Primitive Animal World: Beast Husband, Really Stunning

Chapter 428: I'm afraid I'm separated from the Taer tribe

Seeing Mi Xiaoxiao who had regained a smile, Jin Xuan and the others did not feel relieved, some were just deeper concerns.

"Let's go, let's go to meet old friends." Mi Xiaoxiao smiled and took Ta Mo's hand and walked in the direction where Otter was.

As for Lin Yi, he was still surrounded by a group of people, no matter how threatened he was, it was useless. The group of people around him just stared at him sternly.

"Grandpa Brown." Mi Xiaoxiao forced a sweet smile, released Tamo's arm, and put the arm of the somewhat vicissitudes of old man in front of him.

"Little female, just come back, I'll be wronged." Grandpa Brown looked at Mi Xiaoxiao who was nestling next to him. The kindness in his eyes couldn't resist.

But that distress, but it is also a real distress, Mi Xiaoxiao is not a wooden person, how could she not feel such an obvious emotion.

"Grandpa Bruze, Xiaoxiao is not wronged, but, grandpa, Xiaoxiao has a request, don't know if Grandpa Bruze agrees?"

Mi Xiaoxiao held Grandpa Bruzi's arm, and his tone was very peaceful. Although he called grandpa affectionately, Grandpa Bruzi understood in his heart.

This little female, I'm afraid it is alienated from the Taer tribe~

"Just say the little female, Grandpa Brown will definitely give the young female the fairest answer." Grandpa Brown looked at Mi Xiaoxiao with a smile, like he was looking at his own granddaughter.

"Grandfather Brown, Chief Otter, can you teach Xiaoxiao how to deal with it?" Mi Xiaoxiao still said with a smile, but that tone was separated, obviously mixed with a trace of life.

Grandpa Brown looked at Mi Xiaoxiao, who was smiling like a flower, and couldn't help feeling a pity. Such a good little female seemed to not belong to their Taer tribe after all.

It's nothing more, I am old too, not the violent young man back then, when he is old, he feels powerless in everything.

This time, what Otter did was really too much...

"Yes, yes, but, little female, can you promise grandpa one thing too?" Grandpa Bruze cast a glance at Otter who shrank in the corner, his face dull.

There was a burst of distress and disappointment in my heart. This man was also the child he had seen when he grew up with his own eyes!

Now, why has it become so kind?

"Grandpa Brown, please tell me, if Xiaoxiao can do it, try to promise grandpa." Mi Xiaoxiao didn't say too much. After all, the old man in front of her treated her very well.

"Okay, okay!" After Grandpa Brown said two good words, he continued: "Anyway, little female, is it good to leave Otto alive for the sake of grandfather's face?"

No matter what, Otter is looking at the grown-up child after all. Since childhood, he has not loved him less, and now he has to look at him and go to death.

To be honest, how can he bear it?

Mi Xiaoxiao looked at Otter who was shrinking in the corner and smiled. His smile was even more beautiful than before.

"Well, for the sake of grandpa's face, Xiaoxiao won't hurt her life." Mi Xiaoxiao looked at Grandpa Bruze, paused for a long time before saying something.

"Okay! Good boy, grandpa, oh~, Otter will leave it to you!" After Grandpa Brown said this, he seemed to be a few years old in an instant, leaning on a cane, slowly moving towards the outside of the cave. Go.

"No! Uncle Brown, you can't go! Uncle Brown, how can you leave Otter alone!"

She will kill me, she will kill me! You can't give me to her! wrong! wrong! I am the leader of the Taer tribe, Browns, you are not qualified to make such a decision, you are not qualified! "

As soon as Ott heard that Brown had handed himself over to Mi Xiaoxiao, coupled with the previous series of blows, even a seven-foot-tall man appeared insane.

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