"Tsk, Sangwu's hiding is really tight enough." If they hadn't been led by Sili, they might really have been unable to find Tamo's whereabouts.

It's not that they are stupid, but every large and small cave near here, as long as they have been there, there are more or less broken stones in it.

Therefore, when they came to this cave, they saw a pile of rubble in the corner, Mi Xiaoxiao and the others did not suspect, after all, they didn't smell any smell about Ta Mo.

"Just remove this stone slab." Si Li took a breath and pointed his finger at the thin stone slab.

"Xiaoxiao, you get away a little bit, there is too much dust here." Jin Xuan pulled Mi Xiaoxiao aside, and reached out for her to block the dust that was aroused by Li Shuo and Shi Nuo moving rocks.

"It's okay." Although he said so, he still didn't stop Jin Xuan's movement.

In my heart, it is also exceptionally warm.

Sometimes, in life, what touches you may be these seemingly trivial things.

"Okay, I finally moved away, and the boss is exhausted." Li Shuo thumped his arm exaggeratedly.

Blinked his peachy eyes, looked at Mi Xiaoxiao and said pitifully: "Xiaoxiao, my hands are sore~"

"..." Mi Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes, her hands sore? Didn’t it just let you push a thin stone slab? As for sore hands?

"Xiaoxiao! You should rub it for me, the boss will die of soreness." Seeing that Mi Xiao was indifferent, Li Shuo moved closer to Mi Xiaoxiao, his tone increasingly pitiful.

The emerald green eyes were filled with mist, as if Mi Xiaoxiao would cry immediately if he refused to agree.

"..." Dead evildoer! Why do you pretend to be so handsome and miserable? Don’t you know that she has no immunity to beautiful things?

"Alright." Mi Xiaoxiao sternly walked to Li Shuo in three steps and two steps, and stretched out his hand to rub his arm pretentiously.

Hmm... it feels good.

"...Cough cough." Si Li's cough successfully attracted everyone's attention: "Next, let's go down here!"

"Go down?" Shi Nuo frowned. Looking down from here, it was so dark that he couldn't see anything at all, and he didn't know what was going on.

What if there is any danger?

"You go down first." After thinking twice, Shi Nuo said to Si Li.

"Go and find a tree vine." I don't know how deep it is below, there is always nothing wrong with finding a tree vine to tie it up.

"Hey, there are ready-made ones here." Li Shuo took out a green cane from behind and handed it to the injured Si Li, his eyes beckoning him to go down immediately.

Although Si Li’s injury was serious, Mi Xiao had already asked Voga to do a simple treatment, so he would not endanger his life.

"Xiaoxiao, you have to prepare yourself, I can smell the blood." Jin Xuan took Mi Xiao's hand with a little seriousness in his voice.

This person saved Xiaoxiao's life. He had an accident. Xiaoxiao must be sad. Although he was afraid that he would become Xiaoxiao's male, he didn't want him to have an accident at this moment.

After all, if something happened to him, Xiaoxiao would be sad.

"I see." Mi Xiaoxiao nodded solemnly. Ever since she came to the Zili tribe, she has thought about Tamo's situation.

Injury is inevitable, but I don’t know how much it is.


Thinking, Mi Xiaoxiao's eyes flashed a dark light, extremely sharp, and flashed past.

"Little female, it's safe here, come down quickly!" Voga shouted from below, beckoning them to go down quickly.

Li Shuo and Jin Xuan already knew that Voga was their own business, so they wouldn't have too much doubt about his words.

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