Primitive Animal World: Beast Husband, Really Stunning

Chapter 389: Lead the snake out of the hole (16)

"Sent out in person." Mi Xiaoxiao repeated these four words calmly, and then a sneered sneered at the corner of his mouth, and said: "This Lin Yi really looks at me."

Isn't it just looking at her?

She is a small female who has no power to bind a chicken, and she can even invite the leader of a large tribe.

Isn't this just looking at her?

What a pity!

This kind of watching him might speed up his pace of going to hell. I hope that he himself will not regret his original ‘watching’ at that time!

"About when?" Li Shuo frowned and asked, he didn't want to, Xiaoxiao just wandered around in the woods.

I'm tired, and it will arouse Lin Yi's suspicion, after all, who will go to the woods for a whole day without problems!

It's not a brain convulsion, it's another purpose.

"It should be in the morning." Xili did not produce accurate information, but the possibility of appearing in the morning is greater.

"Oh, let's go out in the afternoon." Li Shuo didn't even think about it, so he made the decision directly, making Mi Xiaoxiao confused.

Didn’t it mean that Lin Yu was most likely to be out in the morning? Why don't they go out in the morning, but go against the road and go out in the afternoon?

Shi Nuo had no expression on this, but in his heart, he had long understood Li Shuo's intentions.

Ta Mo watched his nose and his heart, listening to Tru and Li Shuo's dialogue without saying a word. After hearing Li Shuo's words, he smiled clearly.

Perhaps only Jin Xuan, Mi Xiaoxiao, and the expressionless Truu didn't understand why Li Shuo did this.

Xu Ye sensed Mi Xiaoxiao's doubts, Li Shuo smiled scornfully, and said, "That Lin Yan, who refused to investigate, revealed that he was accustomed to playing cards according to common sense.

Therefore, he said that 90% of the departure in the morning is likely to be fake, to cover people's eyes and eyes, and to test the loyalty of Xili who told his news. "

"Uh..." Hearing Li Shuo's analysis, Mi Xiaoxiao suddenly realized, and secretly annoyed.

When feelings came to this world for the first time, only oneself was a fool. When they saw the innocent Jin Xuan, the shy and timid Ai Ke, and the lively and cheerful Lu Lina.

He blindly believed that people in this bizarre orc world were just like primitive people, without so many twists and turns in their minds.

They are all simple.

Later, the orcs of the Shimi tribe overthrew her cognition, and the Sangwu of the Zili tribe broke her belief once again. Now, Otto has completely destroyed her thoughts.

Yes, as long as there are people, there is struggle, whether it is intangible or substantive, it is constantly evolving every day.

Although this is the world of orcs, it is human at any rate. Moreover, it is a tribal system, and each tribe has a ruling leader.

Just like the earth emperor, he controls the operation of the entire tribe, dare to ask where there is a tribe, is there competition?

It seems that she used to be too simple, with simple ideas and simple methods, so that she was pushed into the torrent of water.

However, since she has already awakened and understood, after that, she won't be so...stupid.

"Xiaoxiao, do you understand?" Li Shuo's emerald eyes stared at Mi Xiaoxiao closely, waiting for her answer.

Xiaoxiao is too easy to be soft-hearted and too kind.

For the Taer tribe, it is unconditional to give, wanting to improve the living standard of the Taer tribe and improve the status of the Taer tribe, but it is a pity.

They don't appreciate her, but they still want to get rid of her.

If Xiaoxiao could be ruthless, unfeeling, and able to see things a little bit, perhaps, such a thing would not happen.

But he would not hate Xiaoxiao, would not think she was useless, on the contrary, he felt that it was precisely because of such Xiaoxiao that he was attracted to approach.

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