Primitive Animal World: Beast Husband, Really Stunning

Chapter 446: Self-blame is less than three seconds

She was indeed pushed down the river because of him. Life or death was unknown, but it was up to the people he was really sorry for.

She Mi Xiaoxiao, at best can only be ranked third.

The first and the second can only belong to the two small, innocent children who were involved and even lost their lives.

The people he really feels sorry for, and the people who should really regret it, are the two children who have already rushed to Huangquan, not her Mi Xiaoxiao.

"Uncle Brown..." As soon as Otter heard Mi Xiaoxiao's words, his eyes brightened in the depths, and soon began to dim and diminish.

Does Uncle Brown want to save him?

He He……

He didn't have the face to live to see him, and the end of the game was that he made and took the blame for himself. He shouldn't have harmed Mi Xiaoxiao, and shouldn't.

"Ote, as the leader, haven't you realized your mistakes yet?" Mi Xiaoxiao took a step back, looking at the eclipsed Ote, her tone of voice lost his excitement, and she recovered a little bit of calm.

"I shouldn't hit your attention." He was wrong, if he hadn't felt jealous and resentful because of Mi Xiaoxiao's growing popularity.

Didn't add more suspicion to her, didn't cooperate with Lin Yi to attack her, would it be that everything would be different?

But, if she hadn't been too dazzling as a female, how could he persecute her? Although he was wrong, he was just lost in nature by lust.

What's more, a slap can't make a sound. If there is no leader Lin Yi's instigation, without his help, how could he really make up his mind to harm him?

Therefore, he was wrong, but it shouldn't be left to him alone. Lin Yi was also wrong.

Thinking, Otter is a pupil, originally a lifeless, but at this moment, there is a beam of light called Escape, rising from the bottom of his eyes.

Gradually, the entire eye socket was wetted, the anger that had been lost, but now slowly returned, regaining the desire and attachment to life.

"Heh, stubborn." Mi Xiaoxiao saw Otter's transformation in his eyes, and listening to his words, Mi Xiaoxiao could only sneer softly.

There are many thick-skinned people in the world. Unfortunately, Otter is one of them.

A moment ago, I was swearing and confidently telling her that I was wrong, and even showed a sense of incompatibility. If anyone wants his life, just take it.

But now?

He loves that he doesn't know where he is wrong, not to mention that he is still defending himself, and he is taking responsibility for himself, which is just a matter of course.

Others say that it is no more than three seconds serious, but Otter blames himself for no more than three seconds.

"Xiaoxiao, don't be angry with yourself." Jin Xuan stepped forward, put his arms around Mi Xiaoxiao's waist, and reached out to give her a smooth look, which made Mi Xiaoxiao's mood suddenly better.

"Don't worry! I'm okay." Mi Xiaoxiao smiled at Jin Xuan, indeed, she couldn't be mad at a scumbag.

"Xiaoxiao, why don't you change me?" Li Shuo looked at Mi Xiaoxiao, with emerald green eyes flowing with the glow of fireflies.

Xiaoxiao just kindly chatted with Otter just now, and if he changed to him, it was not as simple as chatting.

"Hmm, let him do it all again!" Mi Xiaoxiao said angrily looking at Li Shuo who was eager to try.

"Do it all again?" What do you do it all again? Why didn't he understand Xiaoxiao's words? Jin Xuan looked at Mi Xiaoxiao, wondering.

"Well, didn't you talk about flogging, gang fights, etc.? Give it to Chief Otto!

No matter what, we have to take care of it, the boss, right? Otherwise, if we don't agree with him, we will lose our lives if we are careful. "

Mi Xiaoxiao glanced at Ote, who was immersed in her own thoughts, with a bit of sarcasm in her tone.

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