Primitive Animal World: Beast Husband, Really Stunning

Chapter 444: Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in this world


Mi Xiaoxiao stretched out her hand and rubbed it on the top of Zekesi's head, speaking softly and out of place, faintly exuding a few so-called maternal brilliance.

"Then, Na Zekesi is back, sister sister, you must remember to come to me." Zekesi seemed to be afraid that Mi Xiaoxiao would forget, and before leaving, he did not forget to give Mi Xiaoxiao a word.

"Well, I promise." Mi Xiaoxiao nodded, in fact, this little guy is also quite interesting.

"Li Shuo, sneak back all the people in the tribe!" Mi Xiaoxiao looked at Zekesi's back and turned towards Li Shuo.

"Okay." Li Shuo glanced at the onlookers and nodded. Next, Xiaoxiao and their private accounts, the private accounts should be private.

"Scar, take the people from the tribe, and go back." Li Shuo pulled away the Scar, who was hiding in the crowd watching the excitement, and ordered.

"..." Scar was speechless, didn't he just come to watch the excitement? Hidden in such a hidden place in the crowd, he can be corrected by the leader. He is really unlucky today.

Forget it, the leader wants to accompany his wife to get revenge, they should just go back to their nest and stay in the nest!

"All right, the leader, don't worry, Scar will definitely take them back to the tribe." Bing Bing wanted to please his wife, Scar was honestly leaving with a large group of people.

The people of the Taer tribe directly handed it over to Tamu, and asked him to take it back to the tribe.

Ake is left, her partner Darson, and another victim, Liz, together with her two partners.

The five people in the group wanted to stay as long as they said anything, and Ai Ke was even more ruthless, not allowing her to stay, so she broke off friendship with Mi Xiaoxiao.

Feeling helpless, Mi Xiaoxiao responded with a sullen voice, but her mood was restored to the time when she was depressed.

Originally, Lu Lina wanted to stay too, but was later persuaded by Mi Xiaoxiao. After all, she might be a bit cruel next, and it's better to miss it or not.

"Jin Xuan, Shi Nuo, bring Otto in." Mi Xiaoxiao didn't even look at Lin Yi and Shishi who were tied up, and asked Jin Xuan and Shi Nuo to put Ot in.

Some things are suitable to be done in a darker place.

"If you want to vent, just go!" Mi Xiaoxiao walked to Ai Ke's side, speaking with some tolerance.

Mi Xiaoxiao's words fell, Ai Ke and Lisi rushed forward regardless, Da Sen and others also wanted to punch Otter twice, but Mi Xiaoxiao stopped them.

Some things still need to be figured out on their own. Darson and others are indeed angry, but their anger can be suppressed temporarily.

But Ike and Liz are on the verge of collapse. If they don't vent, they may collapse directly and even suffer from depression.

"Let them vent it!" Otter was tied up, and the whole person was in a daze, in a state of wandering.

Therefore, it is impossible to resist the fragile attack of the two people, just accept it without saying a word.

Just as Mi Xiaoxiao said, it was not until Ai Ke and Lisi were tired from the fight and cried dizzy that the two partners of Darson and Lisi returned to the tribe with their respective females.

"It's time to return to mind. There are some things that can be avoided if you don't want to avoid it." Mi Xiaoxiao stood in front of Otter with a serious face, but her voice was particularly pleasant.

"I was wrong." Otter returned to his senses, with a pair of hollow eyes, looking straight at the dazzling person in front of him.

The bottom of my eyes is deep self-blame and endless remorse.

The tall and magnificent Otter just knelt down, with a plain face with Chinese characters, only sickly pale.

"Wrong?!" Mi Xiaoxiao squatted down, looking at Otter who was regretful, a faint voice continued: "Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in this world."

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