Primitive Animal World: Beast Husband, Really Stunning

Chapter 757: Be wise, be confused for a while

At the bottom of my heart, he was counting silently. The man approached his steps until a suitable time was reached. Mi Xiaoxiao tightened the palm of her hand, making her vision clearer, and quickly opened her back. The bottle in the palm of the hand was thrown at the man forcefully.

One can't work. In order to be foolproof, Mi Xiaoxiao used her fastest speed to open one of the two remaining. The red powder instantly flew towards Mo Ziyi.

Maybe it was God who pityed her, the direction the wind was blowing happened to be blowing from Mi Xiaoxiao to Mo Ziyi, so Mo Ziyi absolutely inhaled this powder, this time it was not a poison that would kill you half-life. Instead, he took his dog's life directly!

In the 21st century, if you had no power or money, even if you were bullied, you would at most curse a few words, or spit out a few words secretly, because you didn’t have the capital to fight against others. Naturally, you couldn’t use it. of.

But this world is different. You have fought, you are the boss, the weak eats the strong, this is the basic rule of this world, as long as you have the ability, you can kill him, so no one can help the person who bullied her. In order to get justice, then she will come by herself, and can only process, but it will not be too beautiful.

Mo Ziyi looked at the small emerald green bottle that suddenly flew towards him, and subconsciously waved to block it. The bottle made of small sweet bamboo was originally made when it was tender, and it was naturally easy to break. In an instant, it was difficult. The smell spread.

Mo Ziyi quickly held his breath, but after all, it was a step too late.

The poison Mi Xiaoxiao made was definitely the kind that worked immediately, otherwise, how could he create a chance to escape?

As a result, Mo Zi easily felt that there was a strange feeling all over his body, as if his body was bound by something, his movements seemed a little stiff and he was clumsy at the same time.

But this is only half of the gift.

A puff of red ‘smoke’ had already been inhaled into his nose before he recovered. The pungent smell, irritating tears and nasal mucus flowed out instantly, and the feeling was simply not too beautiful.

The blood flow accelerated, the blue meridians on the hands violently violently, and even the blood vessels in the neck became clearly visible in an instant, a tingling pain spread throughout the body, this feeling was like when you were hanging salt water.

If you accidentally adjust the speed too fast, you will feel pain in the blood vessel where the needle is buried. If you do not adjust it in time, your pain will gradually spread upward along the blood vessel.

The feeling of Mo Ziyi now is more than ten times that of usual hanging water, but this blood vessel can't burst, tightness is just a sense of the senses, and the stress is in the heart of torment.

And when the red'smoke' was inhaled into the nose, the heart began to throb, and the limbs felt numb, the movements slowed down, and even the vision in front of the eyes became blurred. Inside, it gradually became a little confused.

When a mouthful of black blood was spit out, Mo Ziyi knew that he was the one who planted this time. I am afraid that he was planted without a chance to stand up.

Unexpectedly, he was so clever, Mo Ziyi, who was confused for a while, would actually lose to such a little female, and he was really unwilling!

Thinking about it, Mo Zi opened his eyes easily, biting the tip of his tongue, bringing a momentary tingling and relaxing sensation, the restraint gradually eased, and he raised his hand and grabbed Mi Xiaoxiao, who was trying to run out of the bushes. Go, the action is very fast, Mi Xiaoxiao can't dodge at all, let alone she is still weak at this moment.

Mo Ziyi's eyes were blurred. He originally wanted to hold your arm, but directly grabbed her waist-length hair. An instant tingling sensation spread across Mi Xiaoxiao's scalp...

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