Although there are Tru and Scar, it is the same whether there is a leader or not. of.

"Would you like to stay for a few more days? Finally come to the Sky Bird Tribe, don't go back so soon, otherwise I really don't know when I will be able to see you in the future!" Ji Xun wanted to step forward and pull Mi Xiaoxiao. Li Shuo's hand was blocked.

Aside from embarrassment, the words are full of sincerity. In fact, the Skybird tribe can be regarded as a hidden tribe. It is difficult for the people of its tribe to make a trip without asking about the world, and few people have seen them.

There are rumors about how cruel, cold-blooded, overbearing and unreasonable they are.

But in her opinion, these may actually be a means they use to protect themselves and their people. Only when they propagate their tribe so terribly, those bad people who want to find out will stop because of fear.

In the past few days together, Mi Xiaoxiao found that they were pretty good people. To sum up, in fact, the two words of simplicity are just right.

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