Primitive Animal World: Beast Husband, Really Stunning

Chapter 260: Our new leader, the emperor.

"Ah!!! Please, please! You, let me go! I won't dare anymore!" The man's hand, because of the pain, grabbed the soil under his palm, making it form a five Claw-shaped traces.

"Impossible." Tamo walked over, helped Mi Xiaoxiao, then moved another stone that looked flatter from the side, and carefully helped her sit down again.

"Huh~, thank you." Mi Xiaoxiao breathed a sigh of relief. Sitting like this makes him feel much more comfortable. It's just that Zuo Nong did it again because of the foot injury. I don't know when it will be completely healed.

Obviously it's going to be better, but there will always be some minor problems, and then her injury will return to the pre-liberation period again, it is really sad!

"Tamer, brother, I am also forced to help! I have no grievances with you, and I don't want to come and kill you, am I not? These are all orders from our leader, and we can't help but listen."

Seeing Tamo walking towards him again, the man immediately waved at him in a panic. The intact leg was also desperately pulling his body back.

"Boss? Pal?" Could it be that he really wanted to kill him? But for what? All he has is the freedom he wants but cannot get.

He really couldn't think of other things. If what happened in the past two days was really done by Pal, then he won't be merciful when the time comes.

"Yes! That's Pal, he wants us to come and kill you." The man glanced at Tamer, then pointed to him excitedly.

"Reason?" Tamo's foot stepped on his other knee again, exerting a slight force, with moderate intensity control.

Although it can make him feel pain, it will not be crushed.

"This, this Pal matter, I... how do I know! Pain! Pain! Be merciful under your feet!" The man hesitated, his eyes a little erratic.

"The look in your eyes tells me that you are lying." Mi Xiaoxiao dropped the pebble on her hand and looked at the man lying on the ground, unable to move more interestingly.

The eyes are so guilty, it's really not suitable for lying, it's strange that it won't be dismantled.

"Kacha!" The clear sound of broken bones sounded in the air, accompanied by the man's heartbreaking shouts and begging for mercy.

"Next, it's your turn." Tamo kicked away the man's two dead legs, raised his foot, and stepped on the thick arm.

"No! No, let me tell you the truth!" The man pulled Tamo's foot with his hands in horror, and finally defeated.

"Well, that, the leader of our tribe, it's long ago that Pal is not the guy, so it's not Pal that sent us this time." The man looked at Tamer and said with a wink.

"Not Pal?" Isn't the leader of the Shimi tribe always the guy Pal? Besides, how could he not know anything about the big issue of changing the leader?

"Yes! Yes! Yes, it is our new leader, the emperor." The man wanted to cry without tears. This man was terrible, terrible.

"Heh~, is it the emperor?" Tamo's foot changed a place, and he stepped directly on the man's neck, giving him a happy one.

"Don't you ask more about other things?" Mi Xiaoxiao clapped her hands, knocked out the dust on it, and looked at Tamo thoughtfully.

In the end, Ta Mo directly gave that guy a happy one, and the question he asked was not about who was going to kill them.

It's who is the leader of their Shimi tribe. As for the Pal in his mouth, he should have a very shallow relationship with him, and he seems to be quite concerned.

"Let's go, I'll take you home." Tamo shook his head, some answers were unreasonable, and then he picked up Mi Xiaoxiao and walked into the cave.

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