It's a pity that even if Otter's endurance is good, it will disintegrate and collapse, and it will be used up the moment.

In this world, although one can have multiple males because of the scarcity of females, one woman can have multiple men.

However, in order to check and balance both men and women, some rules have been shed since ancient times, as far as possible to achieve fairness and justice for both men and women.

One: the male and the female need to mate with each other before they can find a mark on the female. When the mark appears, it means that the male who mates with him successfully becomes the female's partner.

The appearance of this mark also represents the successful conclusion of the love bond.

Second: Female orcs can have multiple partners at the same time.

Third: The male orc has the right and the right to pursue the choice of the female orc he likes and form a partner with it.

At the same time, they also have the right to reject the pursuit of females.

Fourth: Female orcs must not mate with other unfamiliar males when they are living with their partners.

[Ps: Before the female and male mate and conclude the love bond, they need to drop the blood of both parties in front of the love tree. After that, they only need to mate to complete the love bond.

Only completing one of the moves will not be considered as a successful conclusion. On the other hand, if the male party pays twice as much blood (that is, two drops) when the blood is dripped, he will have to bear for his partner when he is injured. Part of the ability to hurt.

There are also females who have robbed males and forced to conclude contracts with females. Note: A female has the ability to force a male to conclude a contract only once in her life. 】

Wait, there are a lot of such restrictions. As for what the other content is, Mi Xiaoxiao is not curious and doesn't know.

Because these were just popularized by Jin Xuan and the others not long ago, Jin Xuan and the others didn't know that Mi Xiaoxiao didn't know the treaties of this world.

Therefore, if it were not for Mi Xiaoxiao to be boring some time ago, but also vaguely expressed that she didn't understand some things in this world, I am afraid she still didn't know.

The conclusion of a love agreement can only be completed by dripping blood in front of a ghost love tree. When I came to this world before, I only heard that only mating took place.

Then you can conclude a contract with it and form a partner.

Actually, she really thought so before, but now suddenly she realizes that she used to seem to be just an illiterate.

Closer to home, the reason why Mi Xiaoxiao thinks so much is that Niina violated one of the treaties.

In fact, it is nothing, but once those treaties are violated, they will become the object of criticism and ridicule.

Therefore, as long as the brain is normal, few people will be foolish to violate it.

But Niena, it violated.

When every female orc has an extra partner, as long as she concludes a love agreement, there will be an extra mark somewhere on her body.

When Lin Yi personally told herself that he had a relationship with Ni Na, Mi Xiaoxiao had already thought of something.

If Niena and Lin Ye are a normal relationship together, then Otto, Dike and others would not be unaware of the existence of Lin Ye, Niena’s partner.

And Lin Yi would definitely take Ni Na to the Wall tribe.

After all, a male can only have one female in his life. It is conceivable that in order to prevent him from being widowed, males are generally normal and will not be harsh on their females.

Furthermore, combined with what Jin Xuan and the others told him, Mi Xiaoxiao was ninety-nine percent sure to prove that Ni Na and Lin Yi were messing around.

Now, when she mentioned Lin Yu, Ni Na gave the response, and Mi Xiaoxiao was 100% sure to prove that Ni Na and Lin Yu were definitely not a relationship.

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