"Do you guarantee? How reliable is your guarantee?" Lin Yi stopped her eyelids, with an unexplained smile at the corner of her mouth.

"What I said is absolutely true." Otter's face was black, and the fist placed beside him, pinched tightly, slightly white, as if he was trying his best to endure something.

"It's true? Before I saw Mi Xiaoxiao herself, what would you promise me that what you said was true?" Lin Yi laughed when he heard Otter's words.

"..." Otter was silent, his face turned black, white, and finally purple. The change in color represented his inner mood.

The silence of the two created the silence of this cave. Otter came over to see Lin Yi today and did not hesitate to pretend to be sick.

Therefore, he didn't bring anyone here today, even if someone was willing to come with him, he would not accept it.

Because, in the Taer tribe, the only ones who knew the truth about Mi Xiaoxiao falling into the water were he and Ni Na. He could come, Ni Na, but he would never let her come.

After a long time, Otter took a deep breath, as if deciding something, and said: "You tell me, I did meet Mi Xiaoxiao with my own eyes, and she really came back with unscathed hair."

"Oh? Really?" Lin Yan hadn't raised her head, but the low laughter came from it. It should be a warm smile, but it was mixed with strands of chill.

"Of course, Chief Lin Fei doesn't believe me?" Otter asked back, with impatience in his tone. Isn't this Lin Fei the tribe commanded, bigger than his?

Why should I be the boss in front of him? He couldn't wait to tear his face with such a look that everyone looked down on.

"Hehe, don't believe it? How could it be?"

Lin Mo's voice this time was close to whispering. If it weren't for the orc's natural ear power, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to hear what Lin Mo was talking about.

As soon as Otto heard these words, he didn't have time to think about it, but he was relieved, although he just said that he had met Mi Xiaoxiao in person, it was a lie.

But in the end, didn't he also get the result he wanted?

"Since Lin Fei believes me, should we talk about cooperation?" Otter raised his head and looked at the man opposite, with a faint disdain hidden in his eyes.

But he is not the kind of person who is stupid enough to show it in words.

"Cooperation? This leader is very busy these days, and there is no time to talk about cooperation with the Otto leader. That's it for today. Let's talk about it another day."

The smile at the corner of Lin Yan's mouth evokes an arc that can hardly be seen, but it reveals enough lightness, without the slightest sense of intimacy.

"No time? Leader Lin Fei, what do you mean?"

Otto stood up angrily, he gave him a look, this Lin Yan really shameless face, even openly playing with his face?

Didn’t they just talk about it well? How can you turn your face by turning your face?

"Chief Otter, isn't it enough to say what my leader means? My leader has been very busy these two days, so I don't have time to talk about cooperation with you.

You know, the people of our tribe are not like your Taer tribe, there are only a few dozen people. "

Shiqiang choked on Otto in front of Lin Yu, a few short words that choked Otto abruptly.

It's not even if you don't return your mouth, it's not if you don't return it, but it's about to suffocate him to death.

But who is Otter?

Otter is a ruthless character who even played Mi Xiaoxiao, who is kind to his tribe, how could he do it if he had no courage and wisdom at all?

Moreover, it's the kind of sneaky and silent.

So, how could he let the Wall tribe, the big helper who dealt with Mi Xiaoxiao, so easily?

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