So Mi Xiaoxiao fell asleep holding the trunk like this, and time passed by here quietly.

Half an hour passed, and the man opposite did not respond. Mi Xiaoxiao opened her eyes, took a careful look at him, and continued to move.

One hour passed...

The opposite Ji Xun still did not move, but blinked his eyes occasionally. Other than that, there was no movement. Mi Xiaoxiao glanced at him again and closed her eyes silently. It's just an hour, to see who has survived. Who!

Four hours passed...

Mi Xiaoxiao's hands and feet are a little numb, but the man on the opposite side still shows no signs of wanting to move, his face is expressionless, just like a real wooden man. Stay two more hours?

Ten hours passed...

The golden sun slowly fell from the sky, and the afterglow did not shed a little. The night replaced the light. The sleeping Tamo also woke up slowly. Seeing the big and the small who still held the trunk still motionless, he started to have a headache.

Is it possible that this disease is not contagious?

Thinking about it, Ta Mo stood up, slugged lazily, turned and stared at the little figure on the tree, jumped a few times, and went up to the tree, sitting down next to Mi Xiaoxiao, a pair of charming foxes Eyes, staring at Mi Xiaoxiao without blinking, his scorching gaze, wishing to carve a hole in Mi Xiaoxiao's body.

Hua, had already rushed over, standing under the tree, watching Mi Xiaoxiao's actions, her eyes were puzzled, but there was also a faint light. Is this little female's medicine skills higher than her own? But what does it mean to be so motionless?

Mo Ziyi looked at the scene in front of him, with a weird smile on the corner of his mouth, like disdain, ridicule, excitement, and indifference.

Shi Nuo sat still, because he believed that what you did, naturally made sense to her.

On the other hand, Pal and Lisuo had nothing to do with them.

In this way, everyone's thoughts are different, but Mi Xiaoxiao is hard to tell. God knows that she has held the trunk in such a posture for so long, how sore her hands and feet seem to be her own, so stiff. , I want to move but dare not move.

Crying without tears, besides, there is such a big beautiful fox man staring at him. Is there no reason to be embarrassed?

Although the speed of this heartbeat came inexplicably.

Just when it was almost eleven hours, the man on the opposite side finally moved, turning his head slowly, staring at Mi Xiaoxiao with a pair of gray eyes, seemingly full of doubts, just under Mi Xiaoxiao's full expectation, he paused. After a pause, he said: "Are you also a fruit?"

Mi Xiaoxiao: "..."

It turns out that he has been holding a tree for so long, with a piece of red animal skin on his body. He just imagined himself as a fruit, probably a big bayberry...

She originally thought that this guy would imagine herself as a flower, a caterpillar or something, but she didn't expect it to be a fruit. Is there such a big fruit?

Mi Xiaoxiao also forgot, there is no such big fruit, naturally there is no such big caterpillar.

"Uh, yes, I, I am also a fruit." Mi Xiaoxiao nodded awkwardly, admitting that she is a fruit, this feeling is wonderful, especially, beside her, there is an old fox trying to squeeze a smile. Don't feel too refreshing.

So refreshing, she wanted to beat up the old fox in minutes.

After thinking about it, it seemed that something was missing, and then staring at Ji Xun, adding: "We are the same kind." In this way, you can always enter his world of thought, right?

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