"Whether you saved me from your heart or for other purposes..." Mi Xiaoxiao stood up, shook the drops of water on her head, and just wanted to argue, she was suddenly pulled into her arms by Li Suo. .

The bridge of his nose instantly hit Li Suo's chest, and the sudden change and pain caused Mi Xiaoxiao to frown, tears swirling in her eyes, and...groove! What is this guy going to do?


Just when Mi Xiaoxiao was distressed for her nose, a voice accompanied by a splash of water behind her attracted her attention. I didn't know what it was, she fell into the water suddenly, to see that the splash was stirred up. The height of this object is probably not small.

"What is it?" Even if she is stupid, Mi Xiaoxiao should understand that her stern move did not mean anything to her. Although she didn't intend to think so at the beginning, it seems that it is for Save yourself.

In other words, someone just wanted to hurt her with something, and he was rescued by Li Suo once...

Oh shit!

They all talked about the grace of dripping water. When Yongquan reported it, Li Suo had rescued her for the third time, and she would come here a few more times. If you want to count it like this, she might not be able to afford it in this life.

Also, she doesn't seem to have offended anyone recently, so why does someone want to do something to her?

Or is it said that this person came here for the sake of sharpness?

Thinking, Mi Xiaoxiao quietly raised her head and glanced sharply, only to find that the man in front of him had already frowned, staring at the front, as if he had encountered something difficult to do, his eyes showed disgust. .

Second, when Mi Xiaoxiao was subconsciously curious and planned to look back, she was held down by Li Suo. She couldn't see her appearance clearly, only knowing that there seemed to be footsteps behind her. Listening, it seemed that it was not just a person.

"Hey, I didn't expect to be able to find a partner with cold-blooded harshness. This little female is really not afraid of death!" A word full of joking and sarcasm came, causing Mi Xiaoxiao to speak to this instinctively. People don't like it.

"Looking for death." Li Suo held Mi Xiaoxiao, still locked her tightly in his arms, without showing half a minute, Mi Xiaoxiao just pressed Li Suo's chest and pink cheeks so tightly, and began to slowly famous.

You know, Li Suo didn't wear upper body clothes. Her face was so tightly attached to his chest, listening to the heartbeat in his chest with a strong and powerful beating sound, and it was accompanied by a fight. Strong male charm.

Mi Xiaoxiao can't help herself if she doesn't want to blush.

However, this guy... has a lot of enemies. Last time I saw him kill a person with his own hands, without blinking, I saw most of them with my own eyes, and the **** part was blocked by Shi Nuo. I didn't see it. So, this time it's good, just let her experience it directly.

The dodge and beating left and right not only made Mi Xiaoxiao somewhat overwhelmed, but also a little bit too powerful. After all, there were so many people on the other side, and he was bound by his hands.

"Puff!" After a voice, a strong **** smell passed into Mi Xiaoxiao's nostrils, as if it were close at hand.

Mi Xiaoxiao stretched out her hand with difficulty, and touched the arm that was holding her. Suddenly, there was a sticky feeling. Accompanied by it, there was a hum that was so slight that it was almost inaudible. ,'he is hurt! ’

If it weren't for himself, he was so good, he shouldn't be hurt. In an instant, Mi Xiaoxiao couldn't help but blame herself. No matter how indifferent she wanted, she was also a flesh and blood person, and the other party would inevitably feel a little touched in order to achieve this by herself.

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