To eat and drink, and there is no entertainment, so I went back to bed, lay down, and played chess with Zhou Gong, although her chess skills were not good.

There was no dream all night, and it was not until early morning that she woke up in a daze.

After washing, Mi Xiaoxiao walked towards the cave in Lishuo, early in the morning, there was really no one. Wouldn't they have set out to hunt in the woods?

Thinking about it, Mi Xiaoxiao quickened his pace, and came to Lishuo's cave unimpeded all the way, but he heard the hustle and bustle inside from far away.

There seems to be a lot of people discussing something in it.

"Xiaoxiao? Are you awake?" Jin Xuan just walked out of the cave and saw Mi Xiaoxiao with a hurry on his face. He just went to see it by himself. Xiaoxiao was not awake, and the meat stored in the stone pot last night was also have nothing left.

Xiaoxiao must have gotten hungry at night and ate.

"Well, there are a lot of people in it?" Mi Xiaoxiao looked at Jin Xuan and pointed at the cave close to her eyes.

"Yeah." Jin Xuan didn't conceal anything, but even if he wanted to conceal it, he couldn't keep it. The discussion was so loud that Xiaoxiao was standing at the entrance of the cave now, how could she not hear it.

"What's going on? All the orcs are there?" In other words, this cave is quite capable, and it can hold so many people, but in the Canglang tribe, the cave that is as small as Lishuo is bigger.

"No, there are only a small number of male orcs. The others have gone hunting. As for the females in the tribe, they also got up early, organized spontaneously, and went to the woods to find wild herbs."

Since returning from harvesting a lot of fruits and vegetables yesterday, the female orcs have been in a very high mood. They started early in the morning than the male orcs, and they set off almost just after dawn.

"Uh, it's all so early." The early bird got worms to eat. It’s true. I am afraid I don’t even have a hair now, let alone worms. I am the last to get up in the Canglang tribe this morning. One of them.

"Didn't you have breakfast? Let's take you to eat grilled fish and change the taste." Xiaoxiao doesn't seem to like meat, especially fatty meat, but the lean and fat ones seem to like them.

"All right! Let's go." Mi Xiaoxiao nodded, and honestly followed Jin Xuan, but walked halfway, stopped, and said: "Did they eat?"

Jin Xuan knew that the people in Mi Xiaoxiao's mouth were referring to Shi Nuo and Li Shuo, but they didn't even think about it, and said, "Eat early, they are very busy now."

"Busy? What are you busy with?" There is plenty of food in the tribe, and enough animal skins. Every orc's cave is also very strong. Don't worry about it collapsing. What else can you do?

"It seems to be about the recently appeared orc." Jin Xuan said lightly.

"Orc?" Somehow, as soon as she heard this word, she couldn't help but remember the man who appeared in her cave last night and supported her.

"Well, Xiaoxiao." Jin Xuan's words suddenly became a little serious, putting his hands on Mi Xiaoxiao's shoulders, and the golden eyes revealed seriousness.

Mi Xiaoxiao looked at Jin Xuan like this, and couldn't help becoming serious.

"What's wrong?"

"Xiaoxiao, you have to remember that these beasts are very dangerous, because they are beasts, so few females will be willing to follow them around, because they do not have a fixed residence, and these beasts , Most of them are extremely vicious.

Because of this, they will not have a tribe willing to take them in, and they do not have their own partners, they will find ways to grab other people’s partners as their own and multiply their offspring, so Xiaoxiao, no matter what, you are all Be careful. "

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