Primitive Animal World: Beast Husband, Really Stunning

Chapter 677: It's all Zeke's fault (1)

"I was the one who caused her injury. Treating the wound is a matter of course." Li Suo looked at Mi Xiaoxiao, frowning lightly, so pale, she fainted and frowned.

How uncomfortable is that?

"Regarding the contract, I think you should come back to the Canglang tribe with us." Li Shuo is straightforward. He doesn't like to talk roundabouts, and this man can be seen as a troublesome person.

"Yes." It just so happened that he was too lazy to find excuses to go back with them. After all, the person he was thinking of was still injured and unconscious.

Let her return to the tribe like this, although she knew in her heart that she would be treated very well in the Canglang tribe and her injury would recover quickly, but there was always a voice in her heart telling him that he was worried, he wanted to see her with his own eyes. The injury healed.

Even if you stay by her side for a day, it's okay.

"Let's go." When the words fell, Li Shuozao turned into a white wolf with a smooth and white hair, making the mark between the eyebrows so eye-catching, with a long tail, very beautiful.

Shi Nuo didn't talk nonsense, lightly hugged Mi Xiaoxiao, and jumped on Li Shuo's body. For this reason, Li Shuo lowered his body slightly, just because Xiaoxiao was injured.

"Followed up, but I think you should know the direction of the Canglang tribe." Tamer didn't want to talk to him, but the last Pal, who set off, spoke softly to Li Suowen. .

Pal's voice is very nice, just like the ding-dong sound of the running water in the mountains. It is always so crisp and gives people a comfortable feeling. It is not so special, but it gives people an extremely tender feeling.

Although there is such a scar on his face, the gentle breath of the whole body and the gentle smile that has always been on his face can easily draw people close to him because of this.

Even though Pal didn't come to this gray wolf tribe for a long time, he still received good popularity and got along very well. Few people feared or despised him because of the scar on his face.

Looking at the figure of Pal going away, Li Suo didn't say anything, just glanced at him faintly, and followed.

As the sun sets, Tamo and his party quickly approached the Canglang tribe.


"Pretty sister! Uuuu..., beautiful sister, where are you, beautiful sister!" As soon as he heard that Mi Xiaoxiao had returned to the tribe safely, Ze Kesi hurriedly went to look for her, crying and crying.

But I wandered around for a long time, and I didn't see the pretty sister, so she had to run away all over the tribe. The pretty sister had an accident this time, and blamed him. If it weren't for him, how could the pretty sister run to see some chrysanthemums.

Even more so, because he wants to protect him, he will be alone to attract some pythons. In the end, his whereabouts are unknown. These days, I have been suffering all the time.

Now I can't wait to run right in front of the beautiful sister and let the beautiful sister slap himself severely, otherwise, even if he sees the beautiful sister, he still feels uneasy.

"Ze Kesi, what are you ranting about?!" Pal had just walked out of the cave where Mi Xiaoxiao was, planning to cook some soup, when they made the medicine in it, and when Xiaoxiao woke up, they brought it to her.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I got out of the cave, I heard the clamor of the tribe. If he was in other places, it would not matter if he yelled, but he couldn't do it here. I said that it was my savior who was healing his wounds.

How can you let the little kid bother you?

"It's you?!" As soon as Ze Kesuo saw a scar on the person's face, he instantly recognized it. Isn't this the man the beautiful sister rescued back then? The injury was quite serious at that time.

And it seems that there is a problem in the brain, but I don't know how it happened suddenly, it's all right.

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