Primitive Animal World: Beast Husband, Really Stunning

Chapter 742: Depression or psychosis?

"Little female orcs, please rest assured. I have tasted this fruit personally. It is definitely not poisonous. You can eat it with confidence. But, can we go and see our leader first? After all, he has been sick for a long time, our hope, It's all on the leader."

Mo Ziyi squinted her eyes, staring at the indescribable female in the backlight, and spoke politely, but Mi Xiaoxiao didn't think this was called politeness, at best it was superficial skill.

She just wanted to taste the bayberry in the past. Wasn't their leader also on the tree anyway? They just passed by. Actually, there is no need for him to remind them of the importance of the leader. She is not a fool. For a tribe, the leader, It is often the mainstay of existence.

Thinking, Mi Xiaoxiao didn’t refute, and nodded slightly: “Then let’s go see your chief first. Let me say in advance that my medicine is not omnipotent. Let’s not say whether it can be cured, but I will Do your best."

Mi Xiaoxiao shrugged and said nonchalantly, and soon came under the tree. Mi Xiaoxiao stood still, her eyes slowly lifted up, looking at the canopy of the tree with the fine fragments of mottled sunlight. , Among the dense branches and leaves, it is easy to find a strong figure.

The reason why it was easy to find was actually because the man was covered with a piece of fire-red animal skin, and it was easy to find between the canopy of green branches and leaves.

However, this figure is a bit strange.

The man seemed to have not noticed their existence. With both hands, he hugged the trunk tightly, sitting on a thicker branch, tied with a fiery red animal skin, bare feet, and faint scum on his chin. Against the light, Mi Xiaoxiao could only squint her eyes to look up, and could not see the man's face clearly.

"He is your leader? What's his name? Why did he appear on the tree? How long has the situation lasted? What are the specific manifestations?" Mi Xiaoxiao lowered her eyes, and a series of questions came out quickly from her mouth.

"The little female asks so many all at once, which one should I answer first?" Mo Ziyi stared at Mi Xiaoxiao's back and said with a smile, but in Mi Xiaoxiao's eyes, it was just a wolf in sheep's clothing, always guarding her. Shi Nuo, who was beside Mi Xiaoxiao, also stared at Mo Ziyi thoughtfully, but quickly shifted his attention.

"It’s fine to answer in order. Also, when I’m treating or asking questions, please don’t ask such boring questions again, because this will interrupt my judgment of the patient’s pathology and the next treatment. Thank you for your cooperation."

Mi Xiaoxiao hooked her mouth, faintly arrogant, but Mo Ziyi didn't seem to be angry or flat, still smiled and said: "He is indeed our leader, named Ji Xun. As for why he appeared on the tree, this The reason is not clear to me. According to witnesses, when he came out to fetch water one early in the morning, he suddenly found the figure of the leader, so he hurriedly summoned everyone to discuss countermeasures.

It’s just that the leader is a bit weird. No matter how we call him or climb a tree to talk to him face-to-face, the leader ignores us, as if treating us as air and thinking about dragging the leader down. It’s a pity that the leader is so powerful. , We can't help it.

I also thought about knocking him down and dragging him down. In fact, we did the same, but the next morning, the leader who was supposed to be lying on the bed appeared on the tree again, and he must wear this piece. Fire-red animal skins. "

Mo Ziyi briefly introduced the condition of this man named Ji Xun. Mi Xiaoxiao heard clearly. After confirming that this was not poisoned or eating something by mistake, he began to search for the information in his mind.

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