Mi Xiaoxiao looked at Tamo's eyes and said word by word. She didn't lie, and she said everything according to her own thoughts.

"Don't get excited, I know you are not interesting to him." But he is interesting to you. With these words, Ta Mo said in my heart, Xiaoxiao is a partner, he will not stop, as long as you are good to Xiaoxiao, everything is not a problem.

But at the bottom of my heart, it will still be so uncomfortable, because as long as it is an individual, he will have a certain amount of possessiveness for what he cares about. He also has a possessiveness towards Xiaoxiao.

"Well, even if it is interesting, you are in my heart and will always occupy a place." Although Li Suo likes himself, at present, he does not have any affection between men and women, so if you insist on saying that Tamohe Lisuo's position in her heart is more important.

Then she would say the word Tamo without hesitation.

"Okay." With her words, I feel more at ease. In fact, she is right. Xiaoxiao is not the kind of person who likes new love and abandons old love.

"Go back and rest early! You are tired today too." If it weren't for saving her, they wouldn't be so tired one by one. To be honest, there is still something wrong in my heart.

"Yeah." Ta Mo nodded, but he pulled Li Shuo and Jin Xuan out of the cave, while Shi Nuo still supported her, letting herself lean in his arms, and the cave became quiet.

"Aren't you going back?" Everyone is gone. Why doesn't he go back to rest. After a day of tiredness, if he doesn't have a good rest, how can he replenish his energy?

"Don't go back, I'm here to guard you." The injury is so serious. If he goes back, if he wakes up in the middle of the night in the middle of the night, it is difficult to drink a glass of water. It is better to take good care of her here, so he I also feel relieved a lot, there is no need to worry about the situation here when I fall asleep.

"But you are also tired. It's okay. I'll be fine." It was just a little injury, and fell asleep at night, but nothing happened. As for drinking water or something, she doesn't have the habit of getting up and drinking water at night. .

"..." Shi Nuo didn't reply. Instead, he took off the off-white coat outside, which Mi Xiaoxiao made for him at the beginning. The dress fits well, but it adds a few touches to the alienation he exudes.

"?" Mi Xiaoxiao looked at Shi Nuo's movements, a little unclear, but the answer soon surfaced.

Shi Nuo lightly picked up Mi Xiaoxiao and moved her into the bed. After that, he naturally lay down outside.

After a rustling sound, the cave returned to tranquility again.

Mi Xiaoxiao slept for so long during the day, and now she can't fall asleep naturally, so an awkward atmosphere surrounds her tightly, but in a blink of an eye, how is Shi Nuo, who is also her partner.

It's not that I haven't slept in a bed before, so why be embarrassed.

"Xiaoxiao? Turn around?" Shi Nuo's hoarse voice sounded behind Mi Xiaoxiao, because he was so close that all the breath he exhaled when speaking was sprayed on Mi Xiaoxiao's back.

Nourishing, hot.

"Okay." Shi Nuo replied and helped Mi Xiaoxiao stand up. In fact, she was not that weak, but it seemed that she enjoyed the process very much, and the feeling of being cared by someone was actually quite good.

Lying down, he moved his arms over Mi Xiaoxiao very naturally, but for fear of touching her wounds, he could only hold half of his arms, and he didn't dare to make any movements with his arms around his neck.

Shi Nuo put his chin on Mi Xiaoxiao's head, and among the pale golden eyes, there was gentleness. When getting along with her, there was always a sweet smile on the corner of his mouth unconsciously.

For a long time, the hoarse voice sounded again: "Xiaoxiao, I love you."

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