Primitive Animal World: Beast Husband, Really Stunning

Chapter 654: Title: You are going to travel...

Could it be that the snakes now also become vegetarian?

"Uuuuu." Mi Xiaoxiao shook her head from side to side, trying to remove the head that was wrapped around her mouth. It was too uncomfortable to cover her mouth like this, and it was slippery and cold. , It's terrifying too!

"Shut up." Suddenly, a familiar male voice sounded in her ears, and it didn't sound particularly good.

"You woman, it's really noisy." Li Suo helplessly, from a snake with blood-red eyes, instantly transformed into a human form, and then released Mi Xiaoxiao's mouth, no longer covering her.

"Huh?" Mi Xiaoxiao looked at the sudden appearance of Li Suo, and thought of the snake that had just haunted her. She seemed to understand something instantly. Looking at Li Suo's eyes, she was a little embarrassed. She understood what virtue it is to sleep at night. .

It must have been blowing in at night, it was cold, and then he hugged her, feeling helpless, and turned into a snake shape, entangled her, no wonder it was so warm when she woke up in the morning, it turned out to be like this, it seems that the snake is also Not as cold as people describe.

Holding them will also feel warm, but don't try to hold a snake lightly, because not all snakes are like sterns and possess sage.

If it's a snake that hasn't activated its wisdom, then I'm sorry, you just wait to be bitten!

"Um, I'm sorry, I was a little excited." When you wake up, you suddenly find a snake wrapped around you. The snake's head is still on your neck. You don't know what you want to do. No matter how courageous you are, no matter how calm you are, you will be shocked.

"I'm really excited, stay there, I'll go hunting, don't even think about running away." Li Suo let go of Mi Xiaoxiao's hand, and before leaving the cave, he also specially exhorted him. After Mi Xiaoxiao personally agreed, he left the cave. Hunting.

"If you don't run, you won't run, just don't trust me." Mi Xiaoxiao made a face in the direction of Li Suo's departure. This man is really annoying. He scared her so early in the morning. Fortunately she The heart is good.

Forget it, anyway, after today, I will part ways, and it's rare to care about him.


After eating breakfast, Mi Xiaoxiao smashed the fire with a stone. Soon, a thick blue smoke came out and floated directly out of the cave.

"Go." Li Suo pulled Mi Xiaoxiao expressionlessly, and walked directly outside the cave, disappearing into a cloud of smoke, and a group of people not far away saw the green smoke rising here. There is no need to order, just rush over here.

"Calm down, don't be impatient, you two, go and see." Jie Kang called out to everyone when they were about to rush to a place with smoke. This is not like someone who will actively expose his whereabouts.

"They must be over there, what are we going to do to stop us?" A man with yellow hair standing in front of Jie Kang looked at Jie Kang, seemingly dissatisfied.

"Irevan, are you questioning me?" Jie Kang looked at the yellow-haired Iriver and said with a smile. Perhaps in this world, no one really knows better than him. Good friends.

Unfortunately, he was chosen as a sacrifice, otherwise, they should still be good brothers now.

"No." The man named Ai Ruiwen glanced at Jie Kang. For some reason, the momentum of the talent disappeared in an instant, and he became somewhat conscientious.

"That's good, let's just wait for the news here." Jie Kang nodded, picked a weed around and put it in his hand to play.


"That, that, that leader, we..." Scar hurriedly walked in from the cave, and as soon as he entered the cave, he felt the suffocation that filled the cave.

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