Primitive Animal World: Beast Husband, Really Stunning

Chapter 662: Hit the love tree and accidentally conclude a contract (2)

"Huh~, it's okay, I can't die." Mi Xiaoxiao touched her back, pained in her heart, and her hand was sticky. It seemed that she had lost her money this time, was chased by a python, and rescued by a snake. She was not allowed to go home yet, but later, she didn't even know how to go home.

Annoyed personally.

But at present, it is not a way to be hypocritical. Thinking, Mi Xiaoxiao is holding Li Suo's hand, most of the weight is leaning on him, and the other hand is holding the tree trunk, so that it will not be close to people. Arms.

However, such an inadvertent move by the two created a misunderstanding that was so beautiful that it couldn't be more beautiful.

It turns out that the big tree supported by the two people is not an ordinary pine or willow tree, but a love tree. Of course, you heard it right, this is the love tree used by the partner to make a contract.

Just cut the hands of both parties, open a hole, shed some blood, and then press them on the trunk of the love tree together, so that the contract will be formed, and the contract between the partners will be truly completed after the partners have mate. .

Unfortunately, Mi Xiaoxiao had already touched her back when she pressed her hand on the love tree. Naturally, there was blood on her hand, but she didn't need to touch it at all. When her wrist was injured, there was blood naturally.

Therefore, under certain specific conditions, Mi Xiaoxiao and Li Suo were so inexplicable, and they concluded a contract in a vague way. In this matter, the mark appeared on Mi Xiaoxiao's forehead, and he focused on the tree trunk.


It's like this...

The two of them had just stood up while holding the big tree, Mi Xiaoxiao's eyebrow felt a burning feeling, she couldn't help letting go of the hand holding the tree trunk, and moved to touch her eyebrows, frowning, this feeling, It seems familiar.

"Sit down first, turn around, and I will show you the wound."

Li Suo didn't notice Mi Xiaoxiao's face, but looked at Mi Xiaoxiao's back with worry, even he didn't notice the deep worry.

Mi Xiaoxiao is not hypocritical, just look at his back and treat the wound? In fact, it’s not a big deal. It’s the injury that matters. Besides, I can’t get pregnant even if I look at my back.

"You, lighten up." Mi Xiaoxiao wanted to turn around when she said this awkwardly, but when she turned around, she was caught by Li Suo.

"Hiss~, what are you doing!" Mi Xiaoxiao exhaled in pain. She was so tugged by him, and with a move of her hand, she directly pulled the wound on her back, hurting Mi Xiaoxiao and gritted her teeth.

"You..." Li Suo looked at Mi Xiaoxiao's face with a kind of surprise.

"Me? What's wrong with me?" Why stare at her with that look? It seems that some new world has been discovered.

"Why does a flower appear on the center of your eyebrows? No, it should be a bud." Li Suo stretched out his index finger and lightly nodded on the center of Mi Xiaoxiao's eyebrows. Li Suo had already expressed his doubts, but now, It was Mi Xiaoxiao's turn to be surprised.

How can a flower appear on your eyebrows?

This sentence is so familiar. Mi Xiaoxiao doesn't know if she should cry or laugh now. She looked sharply and asked with a face: "Um..., no, it won't be lavender. Bar?"

"Well, you know?" Li Suo nodded, and the bud appeared all at once. He really hadn't seen anything like this before. It happened suddenly, he was absolutely sure that it hadn't been before.

"Uh..." Mi Xiaoxiao was dumbfounded, smiling more ugly than crying, thinking of the scene where Li Suo killed someone, Mi Xiaoxiao couldn't help but shook her body, it was over, this guy accidentally concluded the contract, this guy wouldn't kill Is it yourself?

"Does the wound hurt? Turn it over and I'll take care of it for you." Li Suo clearly felt Mi Xiaoxiao's trembling, which was strange to say. From the moment the two of them stood up, the bottom of his heart rose. An inexplicable feeling.

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