Primitive Animal World: Beast Husband, Really Stunning

Chapter 287: The feeling of distress spreads throughout the body

In short, in one sentence, the sooner you find Xiaoxiao, the better.

When Xiaoxiao is alone outside, they won't worry about it. Only by staying around and watching all the time will they feel at ease. After all, their Xiaoxiao is very good.

"She..., of course she is in her own home now." Shan Chen straightened his chest and said naturally.

It should be normal in your own home, right? Presumably they would not doubt anything.

But the facts are often somewhat different from what he thought.

"Oh, in this case, as a former partner of the Canglang tribe, we are also getting along well with your leader. Shouldn't we go to visit at this moment?"

Jin Xuan's smile was harmless, and the words spit out from his mouth were so eloquent that people couldn't refute it.

"..." What should he say? What can you say?

But to be honest, since the former partnerships are all former partnerships, what about their tribe’s business is their wool business?

Are these two people going to fight him to the end? Don't give up if you don't achieve your goal? Is this really necessary?

Have it? That Shanchen called someone who wanted to cry without tears, and was aggrieved in his heart.

"Mi Xiaoxiao, I found it." Li Shuo's face was dark, and he cast a glance at Shan Chen, who was hesitant to understand, and then took the initiative to confess.

"Where is Xiaoxiao?" Just that simple six words aroused the hearts of Shi Nuo and Jin Xuanjiu Jing, rippling layers of ripples.

Anxious to find Mi Xiaoxiao's whereabouts, the two asked in unison x Mi Xiaoxiao's current whereabouts.

" the Zili tribe, which is more than half a day away from here." After receiving his own leader's eyes, Shan Chen had to say that even if he didn't want to say it again, he had to say it because of his majesty.

It's just that if he didn't hurry back to spread the message, he wouldn't necessarily come back in a long time.

"Li Shuo, let's say goodbye first." Jin Xuan Shi Nuo glanced at each other, nodded and said to Li Shuo above.

Now that they have found Xiaoxiao's whereabouts, they immediately set off, and they can't wait for the least bit of time. I wonder if Xiaoxiao has been alone for so long?

They couldn't imagine how Xiaoxiao, who wouldn't turn into a beast's form, had no good eyesight at night, had come alive in the past two months.

For a time, the two big men felt sad and distressed in their hearts, spreading to the whole body, and could not go away for a long time.

"I'll go with you." Li Shuo regained his expression, glanced lightly at Shan Chen who was standing on the side trembling, and said to the two who were about to set off to find Mi Xiaoxiao.

"..., let's go." Jin Xuan stared at Li Shuo for a few seconds, and then nodded without embarrassing him.


In the middle of the night, the moon hung in the sky unreservedly shone the silver-white light into the cave where Mi Xiaoxiao was resting.

I don't know if that leader wanted to please the Canglang tribe or did it unintentionally. In short, the entire tribe, only the stone cave where Mi Xiaoxiao lives, has a small opening, which acts like a window.

The silver-white light radiated softly on Mi Xiaoxiao's body, and her white skin became more delicate and crystal clear under the moonlight.

The pink cherry lips opened slightly, breathing in the fresh air bit by bit, and the delicate and dripping pale pink lips made people couldn’t help stepping forward to take a closer look.

The well-corrected figure was covered by the wide and warm animal skin, which was tightly covered and airtight.

In the autumn night, it is inevitable that it will be a little bit cold, so that Mi Xiaoxiao shrunk into a small ball, like this, not afraid of the severe cold.

The three of Shi Nuo sneaked into the Zili tribe quietly, their skills were lightning fast, and none of the orcs standing guard found that their tribe had already sneaked into the ‘lawless elements’.

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