Primitive Animal World: Beast Husband, Really Stunning

Chapter 366: Back to the Canglang tribe

Could this be the so-called sensibility of the heart?

Uh... I seem to be a bit crooked.

"Then Xiaoxiao is going to see this good show now?" Jin Xuan thought for a while and asked, if Xiaoxiao wanted to return to watch the good show on a whim.

Even if he can't refuse, his own little female has to be pampered, right?

"No, we still follow the original plan. Before noon tomorrow, we have to rush back to the Canglang tribe." Watching the lively horse, although she likes it.

But there is no need to go all the way back. It takes time and effort. Moreover, Sangwu may not be happy with him. Presumably, if Sangwu knew about the crisis in their tribe at this time, she had caused it alone.

I wonder if you want to drink her blood and eat her meat?

"Okay, let's hurry up after eating!" At Xiaoxiao's speed, arriving at the Canglang tribe before noon tomorrow, it seems a bit reluctant.

"No, I will trouble you to take me this time." Mi Xiaoxiao blinked and looked at Jin Xuan and Shi Nuo grinning.

Shi Nuo looked at such a strange and eccentric Mi Xiaoxiao, smiled, and said: "Xiaoxiao can say anything."

Isn't it just taking Xiaoxiao back? He couldn't ask for it! What's more, Xiaoxiao said this only for him and Jin Xuan.

In my heart, he was inexplicably happy, at least, he still had a position in Xiaoxiao's heart.

"Yeah." Mi Xiaoxiao answered her head indiscriminately, Shi Nuo's smile just now gave Mi Xiaoxiao a lot of shock.

Just now, she seemed to see the thousand-year iceberg melt instantly, and the gentle sunshine re-illuminated the earth.

This smile, don’t want to be handsome~

"Xiaoxiao, I want to go too." Seeing the two people's "brows and smiles", Ta Mo couldn't bear it. He finally had a favorite female, how could she run away so easily?

Before Mi Xiaoxiao clearly and severely rejected him, he would rely on her no matter what happened!

Don't want to get rid of him this time.

"You..." Mi Xiaoxiao just wanted to refuse, but somehow, suddenly thought of the scar in his mind, and suddenly felt relieved.

Then he said, "I didn't say not to let you go." After hesitating for a long time, he squeezed out such a sentence.

But for Tamo, this is the most beautiful words he has ever heard.

Since Xiaoxiao had let him follow, then it was a disguised proof that gave him a chance.

It's not that he is narcissistic. Tamo is very confident about his appearance. He doesn't believe it anymore. He can't fix Mi Xiaoxiao!

Mi Xiaoxiao naturally didn't know Ta Mo's thoughts, she would never think of it, because of her actions today.

Later, he became a man who spoiled her and became an outrageous man.

Well, these are things to follow, so I won't mention them for now.

Shi Nuo, Jin Xuan and Li Shuo, the three of them naturally had no opinion on Mi Xiaoxiao's decision.

Because they knew that Xiaoxiao's so-called plan was actually just venting for Tamo.

It's just that she herself hasn't noticed it yet.

Really the authorities are fans and bystanders clear.

After some discussions, the group set off in no time, and Scar was condemned by Li Shuo first to the tribe.

At noon the next day, Mi Xiaoxiao and his group of five people finally appeared near the Canglang tribe, but they didn't want to. They hadn't returned to the tribe, but they ran into two familiar people.

"Aike, you said Xiaoxiao has been missing for so long, is it still possible to be found?" The woman who was speaking was worried, and the speed of picking the fruit was also a little slower.

This person looked worried, wearing a gray animal skin jacket, looking at the style, it was Mi Xiaoxiao who left them to do it.

Even if she hadn't seen it for a long time, she knew the two who were talking, aren't they the former good friends, Aike and Lu Lina?

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