Primitive Animal World: Beast Husband, Really Stunning

Chapter 679: It's all Ze Kesi's fault (3)

Time always passes easily. In a blink of an eye, the sky is dark, and bright little stars are shining with their own light in the vast starry sky.

And Mi Xiaoxiao, who had fallen asleep for a day, actually opened her eyes in a daze at this moment.

"Hiss~" but it was a movement, and she couldn't help but breathe in a cold breath. When she moved her hand, if she accidentally moved too much, it was involved in the wound on her back, and her mouth was cracked because of the pain.

It's been a long time since I suffered such a serious injury. The only time I was when I was a child living with my grandmother in the country, I was naughty, fell from the ridge, broke my arm, and almost broke my foot.

A few men in the cave noticed Mi Xiaoxiao's little action in an instant. They stayed here for an afternoon, Xiaoxiao finally woke up, thinking about it, they couldn't wait to surround them one by one.

And Mi Xiaoxiao intentionally opened his eyes, and all kinds of beautiful men caught the eye.

Shi Nuo frowned, his face was serious, Jin Xuan's eyes widened, and his face looked expectant, while Li Shuo's face was dark, and he seemed to be in a bad mood.

As for Ta Mo, he raised his head slightly, obviously very nervous, but he pretended not to be nervous, his face was calm and calm.

As for Li Suo, the whole body exudes air-conditioning, as if the whole world has been isolated by him. Sitting alone in the corner, the fire light meets his handsome face, with blood-like eyes, staring tightly. The direction of the stone bed was faintly worried.

"Xiaoxiao, how is it? Does it feel better?" Shi Nuo was the first to react, seeing that Mi Xiaoxiao had the intention to sit up, immediately sat on the side of the bed and gently helped her up.

Carefully let her lean against her arms. After all, she has an injury on her back, so the action is extraordinarily light, for fear that some increase in intensity will involve her wound.

"It's much better, I worry you guys." With that, Mi Xiaoxiao finally had a trace of flushing on her face and made a mischievous expression.

"Next time, don't run around." Li Shuo looked at the weak Mi Xiaoxiao, with a sullen fire in his heart, and couldn't send it out. He was still thinking about it, and when she woke up, he would say to her. Said.

Let her increase her memory.

But now she really woke up, but she couldn't say a word, the trace of fire in her heart disappeared without a trace. There is no way, this little thing is born his nemesis.

"Obviously!" Mi Xiaoxiao sticks out her tongue. This time she has learned a lesson. In any case, even if she wants to go out next time, she has to hire someone to be a bodyguard!

Who made her the power of no bondage?


"Mi Xiaoxiao, have some soup, just made it, it's fresh and helpful to your wounds." Suddenly, Pal came in with a bowl of steaming soup, behind him, he seemed to be following someone with his head down. The little one who dared to show it.

At a glance, Mi Xiaoxiao understood that this little guy, 80% of them, was a plea.

"Thank you." It's just that she didn't expect that Pal would cook soup for her personally. It's really a bit of a surprise. Anyway, this guy used to come to eat rice, this soup, even a small reward.

"It's very hot, let it cool before drinking, otherwise the pretty sister will be hot!"

Just when Pal was about to walk towards the stone bed, a Nuo Nuo voice suddenly came from behind, the voice was very small, if it weren't for no one in the cave to speak, maybe no one would hear it.

"Ze Ke Si." Mi Xiao Xiao smiled, raised her hand slightly, and waved in the direction where Ze Ke Si was. Actually, she didn't mean to blame him.

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