Primitive Animal World: Beast Husband, Really Stunning

Chapter 254: You are handsome, and everything is right!

"As for what happened after this, you also know about it. I was tricked by someone. When the water was rising, I was pushed into the river, and then I was extremely lucky to climb onto the shore.

Finally, I was saved by you! Therefore, I also want to rush back to the Taer tribe as soon as possible to find the person who pushed me, and then..." Mi Xiaoxiao said here and stopped deliberately.

Speaking of this, she really feels that she is lucky enough to be able to survive in such a turbulent river. Will she use up all her luck in her life?

"Then revenge?" Tamo's meat-cutting hand paused, turning his head to look at Mi Xiaoxiao, the expression in his eyes erratic.

"What do you think?" When Mi Xiaoxiao reached for her to leave, she put the clothes on the bedside and fiddled with her.

The dress was scratching in the river water. There was a hole in the left shoulder and several places in the right pocket of the hem.

In other places, it was fine, but it was still a little scratchy, which made the clothes that looked good before became much rougher.

Fortunately, there are few places where it is broken, so it can still be used with those animal skins, but it may be a little nondescript.

"It's not easy to make up, so don't make up. I happen to have extra animal skins. I'll just make one more at the time." Tamo carefully skewered the cut pieces of meat onto wooden sticks.

"Really?" Mi Xiaoxiao looked at the few animal skins in the corner with some uncertainty. Is this... superfluous?

Today, those guys came into this cave, but they were not welcome, and they not only took care of the rest of their food.

And he unceremoniously took away more than half of those animal skins, so that now, there are only a few pieces of animal skins in that corner.

"I said there is something redundant, then there is something redundant." Tamo also looked at the corner afterwards and said stiffly.

The hides taken by those people today, he only cared about Mi Xiaoxiao at the time, but forgot the hides.

But it is estimated that by tomorrow morning, the dew will be taken up, and it may not be easy to use.

"Okay, you are handsome, and everything is right." Mi Xiaoxiao was really defeated by his arrogant, should you be so stubborn? Just tell her if you are good to her!

"What does it mean to be handsome?" Ta Mo stopped his movements and looked at Mi Xiaoxiao suspiciously.

"Handsome..., the simple thing is to praise you for your good-looking." Well, it seems that there are some language differences between here and modern times, even Shuai doesn't know.

"I'm a fox, of course I look good." Tamo didn't feel ashamed this time, and, as I heard it, this guy was quite proud.

"Are the foxes all beautiful men?" Mi Xiaoxiao looked at Tamo with bright eyes. The beautiful men are the most eye-catching.

"Just your body, don't think about it. Our fox family's vision is very high." Ta Mo looked at Mi Xiaoxiao and shook his head solemnly.

"..." Mi Xiaoxiao glared at a certain man, is she as bad as he said?

Although her figure is not as good as those international supermodels, she is still considered to be a good figure. How can she say that she has a d without e!

"Let's eat! Rest early after eating, the foot injury still needs to be taken care of." If it weren't for today's incident, her foot injury would not be as serious as it is now.

"You are good at craftsmanship. By the way, you brought water today. I definitely didn't bring it back. Can you bring some back tomorrow?" Even if you brought it today, you might have lost it while saving her.

She didn't see any water he brought back anyway, but the salt was still indispensable, and the smell of animal blood was so fishy that she couldn't accept it.

"Here you are." Tamo put down the meat in his hand, and then took out a small wooden stake from behind him. The stake was also covered with something like a lid.

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