"Hey hey! Slow down! Slow down!" By the time Mi Xiaoxiao Xiaoxiao reacted, he was already in Li Shuo's arms, and the scenery on both sides receded quickly, making people dizzy and overwhelmed. Simply, Mi Xiaoxiao simply hugged her tightly.

He closed his eyes, buried his head in his arms, and hugged Li Shuo tightly with both hands, not daring to leave for half a minute.

"Hehe, Xiaoxiao has to adapt to such a speed." A low and sweet voice sounded in her ears. Mi Xiaoxiao gritted her teeth and didn't know what happened to Li Shuo, the speed at which she turned into an orc. , It turned out to be faster than in the beast state.


This speed is like riding a roller coaster. As soon as you go up and down, as in the plot described on TV, the protagonist can fly with a little toe, but the state is also one up and down. This is definitely the model.

"Hoo~" When her feet are on the ground, Mi Xiaoxiao has a long-lost sense of solidity. The speed is too fast, like a racing car. Fortunately, her heart works well, otherwise she won't give it. Scared to death.

Therefore, you must not be lacking in normal exercises. If there is a sudden emergency and the heart is not good, then you can't be scared to death?

I heard that many people are scared to death because of a bad heart.

"Let's go! Tsk tsk tsk, look at each of you, all of you haven't woken up yet?!" Li Shuo stretched his muscles and looked at the group of sleepy orcs in front of him, and said dissatisfied.

A crowd of orcs: "..."

Chief, you were the last to wake up. Of course, you didn't know our pain. They were awakened by someone who slept well in their bed. At that time, it seemed that it was still dark and it was not that early to sleep at night.

The one who gets up is similar to a chicken. Can you say that this is not sleepy?

Moreover, they have been waiting here for a short period of time, and the leader has not come here until now, but they have to rest for a while.

The orcs murmured in their hearts, but they also dared not speak.

Who told them to get up, the chief's wife? The wife of the chief was so kind to them, they couldn't bear to say her, and the reason why the wife of the chief got up so early was because of them.

By the way, today seems to be a trap.

"One by one, keep a little more energetic!" Li Shuo patted Scar on the shoulder, smiling evilly.

"Cough cough, boss, boss, you hit it lightly!" Scar was looking at the boss with grinning teeth. The words were just talking. Is it necessary to hit so hard? Isn't the leader afraid that his little heart can't stand it?

"Yes!" Ready to go, the group of people marched toward the destination they were going to, talking and laughing along the way, and the sleepy bugs were also chased away in an instant.

"Right here, scattered. Before dark, gather here." Li Shuo gave a little order, and then left with Mi Xiaoxiao. Hunting is going on every day, and Li Shuo can't talk about it. The rules are chanting again.

This is a waste of time, and they are also annoying to listen. Anyway, their life is in their own hands, how can they be careless? Moreover, he has already emphasized important things, so there is no need to talk about them.

"Wait! Wait!" Mi Xiaoxiao held Li Shuo, saying that the purpose of her coming today was to teach everyone to set traps. If she left so recklessly, wouldn't she have done nothing?

"Okay, okay, just a few of us act today, what fruit we want to eat, or if we find something to eat, let’s find something and set up traps. Don’t be in a hurry. I will give it to Scar and Tru and let them Just go busy."

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