Primitive Animal World: Beast Husband, Really Stunning

Chapter 320: Don't worry, just leave everything to us

"Please do whatever you want, I won't bother you." Sang Wu retracted his hand without any embarrassment, and then faced them with a faint expression.

"Leader Sangwu, go slowly."

Jin Xuan glanced at Li Shuo, something flashed through his eyes, and then turned his gaze to Sang Wu who had already turned around, meaning it was unknown.


"Li Shuo, I think this Sang Wu will never let us find Ta Mo in that simple way."

Since he tricked Tamo back, he shouldn't put him in a conspicuous place.

Maybe it's in some humble small cave, or some other off-travel place.

Therefore, it should not be easy for them to find Ta Mo at once, but if the search takes a long time, then Sangwu must have something to say.

"Don't worry, everything will be left to us." Although Ta Mo doesn't wait to see what Xiaoxiao said, he is also Xiaoxiao's savior anyway.

Without him, perhaps Xiaoxiao would not be like now, standing beside them safely.

Therefore, although they didn't want to see that Tamer in their hearts, they still had to find his whereabouts.

"Okay." Mi Xiaoxiao nodded comfortably, don't know why, staying beside them, she was very relieved, without the kind of impetuous mood.

"Let's go." Shi Nuo looked at Mi Xiaoxiao and said with a smile.

Mi Xiaoxiao, who hadn't seen Shi Nuo smile for a long time, saw the iceberg melt all of a sudden, and to be honest, she really didn't react.

"Ahem, uh... you, put me down!" Mi Xiaoxiao recovered, with an unusual blush on her small face.

What's so special that she was stunned by Shi Nuo just now, this is simply...Don't be too embarrassed, okay?

Moreover, is this guy Li Shuo swollen while holding her without letting go?

Be good! They are just friends, do you want to be so... so ambiguous? She will misunderstand, okay?

"Xiaoxiao, I don't even dislike you, but you complained first, and then, don't you have to make a full set when we do the show?"

Li Shuo's low and sweet voice sounded in Mi Xiaoxiao's ears, making her particularly speechless.

Because she unexpectedly discovered that she, a modern beautiful girl with high IQ from the 21st century, could not say that she could not be said to be a big white wolf who stayed in a backward world and was the leader.

Are you speechless? Are you shocked?

Well, whether you have it or not, she has it anyway.

"I...Is it heavy?" Mi Xiaoxiao smiled and slapped Li Shuo's waist. When he said something, it was a gritted teeth.

Every girl is said to be fat, that is unbearable, unless the girl doesn't care about her appearance.

But so far, she seems to have never seen any girl who doesn't love beauty. These days, boys love beauty to the same degree as girls.

People collectively call it a word, called Sao Bao.

"Hehe, not heavy, not heavy, not heavy at all." Li Shuo quickly compromised and looked at Mi Xiaoxiao with an expression of your winning, making her dumbfounded.

"Come on! Let's go find someone soon! After a long delay, I'm afraid he will be in danger."

Sangwu was obviously someone who would not be polite to Tamo. If Tamo was really attacked by Sangwu, then, at this moment, I am afraid that it is not safe to go.

I have to say that Mi Xiaoxiao's feeling is accurate.

At this time, in a dark and damp cave, a man, covered in blood, was hung in the center of the cave.

The sturdy vine wrists tightly bound his hands and feet, and deep red marks were drawn on them, fresh blood, winding down from the place where the arms were tied...

‘Tick! Tick! ’One drop or two, those blood drops on the ground, forming a low blood puddle.

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