
After Ote left with the severed Niena, Mi Xiaoxiao stared at the two empty wooden cups and started to daze.

"Scar, avoid watching the good show, why don't you help me stare at Otter and his woman, I want you to watch them walk into the Taer tribe with your own eyes."

As for if it is discovered, you should not want to know the consequences. "Li Shuo looked at Mi Xiaoxiao, and suddenly said to the front.

A certain bush trembles, and then, a small sound slashes across, and the bush returns to tranquility again.

"Xiaoxiao, you don't have to blame yourself, they just got the end they deserved." Shi Nuo, who has never spoken much, suddenly stepped forward and passed Mi Xiaoxiao's waist and said seriously.

"Well, I know, don't worry! I'm not the kind of weak and weak person, since I did it, I won't regret it." That was the result of their own choice.

It was not that she had never given the opportunity, but they themselves missed that opportunity.

Besides, she is the kind of person who is bullied, but will not say a word. She owes her and always has to pay it back.

"Xiaoxiao, can you tell me what you put in their water now?" Jin Xuan stepped forward and stood with Mi Xiaoxiao. Although not side by side, it is a unique scenery.

"In fact, it's nothing, it's the powder of the two grasses I picked." It's the tickling grass and the blazing flower that she found, two grasses with completely different effects.

In order to be fair and notarized, she worked tirelessly to grind the two herbs with gravel, and she did not forget to pick some clean powder and apply it to the edge of the cup.

The water is indeed no problem, the problem is the cup, so, what she said above, but really can't be true.

Originally, when she saw Ni Na was pregnant, she had thought about letting Ni Na go, so she wanted to go.

I finally decided to give Ni Na a chance. Although Ni Na was the most unforgivable, the cubs who were only a few months old in her stomach were innocent.

Therefore, because of her face, she once wanted to let her go.

In fact, she did the same. She only let them drink the water, but didn't specifically say that both of them must drink.

Of course, this also means that one of them can drink in place of the other.

She gave Ni Na a chance. If Otter really cares about her at this moment, then she may be fine. On the contrary, she will receive the punishment she deserves.

In order to let Otto taste the taste, Mi Xiaoxiao has taken enough, no antidote, not to mention the high fever caused by the flaming flowers, just talk about the itchy grass.

You can torture them enough.

After all, this thing has only one antidote, and it must be the same stamen. Unfortunately, even if they know how to detoxify, the stamen is gone.

Because at the same time, she destroyed the little purple flower.

Since Grandpa Bruze asked her to keep Otto for his life, then she stayed, but the cost of living is sometimes more painful than death.

For example..., death is better than life.

Since Otto can't die, for Mi Xiaoxiao, that life is better than death is perhaps the best punishment for Otto.

"What are the effects of those two small grasses?" He was curious, isn't it just two inconspicuous grasses? What magical effect can it have?

Not only Jin Xuan was curious, but the others were even more the same, because they had never seen any magical effects of these things.

"One of the green plants can make people very itchy when taken, and the antidote has been ruined by me.

Another blazing red plant, called blazing flower, can cause fever and colds, but it is actually poisoning. "As for the antidote, she didn't seem to see it...

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