Primitive Animal World: Beast Husband, Really Stunning

Chapter 411: You are the best quality

"It may indeed be a rebellion. I have long felt that Otter is not very good. It is not a human being to be cruel to the females of my tribe."

The orc shook his head, as if pitying Mi Xiaoxiao, but in reality, he was just satisfying his gossip heart.

"That's all, let's go back and stare honestly! Don't let the leader know that we are lazy, or we won't be able to eat."

Thirty Tweet took the orc and walked forward, keeping the sound as minimal as possible. When the two people pushed and pushed Sangsang to the place where they had just hidden, Shi Nuo and Mi Xiaoxiao had already dealt with the bear and rabbit and walked back.

"Shi Nuo, your speed is comparable to that of the tortoise, and I am hungry." After several days of getting along, the relationship between Ta Mo and Jin Xuan and others has improved a little.

At least there is no first rattling.

"Don't worry, Otter hasn't come here yet, let's wait a while." Mi Xiaoxiao said to wait a while, but in his hand he handled the processed bear and rabbit with a wooden stick that he had prepared earlier. Long string.

The fire had grown well, and occasionally there was a crackling sound of firewood bursting.

"Will Otter come back? I've been waiting for a long time." Jin Xuan's corner of his eyes curled toward the tall bushes.

"I don't know, I'm not sure, but we have already discussed it. Even if he doesn't come to see me today, then she will go to the Wall tribe.

When the time comes, he will reveal the news that I am back, and then reconcile with me and get rid of the Wall tribe. "

What Mi Xiaoxiao said was calm and calm, but the two guys who were listening to it were not ordinary frightened. This little female wanted to destroy their tribe directly!

"Xiaoxiao, are you sure that this Aote is still credible?" Li Shuo said anxiously to Mi Xiaoxiao, as if he did not trust Aote.

"Don't worry! He has a handle in my hand, but I promised him. When he helped me destroy the Wall tribe, then I will disappear before his eyes.

Stay away from him. If he doesn't cooperate with us honestly, don't blame me for knowing this handle. "

Mi Xiaoxiao said with a smile, but kept turning his hand over the bear and rabbit that was burning on the fire.

The few people around her knew that what she said was false, but in reality they were only telling the two eavesdroppers, but they still cooperated with her grinningly.

"Handle?" At this moment, even Li Shuo became interested and approached Mi Xiaoxiao curiously, wondering what the ‘handle’ in her mouth meant.

"Since I agreed, as long as he helps me accomplish what I want to do, I won't say it.

So, even if you ask, then I can't say, who makes me Mi Xiaoxiao have good quality. "

Mi Xiaoxiao turned over the bear and rabbit, which had been gradually venting oil, and didn't want it.

"Yes, you have the best quality." Li Shuo Chong smiled, stretched out her index finger, and touched Mi Xiaoxiao's smooth and small nose affectionately.

"By the way, do you have salt on your body?" There is no salty food, you can eat it, but she is really tired of eating it.

When I was with Tamo, I had never eaten salt. When I went to the Zili tribe to rescue Tamo, the food was original, and there was no salt.

Later, when I came back all the way, I didn't add salt to the food I ate on the road. Until the two days when I returned to the Canglang tribe, I was not late for food about salt.

This makes Mi Xiaoxiao greedy.

"I know you need it, give it to you." Shi Nuo smiled and took out a packet of salt wrapped in clean animal skins from his arms and handed it to Mi Xiaoxiao.

"Hey! You still understand me." Shi Nuo, who usually enters the water indifferently, is actually quite careful!

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